Turning away, Xu Lin found himself contemplating some thoughts, but his top priority now was exams!

Due to the compressed exam schedule, he had to face English, history, and geography exams that morning. Once again, he purchased several intelligence-boosting cards to instantly sharpen his mind. The study materials flooded back into his thoughts.

“Phew. Old man, don’t be too surprised.”

Exams stretched from 7:30 a.m. to noon, with a one-hour break for lunch. In the afternoon, the exams resumed with mathematics and political science. Tomorrow morning, Chinese will be followed by a comprehensive paper covering physics, chemistry, and biology. Although divided into arts and sciences, there was still an integrated exam.

It seemed that in a few years, according to Xu Lin’s memory, they would eliminate the distinction between arts and sciences. However, he had already graduated by then and had no idea how things had evolved.

At 6:00 PM, amid the hustle and bustle, students poured out of the exam rooms, wearing expressions of fatigue. Exams were, in fact, considered relatively easy compared to regular classes. Yet, for those aiming for good grades, the pressure was significant, not to mention those who were nervous about a particular exam.

However, Xu Lin had always found exams easier than regular classes, and with thorough preparation this time, he felt even more at ease.

“How do you think you did today?”

With a crew cut, Hei Yuanliang draped an arm over Xu Lin’s shoulder, carrying a backpack and wearing a somewhat disapproving expression.

“How did it go?”

“It’s alright.”

“Usually, ‘alright’ means good grades. I felt math was a bit tough.”

“By the way, do you know that black girl?”

“Black girl. You mean the one in senior year.”

“I saw her when I went to my grandma’s house last time. She seems to be renting a place near Zhuxiang. Her family conditions don’t seem too good.”

“Yeah, and what else?”

“Are you interested? You’re not really thinking of pursuing that black girl, right? So thin, not too fair, not that good-looking.”

“Hey, hey, why are you all thinking in the wrong direction? You truly are teenagers in puberty. I just thought she always carried so much stuff, sometimes even in the morning. So I suspected that she was being bullied.”

“You’re too kind. Helping Ji Yun was one thing, but as a senior, you barely know, and you still want to help.”

It seemed like Hei Yuanliang was getting to know this classmate of his for the first time, finding him overly kind. Typically, he would think of such people as nosy.

But, to be honest, he did have some respect for this kind of person. In the current world, who helps whom? Everyone struggles to look after themselves.

“I don’t know much either. I just know she seems to be from Sichuan. Her mother is a local, but for some reason, the whole family moved back to Linshui.”

“Her mother isn’t in good health, and her father works on construction sites to make a living. The three of them rented a small house; life is indeed quite difficult for them.”


“Isn’t it her?”

Suddenly, Hei Yuanliang stopped, and Xu Lin tiptoed to glance over. She had a heavily faded denim backpack on her back and was walking towards the bicycle shed.

“I’ll go talk to her.”

“But do it within your means.”

“I know.”

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