Imeng paused, his gaze sweeping across the room as if he were drawing power from the very air. "Fein, imagine your mana as a river, flowing within you with a steady rhythm. It is your task to learn how to tap into that river, to control its flow, and direct it with precision."

Fein nodded, envisioning the metaphorical river coursing through his being. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation of energy swirling within him, seeking his command. He could feel the ebb and flow, the gentle current of power waiting to be harnessed.

Opening his eyes, Fein met Imeng's gaze, a glimmer of determination shining in his eyes. "So, by understanding and channeling my mana, I can wield magic as an extension of myself," Fein stated, his voice tinged with excitement.

Imeng smiled, his expression mirroring Fein's enthusiasm. "Exactly, my apprentice," he affirmed. "Magic is an expression of your inner self, your thoughts, emotions, and intentions. It is a dance between your mana and the elements of the world."

Fein absorbed Imeng's words, his mind spinning with possibilities. The connection between his inner energy and the external world began to take shape in his consciousness. It was a delicate balance, a harmony waiting to be discovered. 

"Okay, since I've already explained the workings. Let me teach you three basic spells first. Though, I could see that you can already cast S-rank spells and above. However, foundation is everything. You must have a solid foundation to go further in the path of magic."

"Let's start with the basics," Imeng said, his voice calm and composed. "The first spell I'll teach you is Dragon Fire. It harnesses the power of the element of fire, allowing you to conjure flames with precision."

Fein's eyes widened, his gaze fixed on Imeng. Imeng raised his hand, his fingertips tinged with a faint crimson glow. In a fluid motion, he swept his arm forward, and a small flame materialized in the palm of his hand.

"The key to Dragon Fire," Imeng explained, his voice carrying a touch of excitement, "Is the manipulation of mana and the focus of your intent. You must visualize the flames dancing, feel the warmth, and channel that energy through your mana."

Fein nodded, absorbing Imeng's words. He could almost feel the heat of the fire in his own palms, the flickering flames reflecting in his eyes. He mimicked Imeng's gesture, his hand moving through the air, but his attempt yielded only a weak spark that flickered for a moment before fading away.

Imeng's expression softened, his eyes filled with understanding. "Fein, remember to focus your intent, visualize the flames growing stronger, and let the energy flow from your core," he advised, his voice gentle yet resolute.

Fein took a deep breath, his eyes sparked with wisdom. He closed his eyes, envisioning the fiery inferno he sought to conjure. He felt the surge of mana within him, like molten lava coursing through his veins. With renewed focus, he extended his hand once more, channeling his energy.

This time, a small flame materialized in Fein's palm, its orange glow flickering with life. A grin spread across Fein's face, his eyes shining. He had succeeded, albeit with a modest flame.

Imeng's approving nod conveyed both encouragement and a silent challenge. "Good, Fein. Now, let's move on to the second spell: Air Purifier," he said, transitioning seamlessly.

Fein's curiosity piqued as he listened attentively to Imeng's explanation of Air Purifier. Imeng demonstrated the spell, his hands swirling through the air in a graceful dance. A gentle breeze materialized, carrying with it a refreshing scent and purifying the surrounding atmosphere.

"The essence of Air Purifier lies in your ability to manipulate the currents of air and cleanse impurities," Imeng elucidated. "Focus on the breath of wind, visualize it carrying away negativity and revitalizing the environment."

Fein absorbed Imeng's words, his mind attuned to the subtleties of air manipulation. He mimicked Imeng's movements, his hands tracing ethereal patterns in the air. But instead of a gentle breeze, a sudden gust erupted, causing papers to fly and hair to whip around.

Imeng chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Fein, you've certainly grasped the power of air, but remember to temper it with finesse," he advised, his voice laced with a hint of mirth.

Fein adjusted his stance... He closed his eyes, envisioning a serene breeze, calming and purifying. With measured movements, he conjured a controlled gust, gentle yet invigorating. The air around them seemed to shimmer with newfound clarity.

'My god! This kid is a monster!' Imeng's smile widened, his eyes narrowed. "Well done, Fein. You're progressing swiftly," he commended, his voice carrying a hint of disbelief. "Now, for the final spell: Frost Nova."

Imeng explained the principles behind the spell, emphasizing the manipulation of water particles and the freezing temperature required to create a powerful burst of icy energy.

Imeng raised his hand, his palm shimmering with a frosty aura. With a swift motion, he thrust his hand forward, and a wave of cold energy radiated outward, causing the temperature to drop in an instant. Fein shivered, but his eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Imeng guided Fein through the motions, teaching him the delicate balance of water manipulation and the controlled release of frigid energy. Fein's concentration deepened, his focus unwavering as he channeled his mana, shaping it into icy tendrils.

A mist formed around Fein's outstretched hand, gradually crystallizing into shimmering frost. With a decisive motion, he released the frozen energy, a miniature Frost Nova erupting before him. The sudden drop in temperature left the air crisp and his breath visible.

Imeng's expression reflected a mix of awe and satisfaction. "Fein, you have mastered the essence of Frost Nova. Your control and precision are commendable,"

Fein's gaze shifted from the aftermath of his successful Frost Nova to Imeng, his mentor and guide in the realm of magic.

"Imeng," Fein began, his voice tinged with a serious undertone, "what are the cooldowns, durations, and any restrictions associated with these spells? And could you also enlighten me on their rank?"

Imeng's eyes crinkled with a faint smile, his face a picture of patience and wisdom. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.

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