Chapter 455: Chapter 455

The next morning.

There were deserters from the World Guardians Front's camp.

Metallic and the remnants of the 1st Legion, along with a few fallen king factions, had disappeared. They fled during the night before I could interrogate them thoroughly.

"It seems the deserters from last night have all fled to Fernandez."

I announced the deserters to the remaining kings and grinned.

"All of you who remain have decided to uphold the banner of our World Guardians Front... That's how I can interpret it, right?"

All of them have chosen the emperor over Fernandez. Well, that's one way to see it.

There might still be some who are hesitant, but the last chance to leave for Fernandez's side is gone.

Those who remain will now, willingly or not, be mobilized for a frontal conflict with Fernandez.

"It's a pity we lost those deserters. We could have extracted a lot of information if we had captured them."

One of the kings commented.

He was right. If we had strictly guarded them, we could have captured them.

'But that would have interfered with my key infiltration operation.'

I deliberately arranged for lax security and, even after receiving reports of the deserters' movements, chose not to stop them.

I quietly watched them frantically flee north.

In other words, I let them go on purpose.

'Those I sent away will guide us into the Imperial Capital.'

I glanced northward, hoping the fleeing deserters would quickly reach New Terra.


Imperial Capital, New Terra.

South Gate.

Clip-clop, clip-clop...

A group of soldiers on horseback appeared in front of the tightly shut gate.

Exhausted and weary, they were the deserters from the World Guardians Front from the previous night.

Leading them was Metallic, the commander of the 1st Legion of the Imperial Army, with a stern face.

"Yah, yah!"

They stopped in front of the closed south gate.


A bleak wind blew.

The outskirts of the city, surrounded by massive walls, showed no sign of life. Instead...

Click! Click!

Magic defense mechanisms with menacing lights aimed their muzzles at the detected living beings.


Everyone swallowed nervously.

Even though they knew it was a formal procedure, being targeted by mechanical devices capable of ripping living beings apart was not a pleasant feeling.

Though everyone looked tense, a few among them seemed particularly nervous.

Five soldiers at the rear of Metallic's 1st Legion.

No, 'soldiers in disguise' would be more accurate.

"Shit, how did we end up here..."

A woman with violet hair gritted her teeth in frustration.

"How the fuck did we get dragged into this shitshow..."

She was Violet, the leader of the gambler party 'Gambler's Club.'

The five heroes of the 'Gambler's Club' had infiltrated, disguised as soldiers of Metallic's unit, blending into this group.

Violet, her face dripping with cold sweat, glanced slyly at the south gate of New Terra.

The magic defense mechanisms on either side of the solid gate seemed ready to spew magical flames at any moment.

Wiping her sweaty palms on her hem, Violet recalled a conversation with Ash a few days ago.

- I'll tell you the mission the five of you will undertake.

Suddenly called in the middle of the night and rushing to the commander's tent, Ash introduced Metallic and continued.

- You will disguise yourselves as soldiers under Sir Metallic and enter the Imperial Capital with him.

- Excuse me?

- Sir Metallic was a spy for Fernandez, but he has now switched sides to ours. Essentially, he will play the role of a double agent. You will operate as his subordinates.

The faces of the five members of the gambler party turned grim. Ash chuckled softly.

- Why? Didn't all of you want to return to the Imperial Capital?

- Well, yes, but...! Being told to enter like this is almost like being asked to stick our heads in a crocodile's mouth!

- Weren't you trying to fleece me in gambling? Wasn't that sticking your head in a crocodile's mouth?

- No, that was...

As Violet faltered, Ash winked slyly at her.

- It's no different from what you've always been doing. Disguised as soldiers, infiltrating the heart of the world...


Ash clapped his hands loudly once.

- Pull off a grand scam and come out, and all the gold and treasures of the Imperial Capital will be yours.

- ...

- Don't deny it. This gamble is the most dangerous game you've ever faced in your life.

Ash looked at each of the five gamblers in turn.

- But the rewards are equally immense. A fortune unlike anything you've ever encountered.

- ...

- Let's pull off the biggest heist, everyone.

After all, there was no choice.

Once they were in, there was no turning back. The option to retreat didn't exist anymore.

They had invested too much to not go all the way...!

"Don't be scared, Violet."

Scarlet, the only N-grade hero among them, with no special abilities but the greatest gambling skill in the party through mere sleight of hand, gently squeezed Violet's shoulder. Violet turned her trembling face to her.

"Prince Ash is right. It's just what we've always been doing, isn't it?"


"Find a sucker, and scam them. That's all."

Looking up at the still-closed southern gate, the young gambler's eyes glittered with an odd yearning.

"To con the fake emperor, who aims to rule the world, in New Terra, the largest city in the greatest empire in the world..."


"What greater opportunity could there be for a gambler?"

Ash was right.

Gamblers are a group addicted to risking their lives - a bunch of perverse psychopaths.

Scarlet's shoulders trembled slightly. But it wasn't from fear or anxiety.

It was excitement.

The thrill of facing the biggest gamble they could never encounter again.

Violet looked around with a pale face. Though to varying degrees, the rest of the members - Lime, Orange, and Cobalt - were not much different.

The eyes of all were alight with strange longing.

It was then Violet realized.

She might be the most skilled among them, but she was the biggest coward.

"If the game's already on, I'll jump in. I'll dance wildly on the tightrope."

"And if it goes wrong?"

"Well, we're always prepared for that, aren't we?"

Scarlet waved her small hand.

"Lose a hand, or..."


"Worse comes to worst, it's the real neck. Haha."

That's what gamblers are.

They're no different from jesters performing tricks on a thin rope. One misstep, and they fall to their death.

When they all lost to Ash last time, Scarlet was ready to die. But Ash spared them all and took them under his wing.

From the moment they lost to Ash, gambler Scarlet had already fallen off the rope.

She was already prepared to die.

So, what was there to fear?

There was no life left hanging over her neck anyway.

The five gamblers swallowed hard, waiting for the gate to open quickly. That's when it happened.

"State your affiliation and identity."

A dull broadcast sound came from the direction of the city gate. Metallic shouted in a rough voice.

"I am Metallic, commander of the 1st Heavy Cavalry Division of the 1st Imperial Army. Returning from a mission under the direct orders of His Highness Fernandez."


"Hurry up and open the gate. We're all exhausted."

As Metallic got impatient, the broadcast responded after a brief pause.

"Identity confirmed. Please wait a moment. We will open the gate..."


The gate began to open.

The faces of the members of the Gambler's Club, who had been waiting in tense anticipation, lit up with color. A faint sense of relief washed over Metallic's face.

That was when it happened.


A powerful engine sound came from beyond the city walls,


Three giant airships suddenly appeared in the sky.

A jet-black airship with the symbol of a sword and rose, the insignia of the Imperial family, flanked by two heavily armored escort ships.

The central airship was too well-known.

The Imperial royal flagship, now used exclusively by Fernandez and the Magic Division, the most powerful airship of the Empire.



The fearsome Alcatraz, flying in with a terrifying mechanical sound, gently hovered above the southern gate.


Slowly, the hatch beneath the airship opened, and an elderly female mage, cloaked fluttering, appeared, leaning on a staff.

"Sir Metallic."

As she spoke, her voice amplified dully through the airship's speakers.

"Welcome back. You must have had a hard time."

"...Lady Rayna."

Recognizing the voice, Metallic clenched his teeth.

"You seem to have had your share of hardships as well, Lady."

Rayna chuckled faintly in response to Metallic's remark.

"We're both in positions where we devote our bodies and souls for the Empire, aren't we? Just diligently doing our jobs."

"Then may we enter? Playing the role of a spy was quite a harrowing experience."

"I'm afraid you can't go straight in."

Rayna shrugged her shoulders.

"As you know, due to various rats interfering with His Highness Fernandez's plans, we're being extra cautious."

The atmosphere grew tense.

The Gambler's Club gamblers felt a cold sweat on their backs. Metallic, though trying to remain calm, felt a chill down his spine.

"We'll need to conduct a brief inspection."

"An inspection?"

"Nothing serious. We're just going to cross-check if there are any discrepancies between the personnel registered under your command and those present here."

Rayna let out a short laugh.

"I trust you haven't done anything suspicious, Sir Metallic."


"It won't take long. Just stay still."

The Alcatraz, now flying low, shone a bright magical light, scanning the group gathered in front of the southern gate like a searchlight.

Metallic clenched his teeth, and the gamblers closed their eyes tightly.

Caught right at the entrance... they thought.



After briefly inspecting the scan results, Rayna spoke in an unexpectedly light tone.

"There's nothing unusual."


"Sorry to keep you waiting. You may enter. Welcome to New Terra, Sir Metallic, and all who accompany you."

Rayna saluted, then disappeared back into the airship.

"I must attend to other duties now."


The hatch slowly closed, and Alcatraz, along with its two escort ships, rose back into the sky. With a burst of flames from its thrusters, it flew far away. Thump...!



Watching in stunned silence, the gamblers only then noticed something odd. A purple magical aura enveloped their bodies.

"Phew, phew, phew!"

Turning to find the source of the disappearing purple magic, Violet was there, gasping for breath.

In that split second, Violet had deployed an illusionary field, managing to bypass Rayna's scan.


Violet barely uttered, her face soaked with cold sweat.

"That was a close call, fuck..."

Violet might have been a coward, but she was a coward who stepped up when it counted.

The rest of the gamblers laughed. Even Metallic let out a sigh of relief and looked forward.


The southern gate of New Terra was now wide open.

Was it a paradise of gold and silver inside, or the entrance to hell?

It was time to find out.

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