"You are mine. Always be mine." said Angus.

"I am yours." replied Jayna passionately.

Just as Angus wanted to go further, "Look.. Look… Mommy and Daddy are going mating again. See, Bitty… Daddy and Mommy are always mating all the time."

Anna's childish voice could be heard nearby, but neither Angus nor Jayna could see her appearance and figure.

"Anna?" asked Angus.

"Ahhh… Stupid Bitty. Now, Daddy and Mommy can't see Anna. Anna can't eat Mommy's food again. Huhuhu…" replied Anna.

*SWISHH* Suddenly, Anna appeared near Angus and Jayna while faking her cry.

"Anna. Mommy is here." called Jayna gently while touching Anna's little head.

"Ehh… Mommy can see Anna again? Yay!! Yay!! Mommy, Anna is hungry now." said Anna with a mischievous smile.

'This girl is getting more naughty each day. Still, I never thought White Lucid Bat had such sophisticated camouflage ability.' thought Angus inwardly.

After that, they return to their camp to rest a little bit. Today is the last day they will stay inside Everwhite. It is also the last day for the last batch of people to evacuate the area. After this day, Everwhite will be labeled as a monster habitat and dangerous zone.

At first, King Leon and the others considered making this place similar to a dungeon. After hearing the information about many sub-dimensions and many powerful monsters from Anna's adventure, they decide to label this area as a monster habitat.

Monster habitats and dungeons are similar, but their danger is vastly different. Dungeon's major problem is the monster outbreak if it is left behind without anyone killing the monster. Most of these monsters usually consist of low-grade ones.

A single sixth grade could easily handle such an outbreak. In contrast, monster habitats rarely have monster outbreaks. Without considerable movement, such as monster migration or the birth of monster overlords, the monsters rarely come out. Once it creates a monster outbreak, it will consist of a massive monster tide with various combat powers.

It is even possible for the monster overlord to come out during this monster outbreak. If a monster habitat has an outbreak, it needs a few sixth-grade or even seventh grades to handle it, depending on the situation.

The handling between dungeon and monster habitat is also vastly different. For example, it is forbidden to use large-scale attacks near monster habitats and many other restrictions.

At once, the people obey his order and move forward while Alkin keeps moving. Since King Leon knows about the massive bounty on Angus' head, he decides to increase Angus's protection. He sent one Viscount noble and a few barons to accompany him this time.

This water magician is one of the Viscount that follows Angus, Drew Waterhell. He is one of the rare people with the water elemental affinity in the Heart Kingdom. He is also the father of his former classmate during his academic time, Wylda Waterhell.

Although Angus rarely interacts with Wylda, he is quite familiar with him since he often kills her inside his battle system during his academic days. Therefore, seeing the father of this classmate gives him a weird and awkward feeling.

"Bubble!! It's a big bubble!!" exclaimed Anna excitedly.

"Anna, don't!! It's dangerous." said Jayna while holding the naughty little devil.

With the help of Viscount Waterhell and the other Royal Guard, Angus and the others didn't need to step in the fight with the ambusher. Still, it didn't mean Angus couldn't warn the others about the ambusher in their surroundings.

"Three o'clock. And some in the front." said Angus casually before sitting on the reclining chair.

After living in a cold environment for a long time, Angus and Jayna finally could enjoy the warm temperature and bask in the sun leisurely. As a result, they prefer to stay on the deck enjoying the warmth despite the ambush situation.

"First artillery unit shoot at three O'clock. The second unit is ready to fire to the front. Knights prepare to fight in close combat." ordered Viscount Waterhell.

Unlike other Viscounts, who usually get their noble rank through politics, Viscount Waterhell is one of the rare nobles who get his rank through field contribution. One of his contributions is to defend the Thousand Maze fortress against the Ostrax kingdom's previous invasion.

He manages to hold back against the sudden invasion until the reinforcement comes. This shows his capabilities as the commander on the battlefield. Combined with the information from Angus, he could make the best possible moves in this situation.

After a while, everyone finds the road ahead is blocked by a huge rock and tree obstacle. There are also some cloaked people wearing masks waiting for them, as Angus said previously.

"Shoot them down!! Destroy all the obstacles!!" ordered Viscount Waterhell.

*BOOOM* *BOOOM* *BOOOM* Instantly, the magic cannon releases a destructive beam toward the obstacle and destroys anything in its path, be it rocks, trees, or ambushers. The two female dwarves and Anna immediately have starry eyes seeing such firepower.

"Anna wants it!! Phew!! Phew!!" said Anna excitedly while being held by Jayna.

"That's some good firepower you got there. Hahaha…" laughed Bornja.

"True. Though it could have some improvement." said Kusibella.

Ignoring the two female dwarves, Angus focuses back on the ambusher. Although he decided to not step in, it didn't mean he would just ignore them. He finds the ambusher that attacked him first quite good.

The person has good invisible spells and stealth skills. It is one of the best that Angus ever encountered so far. If it is not for Angus' broken [Great Mana Echolocation], he may also have difficulty detecting such a person from a considerable distance.

Still, it didn't mean the ambusher possessed a significant threat to him. Angus finds that besides his first two attacks, he is no longer attacking again and retreats when the bubble wall covers Alkin.

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