The celebration continued at the restaurant, Fein and his friends indulged in the delectable dishes and lively conversations. Laughter filled the air, intermingled with the clinking of glasses and the aroma of delicious food.

With a satisfied smile, Fein recounted the thrilling story of his battle with the blood filled monster. His friends leaned in, captivated by his every word, their eyes reflecting both admiration and curiosity. Fein's animated gestures and expressive tone painted a vivid picture of the intense confrontation.

"And then, as the monster launched its final attack, I used my space compression spell," Fein explained, his voice filled with excitement. "The sheer force of the compression caused the creature to explode into countless pieces. It was a sight to behold!"

Sofia, always composed and inquisitive, raised an eyebrow and asked, "But Fein, why did it take you so long? We were all worried."

Fein chuckled affectionately, reaching out to pinch Sofia's cheek gently. "Well, my dear, it wasn't just about defeating the monster. You see, the king was so impressed by my actions that he rewarded me with 1000 acres of land in the East."

The news sparked curiosity and enthusiasm among his friends. Michael's eyes widened with interest, and Brick Norty's scientific mind began to contemplate the potential possibilities of such a vast territory.

Voli, could hardly contain his excitement. He leaned closer to Fein, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Master, you must take us there! Imagine the adventures we could have in that vast land!"

Fein laughed heartily, patting Voli's furry head. "Of course, I promise, when the time is right, we will see if the place is any good... Though I already have plans for it."

'It will be the foundation that would further push my reputation to the peak.' Fein's eyes squinted as he thought secretly.

The conversation continued, filled with lighthearted banter and shared dreams for the future. Fein's friends expressed their pride in his accomplishments, their unwavering support evident in their words and gestures.

Amidst the discussions and jovial atmosphere, Fein couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the bonds he had forged. His friends and loved ones had stood by him through thick and thin, celebrating his victories and providing solace in times of adversity.

As the night drew to a close, Fein raised his glass in a toast, his voice filled with heartfelt appreciation. "To friendship, to family, and to the adventures that lie ahead! May our bonds grow stronger with each passing day."

As the evening progressed, plates of culinary delights arrived at their table, each dish a masterpiece of flavors and presentation. Laughter and conversation filled the air as they recounted their experiences.

Fein, with a heartfelt expression of gratitude, raised his glass to toast his companions. He spoke of the significance of their unity, highlighting the importance of their unwavering support in the face of adversity. He acknowledged the sacrifices made by his friends, family, and Sofia, their unwavering belief in him fueling his determination.

The celebration continued late into the night, filled with shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and the appreciation of each other's company. Fein's success had not only saved the East but had also strengthened the bond between him and his loved ones.

"Fein, I'll visit you tommorow. You owe me a date..." Sofia said with a tinge of redness on her cheeks.

"Of course." Fein chuckled. 

How could not he? When he was in the Abyss, he have longed for her presence. He must take his time and catch up with his girlfriend.

As the evening drew to a close, Fein couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of fulfillment and gratitude. The support and love he received from his friends and family were invaluable, propelling him to greater heights and inspiring him to continue his journey of protecting the world from darkness.

With the night coming to an end, Fein bid his friends and family farewell, cherishing the memories created during this special celebration. As he retired to his room with Voli, his heart was filled with a calmness.

The soft glow of moonlight filtered through the window, casting a tranquil ambiance over the space. It was a moment of quiet solitude, where the bond between master and tamed beast could flourish.

Voli, the golden bear with his lightning-imbued fur, settled himself comfortably by Fein's side. His intelligent eyes met Fein's gaze, a silent invitation for conversation. Fein, sensing Voli's curiosity, knew it was time to share the details of his recent triumphs.

"Master, how was your gain in the East?" Voli inquired, his voice tinged with genuine interest and concern.

Fein's lips curled into a content smile, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Voli, I achieved all my objectives in the East. It was not just a victory over the blood-filled monster, but a pivotal moment for my plans and my power growth."

Voli's curiosity piqued further, his ears perked up in anticipation. "What do you mean, Master? How did you grow?"

Fein took a moment to gather his thoughts, contemplating how best to explain the intricacies of his progress to his loyal companion. He began, "You see, Voli, in the world of magic and degu users, normally... Degu users must grind and patiently accumulate. But I don't need to follow that hectic process. I have an ability, that is a system, that uses experience points. Through my battle and accomplishments, I accumulated enough experience points to upgrade my magic power, degu energy, and talents all at once to SSS-rank."

Voli's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and fascination shining within them. "Experience points? I've never heard of such a thing, Master."

Fein nodded, understanding Voli's confusion. "It's a complex system, Voli, but essentially, it is a currency that I need to upgrade my growth and mastery of my skills. By gaining experience through battles, quests, and achievements, I can level up and unlock new abilities and strengths."

Voli absorbed the information, his mind processing the concept with diligence. He looked up at Fein, determination shining in his eyes. "Master, I may not fully understand this experience point system, but I promise you that I will keep this secret until my last breath. Your trust in me is sacred."

Fein reached out and gently stroked Voli's fur, a gesture of appreciation and affection. "Thank you, Voli. I knew I could share secrets with you without hesitation because you were their with me since you were still juvenile and more importantly, because you have the strength to guard this secret. Maybe in the future, I will also tell it to Sofia and others if they are strong enough."

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