Chapter 45 Serving wine


And Zhang Qing got the full performance, and even exceeded it!

"Xiaoqing, are you on vacation tomorrow? I am also on vacation tomorrow. Let's go shopping." Zhang Qing said with a smile.

Looking at the carefree Zhang Qing, Sun Tingting couldn't tell whether she was envious or something.

She is exhausted physically and mentally every day, and the salary she gets is only 5,000, and now Zhang Qing has reached it directly.

Sun Tingting once again had the urge to resign, but she suppressed this idea again.

Zhang Qing didn't know Sun Tingting's thoughts, she continued: "Xiaoting, didn't you say you wanted to buy a pair of shoes before? I'll take you to our shoe store to have a look."

"Shoe store?"

Hearing this, Sun Tingting asked in confusion: "Aren't you a clothing store?"

She knew that there were only two Tianyun clothing stores before.

"It's newly opened." Zhang Qing said with a smile: "The shoe store just opened two days ago. It's next to the Tianyun Clothing Store in the commercial street we visited last time. The business is also very hot."

Sun Tingting was silent. She had never been in contact with Tianyun Clothing Store, but she kept knowing it from Zhang Qing.

In just two months, Tianyun opened two clothing stores, and now opened a shoe store. In the blink of an eye, there are three stores. The speed of development is astonishing.

In July, there is no cloud in the sky, and the hot sun seems to kill people. On the road, if you break an egg, you can pick it up and eat it in a few seconds.

At this time, Qin Yun's family was very happy, because the admission notice of Jiangyuan University had arrived!

After receiving the notice, Qin Yun and the others went back to their hometown.

"Zhao Mei, I heard that you have opened a clothing store in the county. The business is booming. Why do you have time to come back?" Seeing Zhao Mei and the others, the villagers said with a smile.

Qingwu County is so big, people from Qinjia Village must have gone to the commercial street to buy things. After more than two months, someone finally saw Zhao Mei.

"Didn't Xiaoyun pass the college entrance examination, go home and have a banquet." Zhao Mei said with a smile.

"Oh? Did you pass the exam? What school is it?" the villagers asked curiously.

There are not many things to do in a small village, and a little thing can attract everyone's attention.

"Jiangyuan University." Zhao Mei chattered with them in a much louder voice.

"Jiangyuan University? What kind of school is that?" Many elderly people in the village actually have limited knowledge, so they asked young people, and they knew the relevant information of Jiangyuan University by checking their mobile phones.

"Oh, this is 211 University, your son did so well in the exam." The villagers exclaimed.

Their village is a small place with a small population, yet someone passed the 211 exam.

"Xiaoyun is really capable."

"This baby's academic performance has always been very good. He used to always take the first place in our Qincun Primary School. He also ranked at the top of the school when he was in junior high school."

The villagers praised, with envy clearly in their eyes. In their view, being admitted to a good university is a great prospect.

The smile on Zhao Mei’s face never stopped, and she said loudly to the women in the village that even opening ten stores would not be as good as her son’s admission to such a good university.

Beside her, Qin Guodong also had a smile on his face. He didn't talk much. When he saw those middle-aged men, he smiled and said a few words, and passed a cigarette by the way.

When they arrived home, the villagers were still talking about it.

"Guodong's family is really going to be prosperous now, and his son was admitted to such a good university."

"I heard that the store opened by his family on the commercial street is very popular. I heard from Aunt Jinlan that she stayed in the store for more than half an hour, and the customers in the store did not stop. They bought a piece of clothing in a while. "

"If that's the case, wouldn't the store opened by Guodong's family earn tens of thousands of dollars a month?"

Before in the village, Qin Guodong’s family was absolutely poor. They lived a tight life without wearing any good clothes. They walked on the road with their heads down, their faces pale and frowning.

But now, looking at Qin Guodong and Zhao Mei, how can they still look like that?

Qin Yun and others returned home. His parents were busy preparing the lunch. Qin Yun wanted to help, but was kicked out.

Not long after, a loud voice came from outside. Qin Yun knew that it was the little mother Feng Lan who came from the sound.

Sure enough, the following words verified Qin Yun's conjecture.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law, there are a lot of dishes to be cooked at noon today, and I will help you." Feng Lan said with a smile.

Not only Feng Lan, but also Qin Yun's uncle Qin Guobin, cousin Qin Fengyu, and cousin Qin Xiaoqi all came.

Qin Fengyu is two years older than Qin Yun. He is currently studying at a university in Hangzhou.

"Oh, Xiaoyun, you were admitted to Jiangyuan University, but our old Qin family did the best." Seeing Qin Yun, Feng Lan said with a smile all over his face.

In June, she received 6,200 wages, which was more than 2,000 higher than the wages in the factory.

"Xiaoyu, you have to learn from your brother. Not only does your brother have good academic performance, but he is also capable." Feng Lan said to her son again.

Having been admitted to such a good university and opening a store that makes so much money, she is extremely satisfied that his son is half of Qin Yun's.

After finishing speaking, Feng Lan helped Zhao Mei go to work. At this time, Qin Fengyu came to Qin Yun's side and asked curiously: "Xiaoyun, why have you become so capable all of a sudden? Is your clothing store really making so much money? "

Compared with Qin Yun being admitted to a good university, he is very interested in Qin Yun's money making.

He knew that his mother was working in the clothing store run by his second uncle.

"It's just luck." Qin Yun smiled and said.

"Brother Xiaoyu, I heard from my mother that you were in a relationship in college?" He changed the subject.

"Hey." Hearing Qin Yun's words, Qin Yu nodded with a smile, and said, "Your brother is so handsome, and your sister-in-law chased me for a year before I reluctantly agreed."

"Really?" Qin Yun obviously didn't believe it.

But the genes of the Qin family are really good. Basically, the males are all over 1.8 meters tall, with good facial features, and the girls are all 1.65 meters tall, and they are all beautiful.


After the words fell, Qin Xiaoqi, who was playing with her mobile phone, deliberately pretended to vomit.

"Brother Qin Yun, don't listen to my brother's nonsense, she is my brother's sister-in-law." She said without hesitation.

"I'll just say it." Qin Yun suddenly said.

Qin Fengyu glared at his sister in dissatisfaction, but Qin Xiaoqi was not afraid of him at all, and glared back at him.

At this moment, someone came outside the house again.

Seeing several people, Qin Yun, Qin Fengyu, Qin Xiaoqi, etc. all hurriedly shouted: "Uncle, aunt."

It was Qin Guoliang and Zhang Pandi who came, and Qin Xiaotao, Qin Yun's elder brother, followed behind.

"Xiaoyun, yes, this time I got into a good university and won honor for our old Qin family." Uncle Qin Guoliang patted Qin Yun's shoulder and said with a smile.

(end of this chapter)

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