As the fused monster collided with Takashi's black flame dragon, a violent clash erupted between their powers. The force of the impact reverberated through the battlefield, shaking the very ground beneath them. The fusion's fist, once poised to strike, was met with the relentless assault of the black flames.

In an instant, the black flames seared through the fused monster's arm, its flesh and sinew decomposing under the relentless assault. The once-mighty limb crumbled away, leaving behind a charred and skeletal appendage. Agony flashed across the destroyer's eyes, a brief glimpse of vulnerability amidst its prideful demeanor.

Realizing the severity of its injury, the fused monster instinctively recoiled, withdrawing from the heat of battle. It sought solace in regeneration, its body contorting and shifting as it worked to repair the damage inflicted upon it. But even as it retreated, the black flames clung to its body, refusing to be extinguished.

Takashi, with a mixture of sarcasm and mockery, fixed his gaze upon the wounded fusion. His voice carried a blend of confidence as he spoke, his words hung through the air. "Do you see it?" he declared, his tone filled with jeer. "Those black flames will never dissipate. They will burn eternally until their target dies."

"What!? I don't believe it!" The destroyer frantically slapped the parts of his body where the black flames were, however, the black flames burned vigorously as if they have life of their own...

Now faced with the reality of the indomitable flames that adorned its body, clenched its remaining fist in frustration. Its prideful facade wavered, replaced by a flicker of fear. The weight of Takashi's words settled upon it, a realization that its regeneration alone would not be enough to escape the unyielding grip of the eternal black flames.

Takashi smirk as he saw the destroyer started to panic. His eyes, locked onto the destroyer as if he was watching a good show.

In the face of the lingering black flames, the fused monster found itself trapped in a cruel fate. Its body twitched involuntarily from pain due to the the relentless burn that coursed through its veins. The black flames, an embodiment of death and eternity, continued to consume and torment its target.

The fusion monster's gaze flickered between its disintegrating arm and Takashi's unwavering presence. It realized that escape was no longer an option. It was left with no choice but to face Takashi, kill him, and hope that the black flames would fade after its user dies!

"I'll kill you!" Thinking of this, the destroyer ignored the pain. The bulging calves and its muscular legs swelled as gathered his force. 


Like an arrow release from its bow. The monster ran like a bull with terrifying explosiveness.

"It's useless... You cannot escape your fate," he proclaimed, his words resonating with certainty. "Those black flames will be your eternal torment until the very end."

Just after Takashi's words, the black flames engulfed the charging form of the Destroyer, it was like witnessing a barbecue gone wrong. The fusion's grand entrance turned into a catastrophic exit as the fiery embrace of Takashi's black flame dragon consumed it whole. The once-mighty monster flailed and squirmed, its pride and ego reduced to nothing more than a pitiful display of agony.

Takashi, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin, he enjoyed the spectacle before him. His eyes sparkled with cold glint as he controlled the black flames with a flick of his wrist, toying with the doomed fusion like a puppet on strings. It was a game of cat and mouse, and Takashi held all the cards.

"Ahhhhh!!!" The Destroyer's struggles grew feeble as the black flames tightened their grip, wrapping around its charred form like a boa constrictor. The once-intimidating creature, now reduced to a smoldering heap, finally succumbed to the relentless black flame. With a final gasp, it crumbled into a heap of ashes, leaving behind nothing but a bitter reminder of its own arrogance.

Silence fell over the battlefield, broken only by the crackling of the remaining embers and the faint scent of burnt flesh. Takashi stood tall near the destroyer, his expression one of smug satisfaction. He gazed down at the pile of ash that was once the mighty Destroyer, and couldn't help but let out a mocking chuckle.

"Well, well, looks like you couldn't handle the heat, huh?" Takashi quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Guess eternal flames aren't your thing. Maybe next time, don't bite off more than you can burn, buddy."

His words hung in the air, a taunting farewell to the fallen foe. Takashi's tone carried a mix of amusement and derision, his victory over the fusion of two S-rank monsters made him feel a burst of adrenaline. He didn't have an ounce of sympathy for the defeated monster—only a satisfied smirk. How are the destroyer threaten him? Kill the innocents? Kill Ren? The monster paid for its conceit.

Taking a moment to breath, Takashi basked in the dark glow of the lingering black flames. He enjoyed in the feeling of accomplishment, knowing that he had outsmarted and outplayed the fused monster. 

With a confident swagger, Takashi turned away from the remnants of the Destroyer, ready to help others. As he walked away, his footsteps leaving faint scorch marks on the ground.


Takashi's eyes scanned the scene as he approached Ren, his gaze fixated on the unconscious form of Amara lying on the ground. Concern etched across his features, he knelt down beside her, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face. The weariness in her expression was evident, and he knew something had taken a toll on her.

Turning his attention to Ren, Takashi's voice held a hint of worry as he asked, "What happened to Amara? Why is she unconscious?"

Ren sighed softly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and concern. He explained, "It's fatigue, she exhausted her degu energy. She pushed herself too far, and her body couldn't handle it anymore."

Takashi's brows furrowed, his worry deepening. He had seen Amara's determination and passion in battle, but now he realized the price she paid for it. A mixture of admiration and concern welled up within him, prompting him to offer a few words of praise. "She's incredible, though. Even in that state, she fought brilliantly."

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