Fein and Voli strolled into the garden, finding a cozy spot to relax under the warm sun. Voli plopped down on the ground, lazily stretching out his massive body, while Fein settled in close by, his gaze fixated on the radiant orb in the sky.

As the cool breeze rustled through the leaves, Fein's thoughts drifted into deep contemplation. He couldn't help but feel an intense longing within him, a burning desire to ascend to the coveted SSS-rank status. Revenge against the Demon God, standing as the strongest Degu User, and dominating the world—all these aspirations flooded his mind.

Fein's eyes shifted from the sun to the distant horizon, a determined glint shining in his gaze. He imagined himself at the peak of his power, a force that is enough to affect the world. The thought of facing the Demon God again, this time as an unstoppable powerhouse, fueled his fire of in his heart.

But it wasn't just about settling scores. Fein craved personal growth, to push beyond his limits and to fight stronger enemies. He wasn't the same salted, and ambitionless fish anymore after staying in the world where the bigger fist has say. He began to yearn to stand tall among and become the strongest! It was about carving his own place in the world, leaving his mark, where he could call the shots and stand at the peak.

Voli, as if feeling the change in the mood, glanced over at Fein, his eyes reflecting a glint. It was as if he understood the depths of Fein's ambition and stood ready to accompany him every step of the way. The bond between them was unspoken yet unbreakable, a subtle connect between master and beast companion.

In that serene garden, Fein's dreams and desires took shape under the bright sun. The path to becoming an SSS-rank Degu User shimmered with excitement and uncertainty.

With a mischievous grin, Fein whispered to himself, "Just you wait, Demon God. I'll make you regret ever crossing paths with me." His gaze intensified, his eyes burning with fighting spirit and a thirst for power.

The garden remained a peaceful haven, a sanctuary where Fein's longing for strength and revenge blossomed. It was a place where dreams intertwined with reality, where Fein's destiny as an SSS-rank Degu User began to take root. And with Voli by his side, Fein was filled with the certainty that he would reach the pinnacle of power and claim his rightful place among the greats.


The East was alive, bustling with the energy of its people. They hurried through the streets, their footsteps echoing against the worn cobblestones. Tall buildings with fancy designs reached up to the sky, casting long shadows over the busy scene below.

The sound of church bells echoed through the air, calling the faithful to their Sunday worship. People flocked to the grand churches that lined the streets, their ornate façades shining in the afternoon sun. Hymns and prayers filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere amidst the chaos of the city.

Over at the city gate, carriages lined up, waiting for inspection. Guards stood watch, eyeing each carriage with suspicion. They took their job seriously, making sure no troublemakers slipped through the cracks. It was all about keeping the peace and protecting the city.

Inside the carriages, hidden behind tinted windows, sat the wealthy and influential. Nobles and dignitaries with their airs of importance traveled in style. Their servants scurried around, making sure their masters had everything they needed. It was all about appearances and showing off their wealth.

In the gate, Guards stood firm, their expressions stern, as they performed their duty of inspecting those who sought entrance into the capital city of Earl Harbor.

Among the throng of merchants, a stout and irritable man caught the attention of the guards. His face contorted with frustration as the guard's words fell upon his ears. "No identity card, no entry," the guard stated firmly, his voice tinged with authority.

The merchant's brow furrowed, his lips forming a thin line. "What nonsense is this?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with annoyance. "I've been doing business in this city for years, and now you demand an identity card? Absurd!"

The guard's expression remained unchanged, his gaze fixed upon the defiant merchant. "New regulations, sir. Everyone must have a valid identity card to enter."

The merchant's eyes narrowed, his voice filled with frustration. "And what am I supposed to do now? I have goods to deliver! I can't afford to waste my time and money on some useless card!"

A small crowd began to gather, curious onlookers eager to witness the unfolding dispute. The merchant, refusing to back down, gestured emphatically with his hands as he argued his case. "Listen here, guard. I have logical reasons! I've been a loyal merchant, paying my taxes and contributing to this city's economy. What harm would it do to let me through?"

The guard crossed his arms, his expression unyielding. "Rules are rules, sir. If you want to enter, you'll have to pay the fee of six gold coins for a temporary pass."

The merchant's face flushed with anger, his voice growing louder. "Six gold coins? That's an outrageous amount! I refuse to be extorted like this! It's daylight robbery!"

The guard's expression remained stoic, his gaze unwavering. "It's the price you'll have to pay if you wish to enter. Take it or leave it."

The merchant's shoulders slumped in defeat, a mixture of frustration and resignation crossing his features. He begrudgingly reached into his pocket and produced a small pouch, counting out the required amount. His grumbles filled the air as he dropped the coins into the guard's outstretched hand.

"Fine," he muttered under his breath. "But mark my words, this won't go unnoticed. The city shouldn't treat its hardworking merchants like this."

With a curt nod, the guard motioned for the merchant to proceed through the gate. The crowd dispersed, their curiosity satisfied, leaving behind an air of tension and unease.

As the merchant passed through the gate, his steps heavy and his face etched with frustration, he couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat. The city he once knew had changed, and its demands had become increasingly burdensome. Yet, with a heavy heart, he knew he had no choice but to adapt to the ever-evolving rules and regulations.

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