Early the next morning, Xu Lin, who had only slept for 4 hours, got out of bed, ready to exercise. Despite being on vacation, he felt the need to stay committed.

Late nights and holidays were not excuses for him to skip exercise. Many people wished they had the time to work out, so he valued the opportunity.

His fitness had already reached 4.3 after just 4 or 5 days of training. Now, he aimed to reach the normal level for an adult man.

As he left, the elderly residents in the neighbourhood greeted him. Although he initially didn’t know many of them, this routine brought him into contact with a group of seniors.

“Aren’t you going to school today?”

“Yeah, where is Mr. Qin headed?”

“I’m going to buy some groceries.”

“Do we have a market around here?”

“No, it’s still the one to the north, but I’m just taking a stroll and picking up a few things.”

“Oh, then I’ll go ahead.”

“Take it easy and stay safe.”

“Sure thing.”

Xu Lin left the neighbourhood, planning to run to the southern park and back. However, realising the shortage of groceries at home and having never cooked for his parents before, he changed his direction towards the northern market.

Although Linshui was a small city, its residents placed great importance on a good breakfast, considering it more crucial than lunch and dinner. The breakfast industry thrived, offering a variety of choices.

Not having run far, Xu Lin felt hungry. He noticed a sign that only read “You Tiao Dou Jiang” (Fried Dough Sticks and Soy Milk) without any other name. His pace slowed.

It wasn’t that he suddenly craved fried dough sticks; rather, he saw a young girl standing under the sign, patiently waiting, looking out of place in the surroundings.

Approaching slowly, even before reaching her, he heard an aunt in line behind him say, “Young man, wait in line!”

“I’m not here to buy something; I’m looking for my girlfriend,” Xu Lin said straightforwardly. The person in front turned around.

A pair of beautiful, clear eyes met his, and the other person’s face immediately turned red. Several people around him also glanced over, making him a bit embarrassed.

“Xu Lin, are you saying weird things again?”

“Hey, hey, Class Monitor Ji, when have I ever said anything weird? Where’s that coming from?”

“…” Ji Yun glared at him and turned her head away.

“Why did you wake up so early today?”

“My parents have some things to attend to in our hometown. They have a 7:30 am train this morning, and I couldn’t let them go without eating anything.”

“I didn’t expect our family’s Ji Yun to be so sensible.”

“Who’s your family’s Ji Yun? You’re saying weird things again. Xu Lin, I need to talk to your parents!” Ji Yun glared at him again.

“Sure, sure, is this considered meeting the parents? Let’s get engaged and married right after high school graduation.”

“…” Ji-Yun took a deep breath. She felt like she had underestimated Xu Lin’s changes; he was getting bolder.

“Oh, by the way, have the exam results come out?”

“No, the papers are just being graded this morning.”

“Well,Class Monitor Ji, how do you feel about your performance this time?”

“Just normal. But, Xu Lin, even if you make it to the top 50, don’t take it lightly. Sometimes, one point can be the difference between several ranks or even hundreds.”

“I know. Class Monitor, which university do you want to apply to?”

“As an ordinary student, everyone wishes for prestigious universities like Tsinghua and Peking. But let’s not talk about whether I can get in or not. Personally, I want to find a university I like, preferably close to home.”

“Close to home?”

“Yeah, because I’ve been studying hard since I was a child, mainly to make my parents happy. It may sound a bit selfish, but that’s the truth. I don’t really love studying that much.”

“But when I saw the smiles on their faces because of my good exam results, I felt that my efforts were worthwhile.”

“Of course, now I also understand that studying is for oneself, as parents say. After all, getting good grades, entering a good university, and having a good job are ways to earn more money and live a better life.”

“But it’s just to see their smiles. Of course, Xu Lin, I’m also an ordinary person; going to a good university naturally means earning more money. However, parents are more important than all of that.”

“Well, Ji Yun, you and her are quite similar.”

“Who?” Ji Yun’s eyebrows twitched for a moment. “Is it… your girlfriend?”

“When did I get a girlfriend?”

“Didn’t someone say you’re pursuing a senior?”

“Cough, cough!” Xu Lin cleared his throat suddenly, surprised that she caught on to it.

“It’s her, but I’m just helping her. I’ll tell you the details after you finish buying food.”

Ji Yun finished buying fried dough sticks and soy milk. Xu Lin briefly explained Bai Xiaoxiao’s situation at home, and Ji Yun’s expression turned serious.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have joked about the senior. She’s more outstanding than me.”

“No, she’s just working hard for her own dreams.”

“Well, help her as much as you can. I’m powerless in this matter, and I don’t have any pocket money. In terms of academics, she’s even better than me.”

“True, I’m just trying my best now. By the way, are your parents out? Is there no one at your house today?”

“Yeah.” Ji Yun nodded but immediately became cautious, taking a step back. “Xu Lin, we’re not a couple; you can’t do anything.”

“Class Monitor Ji, I haven’t said anything yet.”

“Stop talking. I’m going home! They should be getting ready by now.”

“I mean, come to my place for dinner today. You have to cook for yourself at lunch, so why not eat together?”

“Is that okay?” Ji Yun suddenly felt her heartbeat speed up. Would it really be like meeting the parents, as he mentioned?

“Sure, remember not to bring anything. I’ll cook myself. I’ll go buy groceries now.”


“Go back, so the food doesn’t get cold.”

“You haven’t eaten anything, right? Have something.”

“No, I’m leaving now.” After saying that, he ran straight north.

Ji Yun, standing still, was stunned for two seconds before realising, “Did he just say he’d cook himself? It can’t be dark cuisine, right? Maybe I should bring some food just in case.”

After running for several tens of minutes, Xu Lin, taking breaks along the way, reached the entrance of the market. At 7 in the morning, the market was packed!

But even so, he had to endure the crowd. Since he had already come, going back home or to the supermarket would mean spending more money.

Before his rebirth, he never thought about being thrifty. However, after witnessing the contrast between Chu Qingchan’s 230,000 yuan card and families like Bai Xiaoxiao’s, he understood the weight of life.

Not to mention there were families even worse off than Bai Xiaoxiao’s, yet they still strived to live.

It wasn’t just about the amount of money; it was about attitude. Of course, with money, he still wanted his family to enjoy the best, but he couldn’t afford to waste money.

Entering the vegetable market, the smell of the earth hit him faster than the fishy odor. He headed straight for the pork section, knowing that he needed pork for the dishes he planned to make today.

Passing by the fish stalls, he glanced at the carp, which looked plump. He thought about buying two, but he wasn’t sure what to cook with them.

Just then, he heard a sound, and a fish leaped out of a bag. He quickly grabbed it, holding onto its gills.

“Young man, put it back in the bag.”

A middle-aged woman hurried over and opened the bag. He promptly placed the fish back in.

“Thank you, young man.”

“No problem.”

Xu Lin waved his hand, taking a glance at the woman wearing round glasses. Although not slim, her face appeared well-maintained, giving him a sense of familiarity.

“There’s some blood on your hands. Boss, let him use your tap to wash up,” the woman called out.

“Sure, young man, wash your hands. We have laundry detergent and disinfectant.”

“Thanks, Uncle.” Xu Lin didn’t refuse; after all, he couldn’t continue shopping with fishy hands.

After washing his hands, he abandoned the idea of buying fish and decided to get some shrimp. But when he turned around, the middle-aged woman hadn’t left yet.

“Auntie? Is there anything else?”

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