As the lineups from the four regions—South, North, West, and Central Plains—began their march towards the East. The roads were lined with trees, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, as the procession passed by. Giraffes grazed peacefully in the distance, unaware of the impending battle that loomed ahead.

At the forefront of the marching troops stood the commander, a formidable S-rank degu user with an iron-blooded resolve. With every step, his presence commanded attention and respect, instilling confidence and assurance in the hearts of those who followed.

Amidst the rhythmic sound of boots hitting the ground, the commander raised his voice, his words carrying over the surrounding landscape. The passion in his voice stirred the spirits of the soldiers, and his speech ignited a fire within their hearts.

"My fellow warriors!" he declared, his voice echoing with conviction. "Today, we march towards the East, towards a battle that will determine the fate of our world. We face an enemy that threatens our very existence, but fear not! For we are the chosen ones, the protectors of our lands!"

His words resonated with the soldiers, their expressions transforming from weariness to alert. They listened intently, their attention focused solely on their leader.

ƥαṇdαηθνε| "We march not as individuals, but as a unified force—a force that cannot be broken, that cannot be swayed. Our goal is clear: to save the East, to crush the monsters that dare to threaten our homes and loved ones!"

As the commander spoke, the aura of his conviction intensified, radiating from his being like an invisible wave. And in response, five S-rank degu users, his trusted comrades, released their own powerful auras. The sheer force of their presence pierced through the clouds above, their energies blending and intertwining

As the lineups from the four regions—South, North, West, and Central Plains—began their march towards the East, a palpable sense of determination and purpose filled the air. The roads were lined with trees, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, as the procession passed by. Giraffes grazed peacefully in the distance, unaware of the impending battle that loomed ahead.

At the forefront of the marching troops stood the commander, a formidable S-rank degu user with an iron-blooded resolve. His eyes blazed with a fierce determination, reflecting the fire that burned within his soul. With every step, his presence commanded attention and respect, instilling confidence and assurance in the hearts of those who followed.

Amidst the rhythmic sound of boots hitting the ground, the commander raised his voice, his words carrying over the surrounding landscape. The passion in his voice stirred the spirits of the soldiers, and his speech ignited a fire within their hearts.

"My fellow warriors!" he declared, his voice echoing with conviction. "Today, we march towards the East, towards a battle that will determine the fate of our world. We face an enemy that threatens our very existence, but fear not! For we are the chosen ones, the protectors of our lands!"

His words resonated with the soldiers, their expressions transforming from weariness to determination. They listened intently, their attention focused solely on their leader.

"We march not as individuals, but as a unified force—a force that cannot be broken, that cannot be swayed. Our goal is clear: to save the East, to crush the monsters that dare to threaten our homes and loved ones!"ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

As the commander spoke, the aura of his conviction intensified, radiating from his being like an invisible wave. And in response, five S-rank degu users, his trusted comrades, released their own powerful auras. The sheer force of their presence pierced through the clouds above, their energies blending and intertwining, forming a shield of determination and strength.

"Our enemies may be fierce, but we are fiercer! We will unleash our full potential, our true power, to overcome any obstacle in our path. We will not falter, we will not retreat. Victory is the only option!"

The soldiers, fueled by the commander's unwavering spirit, felt a surge of adrenaline course through their veins. Their weariness dissipated, replaced by an unwavering resolve and an unyielding determination to protect their homeland.

"We fight not just for ourselves, but for every man, woman, and child who calls the East their home! They place their hopes, their trust, in us. We will not let them down!"

As the commander's speech reached its climax, the soldiers erupted into a unified cheer, their voices blending harmoniously with the sounds of nature around them. Their morale soared, their hearts filled with motivation and an unshakable belief in their ability to overcome any obstacle that stood in their way after the commander fed them with warm chicken soap.

As the commander led his troops with a confident stride, he couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Outwardly, he maintained a stern expression and a determined gaze, but deep down, he was wrestling with a sense of deep worry.

The truth was, this battle with the monsters had his instincts on high alert. With each step they took, the weight of the impending fight grew heavier on his shoulders. It was like a constant nagging in the back of his mind, a foreboding feeling that something ominous was on the horizon.

Sure, they were still a good four hundred kilometers away from the East, but that didn't make the commander any less anxious. He had been through countless life-or-death battles, and his gut feeling was rarely wrong. It whispered to him, reminding him of the risks they were about to face, the sacrifices that might have to be made.

In the quiet moments, amidst the rhythmic sound of marching feet, the commander's thoughts wandered to his own mortality. It was hard not to consider the possibility that this battle could be his last. He had seen too many comrades fall in the line of duty, and he couldn't help but wonder if his name would be added to that list.

But as much as his fears gnawed at him, the commander knew he couldn't let them consume him. He had a responsibility to his troops, to the people who depended on him for protection. So he pushed his worries aside, burying them deep within, while projecting an image of unwavering strength to those around him.

The faces of his loved ones flashed through his mind, a constant reminder of what he stood to lose. The thought of leaving them behind, of not being there for the milestones and the everyday moments, pierced his soul. Yet, even in the midst of these personal struggles, the commander drew strength from the camaraderie and unyielding spirit of his fellow soldiers.

As the commander, he knew that he couldn't let his own doubts overshadow the hope and moral of his troops. So, he squared his shoulders, took a deep breath, and vowed to give everything he had to this fight. The commander understood that this battle was bigger than just him—it was for the future, the safety and well-being of everyone they were marching to protect.

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