Chapter 283:

An otherworldly labyrinth created by the Dungeon Maker.

I was walking in a dark hallway, unable to see a thing in it.


Hand in hand with Stardus.

What the hell is going on?

I thought to myself as we walked down the dark hallway, holding her hand.

Holding each others hands, feeling her body heat as we walked, it was a strange feeling.

Stardus hands were so soft.No, not this.

What the hell, I dont know what shes thinking.

I thought to myself as I walked along with Stardus holding my hand tightly.

Obviously, its dangerous, and we need to stay together, she said, because this is the only way to be sure.

You didnt come up with this plan just so you could grab me like this, and then when we get out of here, you can snap my arm, knock me out, and drag me to jail?

I even thought about it. I have teleportation, so it doesnt matter, but I cant understand her behavior unless this is the case.

Anyway, whatever the reason, here I was, walking hand in hand with her down this dark hallway.

What the hell is going on around here, were walking through this dark space with nothing but loud noises echoing around us.

And, perhaps because of my limited vision, I couldnt really see what was in front of me. Instead of vision, my other senses began to become more vivid.

Like the warmth of Stardus hand, so close to mine that our flesh was touching, and the faint sensation of her pulse or the sound of her quiet exhalation, cut through the din.


In short, right now, Im more concerned about Stardus holding my hand than I am about the danger ahead.

The fact that Ive been thinking about her ever since is proof of that. Da-in, get a grip, youre not a middle schooler in love for the first time. Youre in trouble for holding hands.


Of course, walking down the street holding hands with Stardus was another story. I felt like a fan holding hands with an idol, which is a completely different story than holding hands with other girls.

As I walked along, thinking about it.

Hey, Egostic.

I heard that from Stardus, who was walking quietly with me, hand in hand.

Yeah, whats wrong?

I had been thinking about Stardus, and I answered her like that out of sheer boredom.

She was silent for a moment, and then she spoke again.

Why do you keep helping me?


And the moment I heard that I almost stopped dead in my tracks.

Haha, what do you mean, what did I do to help you?

I replied, smiling as naturally as I could.

What the hell, why would you ask a villain such a weird thing? Did I get caught? That cant be right. Ive been doing a lot of weird things lately, but Ive always been loyal to terrorismCome to think of it, I havent lately.

When I was so quietly confused she opened her mouth to speak again, with a hesitant air.

Back at the Moonlight GateYou called all your friends to help me, and when I was attacked by the cultists, you saved me.

Hearing her say that I quickly racked my brain for a good excuse.

Thats because Im supposed to be doing terrorism in Korea, and its no fun for me to see Korea get smashed at the hands of another bastard. Didnt I tell you that the other day?

Not that.

And just as I was about to reply, she cut me off and opened her mouth again.

You saved my life, for some reason, and Im not just talking about this time. Im talking about the time you threw yourself out of the basement of the HanEun Group, and Im talking about now You call yourself a villain, so why do you do it?

It sounded as if she was going to reprimand me but I could tell there was a sincere question in her voice, a doubt that she had all along, and a determination to clear it up this time.

How to answer her?

Of course I cant say, I never intended to be a villain, but I became one to save you, to save the world because thats just not me. I had a hunch that the usual excuse, Youre my archnemesis, wouldnt work.

Then there was only one solution: to answer ambiguously, mixing truth and lies.

With that thought, I turned to face her, still holding her hand, and said.

Thats because youre my arch nemesis.

That explains it.


Having said that, I smirked.

Its because youre important to me.


She responded to my words for a moment.

Okay, shes flustered. Now is my chance.

I seized the momentum, still looking straight ahead and smiling, and said.

Without you, my arch nemesis, what is the point of my terror? Even the most perfect show would mean nothing if there were no actors and no audience.

Thats why youre so important to me, Stardus, because, as Ive said before, you complete me.

To me, you mean more than anything, which is why I dont want you to get hurt, Stardus.

I said, smirking.

Yeah. Thats the trick, just say it out loud and say I care about you. And she, the hero, is going to be like, What the fuck? or The villain values me? Thats disgusting.

The thought of her saying that to me made me feel sick to my stomach, but either reaction was fine, because it was important to clear up any doubts she might have had about me.

And her reaction to my words.

Uh Ugh. I see.

She responded to my words in a small voice, and only moved her hand in mine for a moment.

What was this vague response?

I was expecting something more dramatic



We walked in silence after that.

I felt her face getting redder and redder. No, I cant have her reacting like that, it makes me look like the crazy villain who confessed to the hero. Whats wrong with her?

I was more concerned about the hand that was touching hers.

It felt weird to be walking down the hall holding each others hands, feeling her warm body heat, her hand occasionally wiggling in mine.

Anyway, as we walked through the dark corridors, all sorts of monsters popped up, monsters that the Dungeon Maker had created with cognition to the best of her ability.

Obviously, she cant fight monsters while holding hands, so I was about to let go.



Every time there was a ghostly monster or something, Stardus would take out all of them with a single punch from her right hand, so I couldnt let go and I ended up walking hand-in-hand with her the whole way.

How long had it been since we walked down a dark corridor, defeating all the monsters that appeared?

Ah, I can finally see the light.

Finally, at the end of the corridor, we could see an open door with a white light coming from the outside.

That meant it was the last room.

Shall we go in?


And so, finally we entered a bright room with white light everywhere.

The first thing I noticed upon entering was Stardus face, right next to mine.

And her face, to me, seemed to be quite calm.

Am I the only one whos overreacting?

With that thought, I coughed and spoke to her.

Well, this place seems safe for now.

With that, I was finally able to let go of her hand.

For some reason, when I let go at the end, she didnt seem to want to let go of me, but I guess thats just me feeling bad.

What is this room for?

Anyway, thats what Stardus said, looking around.


The door we came through was slammed shut by a white door that came down from nowhere.

We were now trapped in a small room and at that moment, an electronic board started flashing on the wall in front of us.

I knew it from the original.

It was the final room Dungeon Maker prepared for two or more people that entered the labyrinth.

Its called the kill or be killed room.

The reason why her labyrinths seem strangely lackluster is because she poured all of her power into this final chamber.

Its a pretty nasty room that never opens unless one of the people inside the last room dies, and its her final weapon.

I waited for the words to appear and at that moment, the words popped up on the screen.

Naturally, I knew what it was going to say beforehand, so I watched without much suspense.


The words on the screen suddenly dawned on me.

I couldnt help but say those words out of embarrassment.


[A room where you cant leave without kissing each other]



Wait, whats that?

Me and Stardus were looking at the words in mutual bewilderment, and could only say, What?

I mean, out of the blue?

It didnt matter what I was talking about.

I said in disbelief, looking at the broken Stardus beside me.

Dungeon Maker. SheWhat the hell is she doing?



[What are you laughing at?]

[Show us what youre seeing!!!]

[Look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me]

[Dungeon Maker << Why the hell is she touching the pillar and smirking with her eyes closed?]

[Seriously, Im dying to know what the two of them are doing in there, lol]

[So many viewers watching this are feeling the pain I wonder if this is the true terror of that villain?]

[Shiva open the door!!!]


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