Chapter 475: Chapter 475

In just a few days, things changed.

Perhaps due to the return of the Emperor, who had governed the Empire all his life, the chaos in the Imperial Capital was quickly subdued.

The Emperor swiftly reclaimed the power he had once distributed to his sons.

In the blink of an eye, he completely seized military and administrative authority, stabilizing the situation in the Imperial Capital.

He personally led the efforts in the devastated parts of the city, reassuring citizens and hastening the recovery from the damage.

The citizens responded positively as the Emperor, who had been secluded for years, was now actively showing up.

The remains of the proliferated thorny bushes were cleared away, the shutdown protocol magic circles completely dismantled, and the collapsed imperial palace and surrounding buildings were quickly removed.

Moreover, the Emperor announced a swift compensation plan for all citizens affected by the damages.

Investigators were dispatched throughout the city to assess the citizens' losses, and their dissatisfaction quickly dissipated.

And there was more to organize than just these material matters.

All soldiers who had sided with Fernandez were subject to punishment.

Though it was said they were brainwashed by Fernandez, this could be considered for leniency but not as an excuse.

Especially the Aegis Special Forces and the Mage Corps, who had been Fernandez's henchmen plotting treason underground. The Emperor showed no mercy towards them.

"Considering Fernandez's brainwashing, I will not annihilate their families or execute them horribly."

The Emperor, with a calm voice, delivered a fearsome judgment.

"All members of these groups will receive punishments appropriate to the severity of their crimes."

In addition to this, the divided Imperial Capital Defense Force, the 2nd and 3rd Imperial Legions that followed Fernandez but later joined our side, and the Royal Guards who opened their doors to us, were all rewarded or punished according to their actions.

'I told you to choose your side wisely...'

And then.

Such rewards and punishments were not only applied to Fernandez's forces.

There were also matters to be addressed within the World Guardian Front.


"To everyone who participated in this conquest of the Imperial Capital, you have worked hard. It was because of your bravery and sacrifice that we were able to save New Terra and all its citizens."

At a gathering of the leaders of various forces belonging to the World Guardian Front.

I showed a genial smile.

"In recognition of your efforts, I intend to provide appropriate rewards on behalf of the Imperial family."

Most of the kings smiled, but a few who detested the Empire to their bones made faces of disgust. Consistency is key.

"Now, first... let me announce those who will receive 'rewards'."

I unfolded the list and started reading the names of the kings written there.

Their initially beaming faces gradually turned grim.

And for a good reason, as the list I was announcing... contained the names of kings who had once betrayed me following Fernandez's orders at the Iris River.

After finishing the call, I casually tossed the list behind me and shrugged.

"The aforementioned individuals will be 'expelled from the World Guardian Front' effective immediately."


"Thank you for your service. We will pay for this expedition, so pack your bags and head home."

The mouths of the called kings dropped open. Surprised, huh? Pretending to be shocked, you bastards.

During the battle for the Imperial Capital, there was no time for this, and it was necessary to maintain our strength. But now, it was time to cut off the rotten flesh.

'Bastards who could betray me anytime for their own benefit.'

It was good that I had the Emperor card, or else they would have joined Fernandez against me.

What if we were fighting the monsters and the situation turned unfavorable?

If the Demon King said he would spare their lives if they betrayed humanity, they might have turned the entire front upside down to save their own skins.

I'm petty... no, meticulous, and I don't forget such betrayals.

"Ash, Prince Ash! Wait a moment..."

"I gathered you all for a great cause."

I glared at them coldly and snapped.

"But you were blinded by power, seeking it out and attempting to betray us."


"The real battle that our World Guardian Front will unfold in the southern wilderness over the next year will be incomparably more brutal and tough than this assault on the Imperial Capital."

I growled at them, now mute as if they had honey in their mouths.

"This time, fighting at the heart of the world, there were at least crumbs to distribute among you. By impressing the Emperor, you might have earned some recognition in your own countries."


"But in the upcoming war against the monsters, spanning over a year, there will be no such benefits. We will fight solely for survival and to protect all others in the world."

The monster front is where we fight for survival.

In the face of this immense crisis looming over the world, we must set aside race and self-interest to unite our strength.

If we cannot adhere to this basic principle, it's better not to join at all.

It's better to rid ourselves early of those who would only hinder us. Good riddance to those who were filtered out this time.

I growled.

"I have no need for bats like you on this path."


"Pack your bags and leave. I'm saying this nicely."

As I turned to leave, coldly uttering these words,

"Y-you promised to forgive us, Prince Ash!"

"Please, listen to our side of the story!"

"Consider our position, we had no choice back then!"

"Not for power, but as leaders of our nations! We had to decide which side was more beneficial for our national interests in that situation!"

The kings who received the expulsion order desperately clung to me.

"We'll never let this happen again! I promise, I'll even write it in blood!"

"We pledge on our nation's honor to dedicate ourselves to the World Guardian Front!"

"Just give us one more chance...!"

I smirked inwardly.

The reason they were groveling to me was simple.

I am now the only remaining prince in the empire.

In other words, there's a very high chance I'll become the next Emperor.

Naturally, they'd want to ingratiate themselves. If I really ascend to the throne, I'll be sitting on that throne for a much longer time than the World Guardian Front will suffer in the south.

The hardship is short, but the rewards last long.

That's why they cling so pathetically, a worthwhile investment.

"Very well."

I smiled slyly and shrugged my shoulders.

"If you can prove your sincerity, and if we can resolve the 'misunderstanding' from last time, there's no reason to prevent your rejoining."

"Ash, Prince Ash...!"

"I'll give you one last chance."

Ideally, I should cut ties with such people.

But to be brutally honest, we're not in a position to afford such luxuries.

The monster invasions will intensify, and the monster front will soon be desperate for even an ant's help.

We'll have to use even these wretches as subordinates.

I showed them a wicked smirk as their faces filled with relief.

"Make very, very good use of this last opportunity."

Of course, this 'last chance' will be extremely harsh and difficult.

You opportunistic bastards will have to suffer.


Generous rewards were bestowed upon the kings and leaders of forces who had consistently sided with me from the beginning.

The four great non-human races and those who aided me since the battle with the goblins... along with a few new forces.

They can be considered trustworthy. I must take good care of them.

Thus, the matters in the Imperial Capital were settled one by one. I began preparing to return to the Crossroad.

Having sorted out the Imperial Capital's troubles, it was time to return to the real battlefield.

"Your Prince has arrived~!"

I entered the headquarters of the Silver Winter Merchant Guild. Currently, it's being used as a temporary lodging for my subordinates.

'I did have a fabulous villa originally...'

But it got blown up in the air this time... Being homeless, Serenade graciously lent me her building. I'm grateful indeed.

As I entered, I saw my heroes lying around almost like corpses. Ah dear.

"Uh... Boss, you're back...?"

"Ah, Lord Ash... you've returned..."

"Prince... is here..."

Kuilan, Verdandi, and Damien uttered in turn. These were the heroes I left at the palace entrance during the battle a few days ago...

I left them to secure my retreat, not knowing the palace would literally blow up.

So, awkwardly left behind, they supposedly managed to easily suppress Fernandez's approaching army.

The problem was the Kraken.

This damned monster I summoned and left behind kept trying to eat Fernandez's troops, and when my heroes tried to stop it, it turned on them instead.

So, these three heroes and their party members ended up having to conduct an unexpected Kraken raid...

Fortunately, the Kraken disappeared when the summon duration ended, but they were so exhausted from the ordeal that they ended up like this.

'That damned Kraken, should I make it into spicy seafood stew...?'

Next time the summon cooldown is up, I'll have to discipline it harshly. If it dares touch my heroes again, it's straight to the soy sauce bottle, you bastard!

Next to these three sprawled heroes was,

"Your Highness... you've come... *cough*"


Junior was also lying down, on the brink of death.

Apparently, during the battle with Rayna, she managed to process all the residual elements in her heart, no longer living on borrowed time.

But regardless, she overexerted herself in that battle, ending up in this pitiful state.

'What's the difference from being terminally ill...?'

They say she'll recover soon, but still, she needs more rest for a few days.

'Anyway, these mages are all too fragile. Need to get them started on physical training.'

...except me. I don't need to. Too busy. Yep.

After checking on them, I headed to the next room.

The next room was a dining room with a large table, where five familiar gamblers were playing poker.

Gambler's Club.

Luckily, all of them survived.

The other four had minor injuries, but Violet was badly beaten up, covered in bandages.

Apparently, she got a thorough beating from Rayna in the rain.

"So, we risked our lives entering the Imperial Capital for the operation..."

The gamblers whispered among themselves as they shuffled the cards.

"Where's the gold and treasure?"

"Did anyone manage to grab something valuable?"

"Like we had the time for that..."

"Hey, be thankful we all survived without dying in that chaos. Thought I was going to meet my maker."

Violet grumbled.

"Really thought I was a goner! Especially when that enemy mage almost made me lose everything."

"The mage tried to crush your hand?"

"No? Tried to scratch my pretty face. This is my bread and butter."

The rest of the gamblers snickered. Violet, despite being wrapped in bandages, seemed to be in good enough spirits to joke around.

"Damn it, fold!"

Violet declared, throwing her hand of cards onto the table.

"Anyway, seriously, once I get the reward promised by the prince, I'm washing my hands of this game for good...! I won't even come near a gambling table again!"

Violet was essentially saying, in a roundabout way, that she'd leave this game forever.

I smiled wryly and quietly passed by the room. The Gambler's Club still needs to be used effectively in the future. Sorry, but retirement is not an option.

I walked through the corridor and entered a spacious warehouse. True to a Merchant Guild building, the warehouse was massive, housing the airship Geronimo.

Kellybey and Hannibal were busily repairing Geronimo. I waved at them as I approached.

"Didn't I tell you to rest? And yet, here you are working again?"

"Oh, you're here? What's the use of just sitting around? Just a bit sore. Fixing this guy after the tough battle feels more rewarding."

"Your Highness has arrived!"

Kellybey had piloted the airship himself during the battle, performing remarkably.

Though he had strained his back again, he seemed sturdy enough not to warrant worry.

Hannibal and the spirit summoner party, although brought along, were kept in the rear during the entire battle, so they didn't have to fight humans.

I brought these members of the Half-Blood community to enhance their standing by giving them credit, not to make them commit murder.

We talked about various things, then discussed upcoming plans.

"Since everyone is still recovering, we'll rest a few more days at Crossroad before slowly heading back."

"Yeah, since I've come this far to the Imperial Capital, I want to steal... I mean, learn their airship technology and apply it to Geronimo."

Kellybey coughed, and at that moment, Hannibal cautiously asked.

"Your Highness... but is Crossroad okay?"

"Of course. Who do you think was left there?"

My most powerful knight duo remained at Crossroad.

Evangeline had her exclusive equipment and [Snow White] armor perfectly set up, and Lucas was also in peak condition with excellent farming on his first skill.

Though I need to get them new armors soon.

In addition to the original Crossroad defense forces, various other heroes are also stationed there.

It's not a boss stage; regular stage monsters won't even come close.

"I stake my middle name on it being completely safe!"

I pounded my chest confidently.

That's when it happened.

"Your Highness-!"

Serenade rushed over urgently. A large hawk... a courier hawk was perched on her delicate shoulder.

"I-it's urgent news!"

"Huh? Urgent? What's happening?"

It must be news brought by this courier hawk.

Serenade, pale and breathless, ran up to me and took a moment to catch her breath.

"I-it's... that is..."

I swallowed hard. What news could be so shocking that it has Serenade this flustered?


Then, following Serenade's words,

Not only I, but Kellybey and Hannibal also gaped in shock.

"Crossroad has been overrun by monsters...!"


A moment of silence.

After a hellish pause, I barely managed to speak.


It was almost a scream.

"What kind of nonsensical bullshit is that-?!"

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