Chapter 764

Dungeon beneath the Lake Kingdom.

Base Camp.

As the next monster invasion, the "Flood," was imminent, the place was bustling.

Regardless of previous conquests, intense evil energy emanating from the center of the Lake Kingdom - the King's Castle - enveloped the entire kingdom. Though the base camp was intact, the entire kingdom was shrouded in a sinister atmosphere.


Squeak, squeak, squeak...

Outside the base camp, the sound of insects gnawing in the darkness echoed, and I felt numerous red eyes staring at me from within.

But ignoring them, I proceeded to my intended destination.

It was a magic workshop where a massive witch silently stirred the contents of a cauldron.

"Grandma Coco."


When I called, Coco turned to me with weary eyes.

I smiled slightly.

"How have you been?"

"Young Prince... No, I can't call you that anymore."

Coco removed her hand from the cauldron and turned to me.

"What business does the last hope of this world have with an old witch in the outskirts?"

"I need you, Grandma Coco."

I got straight to the point.

"Come to Crossroad, Coco. We need you for the final journey."


Coco, who hadn't answered for a while, sighed deeply and shook her head.

"To save the world, you must ultimately kill Nameless. That child must die."


"So I can no longer help you. Even if it's for the world, I cannot kill that child, Nameless."

I listened quietly. Coco cast her gaze deep into the dungeon.

"The Princess... No, Nameless is already beyond redemption. She transformed into a monster right in front of the King's Castle. There's no way to save her anymore."


"She chose to embrace all the darkness of this kingdom. She chose to bear all the suffering of its people by herself. It was a predetermined fate from the start."

Coco shook her head sadly.

"The only thing I can do... is to be by her side when she destroys the world..."

"...I heard you were the nanny who raised Nameless, Grandma Coco."

Coco smiled bitterly at my words.

"I thought of her as my granddaughter."

"I think of Nameless as my friend."

I looked Coco straight in the eyes.

Coco lowered her head, hiding her eyes under her hat brim.

"And yet, you intend to kill her? To save the world?"


I grinned broadly.

"I will save her."

"...That's impossible. Nameless has become the embodiment of all nightmares. Once she gathers all her strength, she will set out to annihilate the world."

Coco shook her head again.

"Either the world or that child must disappear."

"There is a way."

But I spoke with conviction.

"To save both this world and Nameless. Just one way."


Coco looked at me with disbelief, but I smiled confidently.

"For that method, Grandma Coco. I need your help."

"...First, tell me. What do you want me to help with?"

I got to the point.

"I want to transfer the dimensional travel magic circuit from the demon species' ship to our ship. I need your help with this."

It was a task only Coco, the master of ancient teleportation magic, could handle, as it was beyond modern magic capabilities.

Coco tilted her head as if she couldn't fully understand.

"I can help with that, but... how does that save the world and Nameless?"

"That ship is needed for the final squad to set out."

To save everyone within my reach.

And to end this endlessly repetitive defense game forever...

"To the final stage."

The last stage of this game that I must prepare.


I explained the detailed plan to Coco.

After much deliberation, Coco agreed to help. It seemed she found significance in the mere attempt to save Nameless, however slim the possibility.

Thus, I succeeded in recruiting Coco.

Not only Coco but also the adventurers remaining at the base camp. Even the Sword Demon and Spear Demon from the slum village.

I persuaded all who could fight to join my forces.

As the final battle approached, I gathered every possible strength. These people, who spent their days slashing monsters in the dungeon, would be a formidable force.

As the brief respite was ending and Stage 46, marking the start of the final 5 consecutive battles, was approaching quickly.


A new airship, unlike any seen before, flew over Crossroad.

It was a pirate ship flying the Jolly Roger, with a skull painted on it.

As soldiers aimed their weapons warily at the suddenly appearing unknown airship, I muttered reluctantly.

"Ghost pirate ship?"

Recalling the ghost pirate monster legion we faced before, King Poseidon, who had approached me, shook his head.

"No. They are not monsters. They are reinforcements I called."

"Oh. So they are the ones you mentioned before..."


A faint relief appeared on King Poseidon's old, weary face.

"Pirate King Rompeller."

With a thud, a giant anchor dropped from the pirate ship, and the massive vessel slowly landed.

Those aboard wore a unified uniform - marine attire - looking like a well-disciplined army at a glance.

Leading them were twin siblings in admiral uniforms.

The twins, who looked quite young, both had transparent blue hair. Both also had a long scar running across the bridge of their noses.

"Captain of the Rompeller Pirate Crew, Rompeller."

"Captain of the Rompeller Pirate Crew, Rompeller."

They spoke almost simultaneously. Were the twins co-captains...?

The twin pirates standing before me and King Poseidon bowed together and then bowed again to me.

"We've come to join the World Guardian Front at the call of the Merfolk King."

"We owe Uncle Poseidon several life debts. We'll help too."

I smiled brightly and extended my hand for a handshake.

"Welcome, Rompeller. We appreciate your coming."

"So, you're the famous 'Born Hater'?"

The female Rompeller whistled while looking at me, and the male Rompeller smiled dangerously.

"The legend written on this monster front has spread even to the outer seas. I'll be watching your skills with interest."

I laughed quietly. It's not about watching, but you'll also have to fight together now.


At that moment, Kuilan, who had been watching from a distance with his arms crossed, let out an uncomfortable breath.

The two pirates glanced at him, and the next moment, Kuilan and the two Rompellers started a staring contest.

'Oh, right.' ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom

Kuilan, this guy, is also more famous as the Bandit King.

Suddenly, a confrontation between the Bandit King and the Pirate King was formed.

Kuilan's subordinates hurriedly stood behind Kuilan, showing off their muscles, while Rompeller's subordinates smirked and began meticulously cleaning their ship.

'This... the ultimate showdown...!'

Which is stronger, bandits or pirates? This is a pretty hot topic, isn't it? Although it seems the confrontation has shifted from fighting to a muscle and ship-showing contest.

I swallowed dryly and watched the conflict between the two.

And just when the tension between the two groups reached its peak...


A clear female nasal voice cut through the tension like a bolt of lightning.

"So many familiar faces gathered here?"

Walking toward us was... Serenade in an elegant suit, followed by the people from the Silver Winter Merchant Guild.

Serenade wore a smiling face, but under her slightly narrowed silver eyes, a terrifying chill exuded. The people following her were visibly furious.

And as soon as they identified them, both the bandits and pirates screamed and fled as fast as they could.


"Uwaaah! It's Silver Winter!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry for being born, I'm sorry for being born, I'm sorry for being born...!"

"I'll never steal again! Please show mercy!"


Now that I think about it, merchants and bandits & pirates are intricately(?) entwined, aren't they...

While the small fry bandits and pirates fled hand in hand, Kuilan and the Rompellers remained, still engaged in their staring contest.

However, Kuilan was trembling, glancing nervously at Serenade, while the Rompellers, their faces pale, quivered their lips.

'Silver Winter... might be a scarier guild than I thought...'

Seeing the Bandit King and Pirate King tremble, I broke out in a cold sweat. Are they really that terrifying?


Serenade stood between the Bandit King and Pirate King, smiling sweetly.

"...Kuilan, we already reached an agreement regarding your debt before, didn't we?"

"Yes, yes! That's right, sister-in-law!"

"Fufu, alright. Continue to behave yourself... You may go."

"Thank you! Thank you! I will live repentantly!"

Kuilan, who repeatedly bowed, sighed in relief and retreated.

What kind of agreement did they reach? And since when did he start calling her sister-in-law...?

Serenade seemed to like the title, nodding a few times, then glared at the Rompellers.

"And... the notorious Rompellers. Finally, we meet."

Serenade, adjusting her glasses, pulled out a ledger from her bosom and began reading aloud.

"The damage you've caused to our guild... Twenty-six merchant ships, and the jewels, pepper, spices, silk, porcelain they carried..."

The endless list made the two pirates break out in cold sweat.

"And on top of that, one hundred seventy-two damage claims filed against the Rompeller Pirate Crew entrusted to us by the Continental Merchants Association..."


Closing the ledger, Serenade smiled coldly.

"We need to settle these issues first, don't we?"

"Uh, well, you see..."

"Life was a bit tough, so we acted on impulse..."

The two pirates shrank like mice before a cat.

I always thought that when merchants meet bandits or pirates, the merchants usually yield... But it seems this flips when it involves high-ranking individuals...

"I would love to settle this right here and now."

Serenade sighed and removed her glasses.

"Considering the fact that the Rompeller Pirate Crew, though they stole goods, did not harm people. And that you voluntarily came to the frontlines to help defend the world for a noble cause."

The almost tearful faces of the two pirates brightened with hope.

"If you fight diligently and give your all in the upcoming monster defense battles. If you help in protecting the world..."

Serenade looked at their hair.

The same transparent blue color as hers. The color of the merfolk.

"...Thus elevating the honor of the merfolk and positively impacting the future of our kin."

Serenade waved the ledger in her hand.

"I will take responsibility for these ledgers, and I will personally handle the compensation claims."

"Is... is that true, Master of Silver Winter...?!"

"Indeed, the world's best merchant guild! You have a big heart!"

The two pirates hugged each other and jumped with joy.

I approached Serenade and put my hand on her shoulder. Serenade sighed shortly and glanced up at me.

As if to say, 'Did I do well?'

I nodded gently.

"Thank you."

I felt like I was always saying this, but still.

I was grateful to her for resolving past grudges for the harmony of the entire front.

‘Thus, the enemies of yesterday became allies today.’

I looked around.

Kings and lords from all over the world, chiefs and rulers, adventurers, warriors, magicians, pirates, bandits, merchants, humans, and mixed-races, immortals from five hundred years ago, and people of the present...

Shoulder to shoulder, looking at the same star for a greater cause.

Everyone I could gather was here.

After making eye contact with each one of them, I spoke.

"Let's go."

Boom-! Boom-! Boom-!

The sound of drums echoed from afar. It was the signal that the monsters were approaching the city.

As the start of the final 5 consecutive battles approached, I grinned.

"To the end of this war!"

--TL Notes--

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