I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 617 - Elder Thing’s Technology

The golden sphere had a science fiction aura to it. It was covered in strange runes that shimmered. Everyone present couldn't help but focus intently on the sphere for a moment before reluctantly tearing their gaze away.

“Becker, what is this thing?”

The German Chancellor spoke with a heavy voice.

“I apologize, Your Excellency! I also don’t know what this thing is.”

Becker shook his head.

No one in the room had any doubts either. This thing didn't look like it was from Earth. It was understandable that Major Becker wouldn't know what it was.

"Did you find this in the Elder Thing's spaceship?"

The German Chancellor inquired once more.

"Yes, Your Excellency! That spaceship was in very poor condition. According to what the Elder Thing we encountered in the city that resembled Atlantis said, that ship is at least two billion years old."

With these words, Major Becker gestured toward the large screen. A staff member quickly operated the controls and retrieved a video from the memory cards that many expedition members had turned in earlier.

The staff member didn't carefully select the video, instead randomly selecting clips like they were watching an adult movie, allowing the world leaders present to see glimpses of the scenery beneath Antarctica from the footage.

The submerged city, surrounded by water despite being located under Antarctica, the mysterious city with enormous temples resembling Greek architecture, the imprisoned fire giant Surtur inside the temple, and the things the Elder Thing had said to the team inside the temple—all of these scenes captured the audience's attention.

This wasn't a Hollywood science fiction movie made from CG. Everything had actually taken place beneath Antarctica, and it told the story of this planet's ancient mysteries.

"It's such a beautiful city."

“So that’s the sealed fire giant.”

“The Elder Thing is clearly trying to lead everyone into the spaceship.”

"I wonder if these things beneath Antarctica are still there and if we can organize another expedition to explore."


The audience was abuzz with discussions.

“Everyone, please calm down.”

Everyone present was a national leader with high standing. Ultimately, it was the leaders of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council who had to speak in order to quell the chaotic scene.

The leader of the People's Republic of China gestured for the presentation to continue, and the footage on the screen quickly advanced, reaching the part where the expedition members entered the spaceship of the Elder Thing. Since the team members were equipped with cutting-edge military gear, the recorded video was of extremely high quality.

Then came the chanting of the dread Cthulhu summoning ritual. Even hearing the recorded sound sent shivers down people's spines, increased the pace of their heartbeats, and caused a few to sweat. The staff member wisely muted the sound, allowing everyone to catch their breath.

After that, they watched the Antarctic expedition's escape from the entity known as Shoggoth and Major Becker's retrieval of the golden sphere from a display pedestal inside the spaceship.

"This spaceship does look extremely worn, but if it's genuinely two billion years old, its materials must have an incredibly advanced technology. It's worth noting that all of humankind's creations disappeared without a trace in hundreds of thousands of years. But this spaceship has lasted for two billion years and still retains its basic structure."

"Our biggest roadblock in Earth's technological development right now is materials science. If we can study the materials used in this spaceship, it could lead to a revolutionary advancement in technology."

"Do any of you have fragments of this ship's hull? I saw that when you were fleeing from that creature called Shoggoth, it collided with the ship. Did any of you happen to take some fragments?"

An expert with a keen interest in materials science directed a piercing gaze at the members of the Antarctic expedition. Even the world leaders had a twinkle in their eyes as they watched.

Materials science is currently the biggest obstacle to Earth's technological progress. Being able to solve the material problem would allow humans to create many things that presently only exist in science fiction films.

The theory had actually been established for a while, but the problem lies in people’s inability to manufacture these materials. This was especially critical when it comes to research related to weapons and space.

The members of the Antarctic scientific expedition exchanged glances. They all wore wry smiles. When they were fleeing for their lives, who would have thought to grab a souvenir? Especially given that the members of the expedition were mostly experts in folklore and mythology, not scientists.

Seeing these people’s faces, the world leaders wore disappointed expressions.

"I propose that we need to organize another expedition to explore the underground of Antarctica. This spaceship of the Elder Thing is crucial for us."

“I seconded!”



In no time, a decision was reached.

They temporarily set aside the issue at hand, and the world's attention once again focused on the mysterious golden sphere.

A scientist in a hazmat suit stepped forward and received the strange sphere from Major Becker. While it appeared that Mejor Becker had held the sphere without issue, taking extra precautions couldn't hurt.

This scientist examined the strange sphere for some time, but it showed no reaction.

At this point, the President of the United States said, "…I think we shouldn't study this here. What if it's a bomb? It might blow us all up. We in the United States have the world's most advanced research equipment and the best research facilities. I suggest that we leave this thing in the United States and study it there."

"I disagree!"

“I also refuse!”

"This is a treasure for all of humanity. How can you just keep it in the United States?"


Suddenly, the entire United Nations assembly descended into chaos. The U.S. President seemed to be determined to keep this item in the United States, and while others knew the U.S. would likely share research findings, they believed the gold sphere was far more important.

Amid the noise and commotion, the lights in the United Nations hall started flickering.

The room was plunged into darkness, leading to screams and shouts. Security forces quickly equipped night vision devices, suspecting that terrorists might have infiltrated the premises.

In the next moment, the dark hall was illuminated again. Everyone was astonished as tiny electrical currents emerged from all around the building's dome. They converged onto the golden sphere. Subsequently, the mysterious sphere displayed three-dimensional holographic images, interspersed with enigmatic symbols. After a brief arrangement, these symbols suddenly entered the scientist's brain which was holding the sphere.

The scientist's body trembled uncontrollably, even though he was wearing a biohazard suit, and the soldiers aimed their weapons at him in case he experienced some sort of biological mutation.

After a few seconds, the scientist regained his composure. He first gazed around in bewilderment, then he exclaimed, "There's ancient knowledge from the ancient civilization inside this sphere!"

Upon hearing this, the people in the room became alert, and someone immediately asked, "What is the content inside?"


The scientist proceeded to share the information he had received from the sphere with the world leaders.


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