Chapter 457: Chapter 457

Thump! Kugugugung...!

Engulfed in flames, Anchors 1 and 2 emitted long trails of smoke as they plummeted. Anchor 1 exploded spectacularly in mid-air and crashed far away, while the less damaged Anchor 2 spiraled down in an attempt to make an emergency landing in the nearby fields.

Although not flagship-grade, these were undoubtedly two of the Empire's proud main force airships, now shattered in an instant.

Reyna, standing in the hatch of Alcatraz, watched this scene with her mouth agape.

"How... when did the Geronimo... How long has it been hiding there?!"

How long, you ask?

Naturally, from the very beginning.

Since departing Crossroad, my flagship Geronimo has been constantly escorting us from the skies, hidden under a magic camouflage cloak the entire time!

'What an incredible effect.'

I looked up at the Geronimo. More precisely, at the newly installed siren statue at the bow of the massive airship.

The artifact, [Iron Myth], forged from the power core of the Nightmare Legion's ghostly pirate ship captain Bernard Poker.

Rather than personal gear, this artifact was created specifically for a ship.

Given that they were originally pirates who sailed ghost ships, it was possible to craft an artifact that provided several beneficial effects for our own vessel.

'This Nightmare Slayer grants two major effects.'

First, the stealth ability.

In the stormy seas, pirates launched surprise attacks, firmly believing they were invisible to the enemy's eyes.

This belief allowed them to engage in reckless close combat.

This superstition is realized as a special effect, allowing for complete invisibility once a day.

However, while invisible, it's not possible to attack, so stealth must be dropped just before the attack.

'A ship on the sea would be crazy enough, but an airship is even crazier!'

Unlike regular ships constrained by the surface of the water, airships move in the air. In other words, they can utilize the X, Y, and Z axes.

This allows for far more creative and three-dimensional tactics in stealth and ambush.

'While the first effect, stealth, is great, the second effect is also formidable.'

The second effect of this artifact is that the bow is 'Unbreakable'!

The ghost pirates were obsessed with ramming tactics.

They firmly believed that even if their ship was destroyed in the process, the bow would remain unbroken.

This foolish superstition manifests as the actual effect.

In reality, the siren statue-crafted bow is indeed indestructible.

This allows it to absorb all attacks as a shield and simultaneously -


Just like those pirate scoundrels, it can effectively be used for ramming tactics!

The Geronimo's thrusters emitted fierce flames as it charged towards Alcatraz.

Panicking, Alcatraz hastily deployed its barrage, but Geronimo robustly absorbed the blows, not stopping its charge.

From the Geronimo's cockpit, a gravelly dwarf voice echoed triumphantly.


It was the shout of Kellibey in the cockpit.

"A hundred years' grudge, time to settle it! Alcatraz-!"

A hundred years ago, during the racial wars, it was Alcatraz that had shot down the joint race alliance's flagship, Geronimo.

Now, the tables had completely turned, and it was Alcatraz facing imminent destruction.

"The ghost of the past dares to challenge the symbol of the Empire again...!"

Reyna gritted her teeth and shouted inwardly.

"Evasive maneuvers! Get away-!"


The thrusters of Alcatraz immediately spewed bright blue flames in reverse, performing an elegant twirl in the air like a ballet dancer, and swiftly ascended into the sky.


Geronimo's ramming tactic narrowly missed, and the two airships grazed each other's armor as they crossed paths in the sky.

Shards of damaged armor flew off in all directions, creating a shower of sparks.


With a groan, Kellibey stabilized the hull of Geronimo. However, by the time Geronimo regained control, Alcatraz had already soared to a dizzying height.

While Geronimo moved like a raging bull, Alcatraz was as graceful as a ballerina.

"Come down here, 'World's Strongest Ship'! It's different from a hundred years ago! Let's have a proper showdown!"

Kellibey bellowed, consumed by fury, but Reyna, who now controlled Alcatraz, showed no intention of responding.

"...We're retreating. Let's return to New Terra."

"Running away, huh! Coward!"

"War is fought to win. We only engage in battles where victory is certain."

Reyna coldly dismissed Kellibey's provocation and glanced one last time at me and Junior before slowly retreating into the hatch.


As the hatch of Alcatraz closed, it unbelievably sped away from our airspace.

In terms of agility and speed, they were a step ahead of Geronimo. Chasing them down to finish them off was never an option.

"Still, it's a significant victory."

I looked at the burning wrecks of Anchors 1 and 2, then at our camp.

The kings and soldiers were all staring at me with dumbfounded expressions. They probably never imagined that we could score such a significant victory against the world's strongest imperial air force.

"Did you see?"

I shrugged nonchalantly with a sly smile.

"I have a plan for everything."


The kings and soldiers erupted into cheers.

Raising fists high and seeing the morale of our troops skyrocket, I thought to myself.

'...I used up one of my trump cards too early.'

While the stealth and surprise attack capabilities of Geronimo were still viable, executing a perfect rear attack like this one would be difficult. They would be on guard now.

Having played one of my winning cards earlier than expected was not ideal, but since we achieved significant results, I decided not to mention it.

No need to dampen the spirits when the mood is good.


"Ha ha ha! Finally gave Alcatraz a good hit! Did you see them running away?"

Kellibey, stumbling out of the landed Geronimo, laughed heartily.

"Just wait! Next time, I'll make them crawl on the ground... Whoa!"

As Kellibey spoke, I approached and grabbed the back of his shirt, lifting him up. His shirt stretched as he flailed.

"Khek! What's this, Ash? Instead of praising a pilot who worked hard, what are you doing?"

Sure. You did well. Up to the point of sinking Anchor 1 and Anchor 2.

The problem was what happened afterward!

"Didn't I tell you, Kellibey? No ramming tactics!"

Ramming is a tactic only used by brainless pirate scum!

Moreover, pirates used ramming not as an end goal, but to initiate close combat.

In contrast, what's the point of ramming between airships? Even if the bow is tough, the airship's hull will take damage.

Why risk damaging this expensive airship... or rather, making it a wreck?

"You fool! Do you really not understand?!"

Kellibey, looking unfairly accused, shouted back.

"A badass ship ramming is... freaking cool!"


What kind of nonsense is this?

I was speechless at the absurdity, but the dwarves who had been in the cockpit with Kellibey all nodded in agreement.

"A ship, a culmination of all the expertise and efforts of countless engineers, holding immense value... Yet it selflessly rams into an enemy vessel."

"It's the epitome of a sweaty, dreamlike fantasy."

"Not recognizing this, our commander seems to be more romance-ignorant than I thought... Tsk tsk."

I stood there, suddenly labeled as a romance ignoramus, and opened my mouth slightly.

Kellibey chuckled and continued, "Alcatraz was already surrounded by a magic barrier at that time. In such a state, Alcatraz is virtually impenetrable by any attack."

He was right.

Even Demian's sniper shots couldn't penetrate it. The defensive power of Alcatraz with its barrier active was insanely high.

"But with this statue on Geronimo's bow... 'Iron Myth', there was a possibility of piercing that barrier."


Magic operates on a system where stronger spells and more solid concepts take precedence.

The concentrated belief of 'successful ramming' in this Nightmare Slayer could, conceptually, nullify Alcatraz's barrier.

"From that perspective, it wasn't entirely a reckless move..."

"Besides, I took this risk because I was confident we could repair it."

As soon as Kellibey finished his sentence, dozens of dwarves appeared from the camp, each carrying tools and rushed towards Geronimo.

"Ah, to see this ship alive again!"

"I'm glad I survived long enough for this."

"I'll take care of the side armor."

"I've got the engine repairs!"

"No, that's mine!"

They bickered as they eagerly began repairing the ship.

"There are hundreds of dwarves in your 'World Guardians Front'. A little damage to the airship is nothing to worry about."

Kellibey spoke proudly, but I gently shook my head.

"Still, try not to overdo it next time."

The ship can be repaired.

But the people on it...

Kellibey, now voluntarily a pilot, is too valuable to lose.

Kellibey then chuckled, slapped my back, and ran towards Geronimo.

I turned around, another person weighing on my mind.


Junior stood silently on a nearby hill.

I quietly approached and stood beside her. Junior, coughing into a bloodstained handkerchief, looked at me.

"How are you feeling?"

"...I'm fine, Your Highness. I can still fight."

I looked at her with concern.

Junior's life had a time limit.

She should have died months ago, but Reyna, during her stay in Crossroad, treated her. We thought she was cured, but she still coughed blood when overexerting.

"...Illness is like that. Even when you think it's gone, it can come back."

Junior removed the handkerchief from her lips, her lips stained with blood.

"One last remnant element still eats away at my mana. It's a strain on my body, but I can still use magic."

"Junior, you can still go back to Crossroad and—"

"We need to settle this."

Junior's eyes were resolute as she looked at me.

"I need to see this through with her."


"This is the ending that Jupiter Junior, the mage... No, as a human, must reach."

And similarly,

Reyna Windwell, the mage, as a human, must also reach a certain conclusion.

"I'll go to the end. Please allow me."


Instead of dissuading her, I silently took out a set of potions from my pocket and handed them to Junior. It was all I could offer to help.

"I've always supported you, and I will continue to do so. Live your life as you've decided, Junior. But remember one last thing until the end."

Junior, holding the potions, clenched her lips at my words.

"Remember what your mother wanted for you. You must never forget that."

Junior fell silent for a moment at the mention of Jupiter, then slowly gave me a foxy smile.

"Yes. I will never forget, Your Highness."

It was her characteristic sly smile.

I returned her smile, albeit a bit bitterly.

Jupiter, Reyna, Junior.

The story of these three tragic and sorrowful magicians... I could feel that it was indeed approaching its conclusion.

'Whatever the outcome, I hope you won't have any regrets.'

That was all I could wish for Junior.


The next day.

Our World Guardians Front forces continued their march northward.

By noon, with the sun high in the sky, we reached the walls of the Imperial Capital, New Terra.

The heart of the world, a city that had never known defeat, the invincible city.

We began our siege, stepping forward to challenge this formidable stronghold.

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