Chapter 549: Chapter 549

Damien's sniper fire surged towards the Scarecrow Legion Commander.

The Scarecrow Legion Commander tried desperately to dodge, but it was futile.

Damien's sniping was dead accurate.

Dodging was impossible!

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk-!


The Scarecrow Legion Commander groaned in pain as he was repeatedly hit by the magic bullet sniping.

The Scarecrow Legion Commander, 'The Oldest Scarecrow', was a genuine monster.

Status Drain- 'Harvest' allowed it to possess stats equal to the total of those it had absorbed from its victims.

And this time, most of the heroes and soldiers harvested were dealers. Mikhail the Magic Swordsman was a prime example.

Thus, the current Scarecrow Legion Commander had exceptional attack power, but its tanking ability was not particularly remarkable.

It had plenty of stamina, but lacked any defensive traits or skills.

Meaning every hit that landed did damage!

"This, damn..."

True to being a commander, it didn't just take the hits.

Even as its body was covered in magic bullets, the Scarecrow Legion Commander dashed across the ground, used the hill for a boost, and leaped up - soaring towards the airship.

"I'll bring you down-!"

Apparently not expecting the monster on the ground to leap up so suddenly, the low-flying airship Geronimo hurriedly increased its altitude.

But the Scarecrow Legion Commander had absorbed Mikhail's aerial cavalry ability.

With wings like a griffin deployed on its legs, the Scarecrow Legion Commander was launched like a surface-to-air missile.

Click, clack!

Damien calmly switched his guns. He stowed away the sniper rifle and drew a new gun that resembled an assault rifle.

The SSR-grade magic gun, [Venom Fang].

Each shot was weak, but the gun had a 60-round magazine and its rapid-fire, stopping power, and suppression were tremendous.


Aiming was unnecessary. Damien pulled the trigger as soon as he shouldered the gun, and the [Venom Fang]'s muzzle spat fire.

A barrage of magic bullets rained down on the Scarecrow Legion Commander, embedding into its body. The unique poisoning effect of [Venom Fang] quickly stacked.

"It doesn't even tickle!"

Yet, the Scarecrow Legion Commander managed to withstand it and reached the open hatch of Geronimo.

Its long arm stretched out. Damien stared down the bizarrely long fingers flying towards him without dodging.

At that moment,


Grazing past Damien, someone burst out of the airship like a cannonball.

A giant knightess with a lance and shield.

The commander of the monster front's melee unit, Evangeline.

"Here I come! Heir to the Hundred Battles-!"

Evangeline charged with her shield upfront, colliding with the Scarecrow Legion Commander's body.


She struck the Scarecrow Legion Commander's head with a resounding noise.

Her reckless charge, along with her trait [Unstoppable], pushed the Scarecrow Legion Commander back helplessly.


Making a strange noise, the Scarecrow Legion Commander regained its posture in mid-air and swung down its arm.

A powerful attack that would knock down most heroes in one hit was hurled at Evangeline.


But she withstood it.

Evangeline blocked it with her shield, which had [Damage Save] activated, brilliantly absorbing most of the damage.

The shield dented from the remaining damage, and Evangeline squinted her eyes.

"It's been a while since I've been fully charged in one go? You hit pretty hard?"

The next moment, the burning white light moved from the left arm's shield to the right hand's lance, and Evangeline thrust it powerfully forward.

"I'll return it straight back-!"


Boom! [Damage Payback] exploded with a bang.

Unaware that its own attack would be returned in kind, the Scarecrow Legion Commander was hit squarely.

Evangeline, even amidst this, aimed for the wings sprouting from its legs with the tip of her lance, and the grotesquely spread wings were utterly destroyed.


Ultimately, losing its ability to fly, it crashed.


The Scarecrow Legion Commander landed unceremoniously on the ground. Evangeline landed gracefully next to it with a heroic landing.


After composing herself, Evangeline gave me a thumbs up.

"How about that, senior? I guess it's okay to be called the Flying Heir to the Hundred Battles now?"

"Not yet, lad. But I'll grant you Flying Heir to the Hundred Battles at least."

Evangeline, always eyeing the lordship of Crossroad, was nevertheless a welcome presence.

As she raised her shield and prepared to re-enter battle, Evangeline looked around and her eyes widened.

"Wait, where's the uncle?"

"Which uncle? There's more than one uncle here."

"Our uncle... Uncle Lucas!"

No sooner had she finished speaking than Lucas and the rest of the heroes emerged from the forest. Lucas was helping Nobody, and Torkel was limping along, supporting Chain.

Upon seeing me, Lucas ran up and knelt on one knee, bowing his head.

"I am... ashamed, my lord. I tried to block the enemy leader's attack with my body to protect the other mages and..."


"I ended up getting knocked off a cliff..."

So, you're saying you fell off a cliff and had to climb back up?

"I was delayed in joining up. Moreover, I failed to properly stop the enemy leader. Please, take my life..."

"Man, it's been a while since I've heard that one."

It was my fault for pushing through with a reckless strategy in the first place.

Seeing that everyone was still breathing was a relief. I patted Lucas on the shoulder and helped him up.

"Get up, lad. We're all too young to die."

As soon as I said that, Evangeline raised both arms and shouted.

"Right! Now, everyone, follow after me! Eung-ae~!"

That's taking it a bit too far...

Lucas and Torkel, still able to fight, gripped their weapons and joined the front line. I gestured with my chin to Evangeline.

"Who else came?"

"With the situation being a surprise attack, many haven't returned from their dungeon explorations... I brought only those who were immediately available."

As Evangeline spoke, the airship Geronimo descended close to the ground, and


Our forces began to pour out through the open hatch.

Watching our troops quickly form ranks upon landing, Evangeline turned to me and counted on her fingers, humming.

"About... 200? Maybe a bit less."

"Can the airship even carry that many...?"

People were coming out from where the cargo was stored. How did they all fit?

"We didn't know the exact situation, so as many as possible! Packed tight!"

It was clearly an overpacked operation, but in the current situation, it was nothing short of a blessing.

The heroes and soldiers who had landed naturally formed up behind me without being asked. Grasping the flag, I turned towards the Scarecrow Legion Commander.

"Seems like the tide is turning, monster. Aren't you going to run?"

Squeak. Squeak.

The Scarecrow Legion Commander let out its characteristic laugh and exuded an intimidating morale all around.

"Would I do such a thing, you sea rats...! I can easily devour all of you by myself!"

"You're being reckless."

I smiled wryly.

"You're making a mistake, you."

The Scarecrow Legion Commander's gaze swiftly scanned over us, choosing its target as if picking out candy from a display.

"I don't like to leave what I've started uneaten, but..."

Launching off the ground, the Scarecrow Legion Commander aimed for.

"I'll devour you first-!"

It was Zenis, who had not yet recovered from the injuries sustained a short while ago.

'Is it aiming to steal healing abilities!'

It wasn't a bad decision. If a scarecrow monster with such accumulated specs could heal itself and then engage in guerrilla warfare, we would be out of options.



As if anticipating the Scarecrow Legion Commander's movements, the last reinforcement from the airship had leaped down right above the Scarecrow Legion Commander's head.

"To kill people, to consume them, and to seek the destruction of the world."

Elegantly fluttering the hem of her skirt as she fell, Inquisitor Rosetta stretched out her leg-

"Heretic points, one million."

And kicked the Scarecrow Legion Commander squarely in the jaw.


A picturesque kick exploded with holy power.

Staggering backward, Rosetta landed gracefully in front of the Scarecrow Legion Commander and drew her iron whip from her waist.

"I will purify and incinerate you immediately."

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Following her, four inquisitors from the powerful Holy Knight Division positioned themselves to Rosetta's sides- in front of Zenis.



Even with former comrades in front and behind, the red priests said not a word.

They focused solely on the enemy before them.


The Scarecrow Legion Commander stumbled back.

It might have absorbed the power of a hundred people, but

On this side, there were two hundred well-organized troops.

Moreover, I had completely neutralized the Scarecrow Legion's specialty in fear, and there were no hostages left.

"Don't make me laugh..."

Despite all these adverse conditions, the Scarecrow Legion Commander charged at us.

"All of you! I will harvest you all-!"

And then, just as it reached right in front of us,


The Scarecrow Legion Commander made a 'mistake.'

Its step, hindered by the previously damaged leg, twisted, and it embarrassingly rolled on the ground, unable to withstand its momentum.

As it desperately tried to rise, two hundred weapons from our side were pointed at it in an instant. The Scarecrow Legion Commander muttered in disbelief.

"What is this...? How could I make such a mistake..."

"I was wondering when it would happen."

But I knew the Scarecrow Legion Commander would make a mistake.

I lowered my body and whispered lowly towards it.

"You, you absorbed Mikhail's power."

'Harvest' is a Status Drain skill that absorbs the power of its victims.

From basic stats to skills and even traits. It indiscriminately devours everything.


"Mikhail's 'Recklessness' and 'Error-Prone', you absorbed those along with everything else."

Even negative traits were absorbed.

'Recklessness' leads to engaging in battles that cannot be won, and 'Error-Prone' means tripping over one's feet right in front of the enemy.

I had expected this 'Error-Prone' to happen sooner, and its delay meant my heroes struggled more than they should have.

But better late than never.

With a laugh filled with resignation, the Scarecrow Legion Commander muttered.

"This is why I should have been selective before harvesting."

"You're full of it."

As I swung the flag, buffing all the newly arrived heroes and soldiers, I growled.

"You're not harvesting; you're plundering."

Everyone gripped their weapons with a murderous look. I coldly declared,

"Die, you bandit pretending to be a farmer."

The Scarecrow Legion Commander roared as it rose to its feet. Simultaneously, my surrounding heroes and soldiers charged at it.


The battle was over.

The Scarecrow Legion Commander, having stolen the power of a hundred people, was undoubtedly strong, but here were two hundred of us, in full condition and under the effect of my buff barrage.

It goes without saying, but my buffs become more potent as the number of allies increases.

With around two hundred people, the increase in stats and their synergy from my buffs alone was enough to overwhelm the Scarecrow Legion Commander.

Two hundred heroes and soldiers coordinated their defense and attack, and the Scarecrow Legion Commander, who recklessly chose a head-on confrontation, quickly fell.

With a slash-!

Lucas's final blow, [Strike of Will], cleanly severed the dangling neck of the creature.

Creak... creak...

Emitting a pitiful sound, the body of the Scarecrow Legion Commander without its head kneeled.

The straw sack-covered head that rolled away muttered to me with a rustling laugh.

"It was quite fun but... alas, not being able to devour the world remains my regret..."

"Who asked?"

I blew off its jaw with the magic pistol [Agate] I drew.


The monster's head exploded, scattering like straw.

A fittingly vain end for a monster.

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