I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 608 - God of Thunder

“You have just escaped from your seal, Surtur. You are still weak. Watch how I will seal you once more!”

“No, you are not my match, ODIN!!!”

The fire giant and the Allfather shouted at each other. Just a shout from the two gods caused world-altering changes.

As Odin shouted, the light snow in the Antarctic turned into a powerful blizzard, and Surtur’s roar of fury caused the ground to erupt with volcanic flames. The cold frost and the burning flames collided with each other, causing chaos in the entire Antarctic.

This was no Hollywood special effects; it was an actual clash between gods, causing astonishing physical phenomena. People could hardly imagine, let alone replicate these effects with modern technology. The Antarctic spectacle was a breathtaking sight.

Surtur’s kilometer-tall body collided with Odin’s ten-meter-tall body. Everytime the the Flaming Sword and the Eternal Spear collided the Antarctic continent crumbled. Glaciers cracked open, snow melted, the sky collapsed, and the earth ruptured. It resembled a global catastrophe.

If such destruction were to occur on the Antarctic continent, it would disrupt the Earth's ecological balance and potentially lead to unpredictable changes in global temperatures, making it uninhabitable for humans. However, the incredible thing was that, no matter how much the Antarctic continent was destroyed, Odin's runic magic immediately repaired it, and this divine war didn't affect the rest of the Earth.

Surtur and Odin seemed to be having a blast in their battle. Yet, all around the world, humans were watching the live broadcast of this divine battle with fear and trembling. They were afraid that a mistake in Odin's runic magic might prevent the restoration of the Antarctic continent, leading to the potential collapse of civilization in the next moment.

Some individuals, driven by endless fear, became a bit crazy, believing that the apocalypse had arrived. They even resorted to criminal activities on the streets. However, governments worldwide have anticipated this situation and have increased security measures in many areas. Moreover, the fact that the majority of humans now believed in gods meant that most troublemakers were quickly apprehended.

Surtur, in his war against Odin, was retreating step by step, feeling almost powerless against the god's might. He could only barely hold his ground thanks to the power of the flaming sword.

While satellites could capture images of the Antarctic, they couldn't pick up any sound. Observing this rare divine battle via live broadcast, some astute and whimsical internet users noticed that it appeared as though Surtur was conversing with Odin in the footage. These users immediately started analyzing the situation.

"Based on mythological records, Odin, the great god, shouldn't be Surtur's match. Odin was supposed to have perished at the hands of Fenrir. Yet, it's clear that Surtur is more powerful than Fenrir. Especially in the final days of the gods, it was Surtur who set the world ablaze with his magic sword, incinerating Yggdrasil. However, in this situation, Surtur seems like a complete pushover in front of Odin."

"You're talking about human-made myths. In those tales, Odin was dead. Look at the present - the gods are still lively. Who knows, Odin might be stronger than Surtur!"

"Wow, you're actually cursing Odin to die. That's blasphemy!"

“You are quite gutsy!”

"I apologize, I take it back!"

The netizens readily backtracked on their words; they knew such statements weren't to be made lightly. Unlike in the past when one could hurl words recklessly across the internet without fearing a physical threat, these keyboard warriors understood that in a world where real gods existed, the consequences of blaspheming against them were uncertain.

In the past, people often made oaths and jokes in the name of the gods. But with the revelation of mysteries and magic, as well as the confirmed existence of deities, such behavior had become increasingly rare.

No one knew the extent of the gods' tolerance.

"According to various sources on the internet, there doesn't seem to be any record of the Surtur appearing before. Could it be that Surtur has always been in the Antarctic, perhaps sealed in some location on the continent? Surtur may be far weaker than Odin due to his recent revival."

"Just like when Typhon suddenly appeared in the Pacific?"

“Right, exactly like that.”

"But Surtur's power seems much greater than Typhon's. According to Greek mythology, Typhon pursued and attacked the gods of Olympus. Could it be that Norse mythology's gods are stronger than Greek mythology's gods?"

"We can't say for sure."

"I'm Zeus, currently sealed in the Aegean Sea, urgently in need of $10,000 to resurrect. After I'm back, I'll give a girl to each of you!"

"Quite audacious, joking about gods."


In the Antarctic, Surtur was steadily losing ground in his battle against Odin, feeling almost powerless. He could barely hold his own thanks to the might of his sword.

The combat between the Valkyries and the Muspelheim's giants had its share of victories and defeats. Now and then, the giants were cut down by the Valkyries and turned into magma, disappearing in the process. Conversely, the Valkyries were occasionally caught by the giants and incinerated to ashes.

However, unlike typical human deaths, when the Valkyries perished, they didn't leave behind corpses. Instead, they transformed into streams of light, ascending high into the sky. It seemed as if their souls were returning to the Hall of Heroes.

"Ah, no, no! The Valkyries are being killed! Curse those vile giants!"

"Bring my 3D maneuver gear! Today, I'll offer my heart to the Valkyrie ladies!"

"Count me in!"

"Today, I, the most powerful human, will step into the fray!"

"Are you sure you're not going bald?"

"These Valkyrie ladies are so dashing; they've got me so excited I can't sit still!"

"Screaming! Down with the men; I want to date these handsome Valkyrie ladies. I want them to marry me!"

"But, wait... the Valkyries don't seem to be dead. It looks like they're ascending?"


"Oh my, I'm terrified. My home area was perfectly clear just a moment ago, but suddenly, thunder and lightning struck! Is this man-made thunder? Why hasn't it stopped? Is it because of the massive battle down in Antarctica?"

"Could there be an immortal going through an ascension on the rooftop of your building?"

"No, wait, there's thunder and lightning outside my home too! It's huge! Which blasphemous person got struck by lightning?!"

At that very moment, the entire world was engulfed in astonishment. While Earth is round in shape, there was an unending outburst of lightning, transforming from something small into something massive. These lightning bolts slashed through the sky, covering the entire planet. The deafening roars of thunder shook the heavens and the earth. Countless bolts of lightning seemed to strike from the distant horizon, and the whole world was immersed in the radiance of the lightning.

Simultaneously, a rainbow reappeared from the far reaches of the cosmos, piercing through the entire planet.

At that moment, many people's minds were filled with one name - the Thunder God, Thor!

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