Chapter 451: Chapter 451

Preparations for the campaign were proceeding smoothly.

Given the long journey to New Terra and the urgency of time, the preparations for the expeditionary force had to be completed quickly.

Fortunately, as Crossroad was a fortress city, military supplies were abundant.

Ample provisions of military horses, armor, rations, and consumables were gathered.

Equipment was distributed to the departing heroes and soldiers, and the order of march was set...

And so, the preparations were complete.

Now, the day before leaving for the Imperial Capital. Evening.


Dusk Bringar came to look for me at the lord's mansion. I greeted her warmly.

"Duchess. What brings you here?"


After scanning the surroundings with sharp eyes and ensuring we were alone, Dusk Bringar asked in a hushed voice.

"It's about Fernandez's spy. The one who calmly infiltrated our ranks..."


"Aren't you going to deal with it? Are you planning to keep him with you?"


There was already a spy from Fernandez's side infiltrated in our camp.

Dusk Bringar had noticed the spy's presence and promptly informed me.

After cross-verifying testimonies and evidence, it was certain the individual was Fernandez's spy.

However, I had not taken any action.

I had left the spy within my camp.

"Not yet. We need to use him at a more decisive moment... effectively."

I smiled slyly.

"I have a plan in mind, so don't worry too much."


Dusk Bringar watched me silently with furrowed brows, then eventually let out a small sigh.

"I'm worried, but I trust you'll handle it well."

"Do you fully trust me now?"

"When have I not?"

Dusk Bringar chuckled and waved her hand, walking out of my mansion.

"Tomorrow we depart. It will be a long journey, so rest well."

"It's rare for you to visit, you should at least have a meal..."

"I've decided to dine with my people tonight."

Dusk Bringar's face bore the dignified look of a ruler.

"The fate of Bringar Duchy also hangs in the balance in this battle. My soldiers and citizens, they're all trembling with anxiety."


"I shall reassure them. Ash, live up to my trust in you."

"Don't worry."

I stood tall and spoke with conviction.

"We'll win."

"You're always so confident... and you've always proven it with results."

Dusk Bringar, showing her pointed teeth in a smile, said,

"I trust you this time as well."

With that, she walked north towards Crossroad, where her people awaited.


Many people trust me, who's been recklessly making promises. I must honor their faith.

Watching her retreating figure, I turned my gaze towards the inner city.

"But a spy, huh..."

Fernandez, who's been up to all sorts of sly tricks since the first year. It would be more strange not to have a spy at this critical juncture.

Naturally, I had anticipated Fernandez sending a spy - and I had devised a scheme to use him to our advantage.

"You must've had some fun using spies so far, huh, brother?"

I grinned, showing my teeth.

"This time, I'll deliver a proper counterpunch."


The temple.

When I visited unexpectedly, the priests rushed out in surprise.

"Your Highness, you've come!"

Among them was Zenis, the newly appointed Head Priest.

He appeared to be off duty, dressed in a casual sleeveless tee and shorts... and with a scruffy beard on his chin, he truly looked like an uncle.

"Zenis. How is it? Is Crossroad to your liking?"

As I asked casually, Zenis, flustered yet composed, replied.

"Yes, Your Highness. Honestly, I was worried it might be uncomfortable living in this remote southern region, but it's much more pleasant than I thought. The people are all so kind and..."

"I'm glad to hear it's not too bad. Keep up the good work for our city."

I grinned and firmly grasped his shoulder.

"I hope to have a long and good relationship with you."


Zenis blinked in surprise. I patted his shoulder and passed by.

Encouraging the temple to function properly in my absence was one purpose of my visit, but there was another reason for coming today.

I knocked on the door of a private room inside the temple and entered.

"Lilly. I'm here."

"Your Highness...!"

Lilly, who was lying in bed, looked at me with a surprised face.

Lilly was already nine months pregnant. She was staying in the temple due to severe abdominal pain.

I sat in the chair next to the bed and gestured with my chin.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'd like to say I'm fine, but to be honest, the labor pains are continuous... It's tough. Haha."

Lilly sighed deeply, rubbing her swollen belly.

"Causing so much trouble for his mom even before coming into the world. I worry how much of a troublemaker he'll be once he's out."

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to it too."

"No, I want you to worry, not look forward to it...!"

We looked at each other and chuckled.

I glanced at the calendar on the wall.

"Has the due date been set?"

"No. Normally, it would be ten months for a human child, but for a half-blood, it varies... Maybe as soon as a month, or it could take several more."

"You'll have a hard time for a while."

"Your Highness, and everyone else, are the ones who are really going to suffer."

We're all heading to our own battlefields.

The expeditionary force, including myself, to retake New Terra in the Imperial Capital.

The defense forces staying in Crossroad to fend off monsters.

And Lilly, here to give birth to her child.

"...I'll definitely come back victorious. So."

I smiled broadly.

"I hope you and your child safely overcome this battle."

Lilly will give birth while the expeditionary force is away.

I won't be able to be by her side during that time. That's why I wanted to leave her with words of encouragement before departing.

"I also want to be a good godfather to your child."


Lilly's eyes widened at my words.

"Godfather? Your Highness?"

I feigned a hurt expression.

"What, you won't let me?"

"No, no. Of course, it would be an honor for me and my child...! But I'm just overwhelmed..."

Lilly hastily gestured with her hand, and I grinned.

"Then leave it to me. It's a promise?"

It was something I had been thinking about for a while.

Becoming the official guardian of Lilly's child.

Sure, there would be gossip if a prince volunteered to be the godfather of a half-blood child. But that's just gossip, isn't it?

Lilly is my comrade, and so is Godhand.

This child is the offspring of my two comrades. If there's something I can do, I will gladly do it.

"I'll be back, Lilly."

I reached out my hand to Lilly.

Lilly awkwardly grasped it, and we shook hands.

"Let's meet again safely."

"...Yes, Your Highness. Please return safely."

Lilly smiled too.

A much more mature smile than when we first met.


Since I was at the temple, I met several other people.

I encouraged other priests who had been serving since the first year.

I made offerings in front of the goddess statue. I also met Damian, in the middle of a tearful farewell with the problem hamster Podong.

Podong had grown alarmingly fat, almost like a ball... What had he been eating?

"During my absence, you'll take good care of Podong, won't you, Head Priest?"

"Oh yes. Don't worry. I'm good at treating animals as well as people. I even took on the role of a veterinarian in my previous post."

Listening to the conversation between Damian and Zenis, I chuckled. Podong needs to start a diet.

I also met Torkel. He was still diligently cleaning as always. Now, it seemed completely natural to him.

Even though I had given Torkel a new helmet, he still wore his old, blunt one in non-combat situations.

"I will devote myself to protecting Crossroad and the temple. Please go and return safely."

"Alright. I'll be back."

It seemed like it would take more time to resolve Torkel's trauma. I just hoped he would deal with it on his own.

"And Torkel."

I whispered to Torkel.

"You're getting along 'well' with Zenis, right?"


Torkel flinched and then slowly nodded.

After making a round of the temple, I stepped outside.

Nodding to Zenis, who came out to see me off, I said.

"Zenis. While I'm gone, take good care of the injured. And please look after Lilly and her child."

"Yes, Your Highness. Have a safe journey."

After giving one last look at the disheveled Head Priest who bowed politely, I turned away.

Leaving the temple, I visited other facilities in the city, encouraging everyone to take good care of Crossroad in my absence.

And so, the last evening passed...


The next day. Morning.

"We're departing!"

After shouting, I mounted my horse and called out to the soldiers in the rear.

"Let's go! To the Imperial Capital, New Terra!"


Heroes and soldiers followed behind me.

We departed through the north gate of Crossroad.

At the north gate, Lucas, Evangeline, and other heroes and soldiers who were staying in the city came to see us off.

And then,

"Lord! Have a safe trip!"

"Show the south the strength of the prince!"

"Return safely-!"

Citizens gathered like clouds on both sides of the north gate, waving their hands towards us.


As I took in the familiar faces, I drove my horse forward.

Was I a good lord to these people?

I don't know.

As an administrator, I was clumsy, and as a commander, reckless. I wasn't as experienced as the Cross family lords who had ruled this city.

But the citizens trust and follow me.

I also want to be a good person to them.

'Their lives depend on my actions from now on.'

And I want to save everyone.

'Not just Crossroad, but...'

More countries, more people.

To save them.

To see tomorrow together.

To reach the world beyond the ending.


I spurred my horse forward. Heroes and soldiers orderly followed behind me.

With a blank banner fluttering, we headed north.


Thanks to the Silver Winter family completing road construction earlier, the journey was comfortable.

When I had traveled south to Crossroad from the Imperial Capital by land before, it took three weeks. But now, with well-paved roads, it took less than two weeks, even with a larger group.

During the march, Dusk Bringar deployed her forces in all directions for reconnaissance, but we encountered no enemy attacks on our northward journey.

"Fernandez's army is not blocking us."

Dusk Bringar muttered in wonder.

I cynically replied.

"They must think it's enough to defend just around the Imperial Capital."

During the Imperial Throne Confrontation, Fernandez's forces had also been depleted.

Above all, Fernandez was now fully focused on controlling New Terra in the Imperial Capital.

He was blockading the city, restricting the movement of citizens, and implementing the 'Last Ark' plan in stages.

He wouldn't have the luxury to send forces to stop us.

"If they form a defensive line, it will be right in front of the Imperial Capital..."

I narrowed my eyes.

"...on the plains of the Iris River."

Thus, two weeks after departing Crossroad, on a clear day under the bleak cold of late autumn.

Having completed our northward journey, we reached the Iris River flowing in front of New Terra.

There, we encountered Fernandez's army, encamped across the river.

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