I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 595 - The Descent of Myth

In the Antarctic continent, a deadly chase continued. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Shoggoths emerged on the icy surface, emitting nauseating, ear-piercing screeches. They crawled on the ground, using their slippery, tentacle-like limbs to rapidly pursue the snowmobile ahead.

In the sky, over twenty American fighter jets circled and soared. Whenever they spotted a Shoggoth getting too close to the snowmobile, a surface-to-surface missile would be released from the aircraft, creating a massive explosion on the Antarctic continent. Alongside it, the agonizing cries of the Shoggoths could be heard.

However, while human weapons could kill Shoggoths, their resilience was astonishing. It would take two to three surface-to-surface missiles to kill just one Shoggoth. Now, with the Antarctic continent swarming with Shoggoths, the twenty or so fighter jets could only buy time for the people on the snowmobile.

Soon, the fighter jets had run out of missiles to shoot. The pilots could only regretfully leave and return to base.

At this time, the snowmobile was less than three kilometers away from the research station.

Behind the snowmobile, a large number of Shoggoths continued to pursue. At this rate, it seemed that the snowmobile would be caught by the Shoggoths just as it was about to reach the research station.

The people on the snowmobile were in despair. Hope was clearly in front of them, but it was cut short. Anyone would go crazy in this situation.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed across the sky, and another missile descended from near-Earth orbit, exploding amidst the Shoggoths. A massive fireball erupted into the sky, making it the largest explosion to date on the Antarctic continent.

“What’s going on? Could it be that there are still fighter jets in the air?”

The people on the snowmobile shouted excitedly.

The Major, who was still receiving external information, took a deep breath and said, "The United States' nuclear submarine fleet, currently patrolling the Pacific Ocean, launched an intercontinental missile. Fortunately, they made precise calculations, factoring in our vehicle's speed, the chasing speed of the Shoggoths, and the missile's flight speed. That's how it didn't hit us and helped us stop these monsters!"

“Long live America!”

At this moment, regardless of nationality, everyone cheered sincerely.

Among all the major powers in the world today, only the United States had the capability to maintain hundreds of military bases worldwide, had nuclear submarines patrolling all four oceans, and carrier fleets roaming the world, with the ability to strike globally at any time. Even China, which is catching up rapidly, still has a long way to go to reach the level of the United States.

Though it may sound despairing, this was the reality of things. Even the closest rival to the United States, China, would need at least another twenty or thirty years of development to achieve the level the United States is at now.

With the help of this expensive intercontinental missile, the people in the snowmobile managed to crash through the iron gate and arrive at the Antarctic research station. By this time, the research station was empty, and there was only one plane parked alone on the research station's airstrip.

“Everyone hurry up! We are going to fly away quickly!”

Without waiting for the Major’s orders, as the snowmobile stopped next to the airplane, everyone quickly climbed the ladder and took their seats on the plane. A fighter jet pilot who had stayed behind in the logistics area took the pilot's seat without concern for whether the people in the plane had fastened their seatbelts and started the plane.

From the previous chase, it was evident that the Shoggoths did not possess the ability to fly. Although they were resilient and had hideous appearances that could disgust anyone, if these monsters were to enter human cities, it would undoubtedly lead to a horrifying massacre. However, in the desolate world of Antarctica, human weapons had the capability to easily eliminate these Shoggoths.

Just because humans could not defeat Typhon and could not stop a meteor, it did not mean it couldn’t beat these monster Shoggoths!

Everyone thought the same.


“We’re going to live!!”


“Thank God!!”

“Allahu Akbar!!”


As the Shoggoths surged into the base, the plane finally took off. The aircraft circled in the sky, watching the intelligent but frustrated Shoggoth army below. Everyone on board let out a sigh of relief and cheers of surviving against all odds.

The previous desperate escape was undoubtedly on par with Hollywood movie standards, but these people surviving was purely a matter of luck. They didn't possess the kind of resilience that movie protagonists have, enduring countless heavy blows and falls from cliffs without dying. In this life-and-death escape, at least half of the Antarctic research team that ventured into the underground perished!

Just as the plane took off from Antarctica, heading towards South America and planning to transfer to flights back to their respective countries, the jubilant voices of those on board gradually diminished.

In the Pacific Ocean, north of Antarctica, a horrifying figure emerged. It was a colossal octopus-like creature, with a humanoid body and bat-like wings on its back. Standing at a towering kilometer in height, it obscured the sky. The frigid Antarctic winds coiled around it, adding an eerie aura to this mysterious and terrifying deity-like being.


“The Ruler of R’lyeh

The crowd exclaimed in shock. Those present were individuals with access to top-secret documents and were aware of the events related to the Pacific cruise that the United States had already made public. Naturally, they recognized the towering figure below, the legendary ancient ruler, the evil god Cthulhu!

Perhaps this was only Cthulhu's shadow, not its proper form, as its full manifestation could lead to Earth's destruction. Nevertheless, the appearance of any aspect of this evil god was a dire omen.

"Could it be that the ritual the deep ones were conducting in the underground of Antarctica was meant to summon Cthulhu? Why would they do such a thing?!" the Major pondered as he peered out the airplane window. However, the sight of the evil god filled him with madness, and he quickly averted his gaze.

The mere sight of Cthulhu's shadow was terrifying enough. If the actual Cthulhu were to appear, it was likely that just one glimpse of it would cause instant death for humans. Although, with some luck, some might become artists of madness at a level beyond comprehension.

The mere sight of Cthulhu's shadow was terrifying enough. If the actual Cthulhu were to appear, it was likely that just one glimpse of it would cause instant death for humans. Although, with some luck, some might become artists of madness at a level beyond comprehension.

"Lala, Cthulhu fhtagn!! Lala, Cthulhu fhtagn!!" The chants of the deep ones echoed again in Antarctica.

While the world's governments were in a state of panic over Cthulhu's appearance in Antarctica, and as numerous satellites in Earth's orbit turned their lenses toward the scene, a massive earthquake rocked the Antarctic continent. Subsequently, the ice sheet beneath Antarctica cracked open, revealing a fissure that extended for hundreds of miles. Out of this fissure, red flames and molten magma surged forth from beneath Antarctica!

"Ohhhhhhhh!! Outer god, the evil god from beyond the stars, I shall sever you just like those Aesir gods!!"


The earth quaked, magma flowed, and flames billowed as a colossal figure rose from beneath Antarctica. This towering figure, standing at a kilometer in height, was ablaze with flames. It possessed twin horns and resembled the legendary demons of hell. As it emerged, the colossal being reached into the magma beneath its feet and drew forth a colossal sword of flames, measuring a kilometer in length!

"This giant is the same one that was within the Antarctic ice pillar! It's even larger now!"

"The giant responsible for Ragnarok in Norse mythology!"

"Could that sword be the invincible world-cutting flame sword, the end-of-days sword, Laevateinn, from Norse mythology?!"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone was in shock. One of the instigators of Ragnarok, the legendary fire giant, was confronting Cthulhu, one of the most famous evil gods in Cthulhu mythology. It was as if mythology itself was coming to life before their eyes!

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