I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

Chapter 861 Practice Temporal Stasis

Fein leaned in eagerly, his eyes wide with anticipation, as Imeng prepared to unveil the secrets of Temporal Stasis. Imeng adjusted his robes, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"Now, Fein, let me show you the true power of Temporal Stasis. It's not just about freezing boulders and playing tricks. This spell has its practical applications, especially in combat," Imeng said, his voice filled with excitement.

Fein's eyebrows shot up, his interest piqued. "Combat? You mean I can freeze my enemies in their tracks? That's certainly a game-changer... But I thought it would distrpt the natural order of things?"

"Hahaha! As long as you keep the range, it would be okay!" Imeng laughed, his eyes sparkling. "Just imagine the look on their faces when they can't move a muscle while you swoop in for the finishing blow. It's like having your own personal time-out button!"

Fein's face broke into a mischievous grin. "Oh, I can already see it! 'Hold up, guys, I just need a moment to strategize!' I'll freeze them, take a breather, and then go for the epic takedown. They won't know what hit 'em!"

Imeng chuckled, clapping Fein on the back. "Exactly! You'll have them scratching their heads, wondering if they've stumbled into a magical circus act. And while they're frozen in confusion, you'll be the star of the show!"

Fein's grin turned into a look of mock concern. "But wait, master, what if I accidentally freeze myself? I don't want to end up as a statue in the middle of a battle!"

Imeng's laughter echoed through the mountaintop as he shook his head. "No worries, my friend. I won't let you turn into a human icicle. We'll work on your timing and precision, so you'll only freeze the ones you intend to freeze. The last thing we need is a confused ally or a frozen Fein sculpture on the battlefield!"

Fein let out a relieved sigh, playfully rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I can imagine the confusion. 'Hey, guys, I'm just trying out my new freeze-dried warrior look. How's it going?'"

Imeng burst into laughter, clutching his stomach. "Oh, my young apprentice, you never fail to crack me up! Just remember to aim your Temporal Stasis spell at the right target, and you'll be golden."

Fein's eyes gleamed with determination. "Alright, I'm ready to become a master of Temporal Stasis! Teach me how to freeze time like a boss!"

Imeng raised his hands, palms outstretched, as he began to explain the theory behind the spell. His voice was passionate, his gestures precise, as he delved into the intricacies of controlling time itself.

"Fein, to cast Temporal Stasis, you need to focus your energy and willpower. Picture a bubble of frozen time surrounding your target. It's like trapping them in a magical ice sculpture," Imeng explained, his hands mimicking the formation of an invisible barrier.

Fein nodded, his brows furrowed with concentration. "So, it's all about visualization and channeling my magic into that bubble, right?"

Imeng grinned, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "You've got it, It's like using your imagination to create a magical force field that freezes everything inside. Just make sure you don't let your mind wander too far, or you might end up freezing the wrong things!"

Fein's excitement grew as he imagined the possibilities. "But what about daily life, Can I use this spell for mundane tasks? Like freezing a cup of ale to keep it cold for longer?"

Imeng's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, absolutely, Imagine enjoying an ice-cold drink on a scorching day, or stopping time just long enough to snatch a tasty treat without anyone noticing. Temporal Stasis can add a touch of magic to your everyday adventures!"

Fein's face lit up with a mix of mischief and delight. "That's brilliant, It's like having my own personal time-controlling superpower!"

Imeng chuckled, nodding approvingly. "Indeed, Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound ability wisely and always be prepared for the unexpected!"

"Certainly!" Hearing a familiar quote from a certain iconic superhero movie made Fein's mouth twitch. 'With great power comes great responsibility? That's the main reason why spider-man's life is so miserable!'

Imeng clapped Fein on the back, a proud smile on his face. "That's the spirit!"


Fein stood before Imeng, determination etched on his face. He was eager to master the art of Temporal Stasis, ready to freeze time with finesse. Imeng, ever the patient mentor, observed Fein's posture and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, Fein, let's see what you've got. Show me your Temporal Stasis!" Imeng exclaimed, his voice laced with anticipation.

Fein took a deep breath, closing his eyes to visualize the bubble of frozen time. He extended his hand toward a nearby tree, channeling his magic into the spell. But as he opened his eyes, nothing happened. The tree remained unaffected, standing tall and unmoving.

Imeng stifled a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Not bad for a first attempt, Fein, but it seems you missed the mark. Remember, focus your energy and direct it toward your target. You don't want to freeze the wrong thing."

Fein scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "Right, right. Got a bit carried away there. Let me give it another shot!"

Undeterred, Fein centered himself once again. He concentrated on a nearby rock, visualizing the frozen bubble enveloping it. This time, his hand trembled slightly as he released his magic. Yet, to his dismay, the rock remained stubbornly unaffected, not even a hint of frost.

Imeng sighed, shaking his head with mock disappointment. "Close, but no icy rock this time, Fein. Remember, control is key. Don't let your excitement overpower your focus. Take a breath and try again."

Fein's determination remained unshaken. He took a moment to steady himself, reminding himself of Imeng's advice. With newfound resolve, he extended his hand toward a small flower, envisioning the delicate petals trapped in frozen time. He channeled his magic once more, hoping for success.

But alas, the flower continued to sway gently in the breeze, untouched by the freezing spell. Fein let out a frustrated groan, his shoulders slumping.

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