He opened his eyes in an instant and saw a pair of beautiful and deep blue eyes.

The owner of the eyes didn’t seem to expect this to happen either. He was stunned and stood still for a moment.

A few seconds later.


Under the gaze of Locke, Harrington finally came to his senses. He collapsed into the distance like a frightened rabbit and kept a safe distance from Locke. At the same time, his ears turned red.

Seeing that Locke was still looking at him, Harrington forced an embarrassed and impolite smile on his face. He gently waved his hand and greeted, “Mr. Capet, nice to meet you again.”

As he spoke, his eyes began to look around again, as if he was looking for a way out for himself.

Seeing the embarrassment on Harrington’s face, Locke was amused and said with a faint smile, “Oh? Yes, I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

As he spoke, he forced a smile exclusive to a bad man, looking very arrogant.

“Young lady, I asked you to leave just now, but I didn’t expect you to come to me voluntarily. In that case, you can’t leave today.” Locke stood up slowly with an evil smile on his face and walked towards Harrington.

In fact, Harrington was a girl. Although she hid herself well and looked like a playboy, Athena and the others still recognized her.

Hearing that, Harrington’s face turned pale. He… He knew who she was!

She wanted to stay outside for a few more days and didn’t want to go back so soon, so she used the transmission rune to escape the guards of Dorothy and the others. And because she had just found that the villa was very mysterious, she had a temporary idea of exploring it, so she directly teleported herself into the villa. However, she didn’t expect that she would coincidentally come to Locke’s practice room.

Moreover, her perfect disguise was seen through by him!

Seeing that Locke was getting closer and closer, Harrington finally began to panic. She quickly took out a transmission rune from her space ring, and at the same time, she quickly injected magic power into the transmission rune, intending to teleport again and leave this place of trouble.

However, something that made her desperate happened.

All of a sudden, she felt a vast force pressing on her. The next moment, the light that had just lit up on the transmission rune in her hand was instantly extinguished. Then she felt a chill in her palm. She looked again and found that the teleportation rune had already been in Locke’s hand.

Anxiously, she once again took out a transmission rune from her space ring. However, she was desperate again. The new teleportation rune fell into Locke’s hands again. Moreover, even the space ring on her finger had been in Locke’s hand now!

“Level-7 teleportation runes, and a level-7 space ring.”

Looking at the teleportation runes and the exquisite ring in his hand, Locke couldn’t help but sigh, “Not bad. I didn’t expect you to be a rich woman.”

While sighing, Locke’s face darkened, revealing an even more evil smile. “It just happens that I need a maid to warm up my bed. It’s you.”

As he spoke, Locke had already stood in front of Harrington.

Feeling the strong man’s aura coming from in front of her, her face turned paler in an instant and she subconsciously retreated. However, after a few steps, she pressed against the wall, unable to retreat.

“What… What do you want to do?”

A slightly trembling, cold and pleasant voice rang out. It turned out that she had forgotten to hide her identity in such a hurry.

With a brighter smile on his face, Locke retorted with an evil smile, “We are alone in a room. What do you think I want to do?”

“Ah!” Feeling the increasingly strong aura of the man, Harrington couldn’t help but scream in fear and rushed towards the door at the same time.


Locke stretched out a hand and slapped it against the wall, preventing Harrington from escaping.

Looking at Locke who was much closer to her, Harrington was really scared. Her voice trembled, “Do you know who I am? If you dare to do anything to me, you will be dead for sure!”

Although it was a threat, her eyes began to wet as she spoke.

“How dare you threaten me now?” Locke sneered and looked coldly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

All of a sudden, Harrington’s mind went blank. Although she had been pretending to be a playboy, she had never felt such a strong killing intent.

Was she so scared? Looking at the dull look on her face, Locke couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Well, forget it.

However, just as he was about to retreat, he saw the determination in Harington’s eyes.

He didn’t know when she pulled out a dagger from her waist and slashed it at her throat without hesitation.

‘Father, mother, I’m sorry.’

She closed her eyes and thought sadly. What confused her was that a few seconds later, she still didn’t feel any pain.

Her eyebrows trembled and she slowly opened her eyes. Only then did she realize that the dagger in her hand had already been in Locke’s hand.

How could she not even commit suicide?

Looking at the dagger in Locke’s hand, she felt bitter and desperate.

On the other side, Locke held the dagger in his hand and glanced at Harrington unhappily. “There is a dagger. You don’t have to attack me. How could you use it to commit suicide?”

With red eyes, Harington stared at Locke stubbornly and didn’t answer.

“It’s boring. I don’t want to play anymore.” Locke sighed, walked to the chair next to the practice room and sat down. He put the dagger on the table, looked up at Harrington and said indifferently, “Tell me, who are you? What are you doing here?”

However, Harrington didn’t say anything. Instead, she stared at Locke with resentment.

Seeing that Harrington didn’t say a word, Locke became a little impatient. He became impatient, and her eyes flashed a dangerous light. “If you don’t say anything more, I’m going to make a move.”

Feeling the killing intent again, Harrington’s body trembled and answered weakly, “I’m the disciple of the white-haired old man before. I’m curious about the situation here, so…”

“Wait!” Locke raised his hand and interrupted her, “Can you talk to me as usual?”

Locke felt a little uncomfortable when he heard a man talking to him in a girlish voice.

After hesitating for a while, Harrington nodded and pointed at the ring in Locke’s hand. “The pill to restore my appearance is in the ring.”

Locke nodded and threw the ring to Harrington.

Harrington took out a dark red pill and swallowed it. Then she changed her hands and used the magic of transformation.

Soon, her body was covered in a white luster.

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