Chapter 445: Chapter 445

"Likewise for the other kings. I will provide what each of you desires."

Turning my gaze from the kings of different races, I looked at the other human kings who had come from various places.

"The details will vary, but first and foremost... I will eliminate the biggest problems you faced due to being pushed to the borders and the struggles you endured there."

Usually, there is one reason they were pushed to the fringes of the world instead of the central continent.

Because they were disliked by the Imperial Family.

Most of them have some form of grudge or conflict with the Empire.

And the Empire, despite its vast lands, is narrow-minded like a banded herring's liver, never forgetting these incidents and retaliating against them.

I intended to resolve this first and foremost.

"I will dismiss all unpleasant incidents that occurred between you and the Empire, and any debts or obligations left by the Empire will be forgiven and pardoned. I will also withdraw all kinds of economic sanctions."

The faces of the surrounding city-state leaders, small tribe chiefs, and various kings flickered with interest.

"Of course, this will be applied universally, and if each of you has specific wishes, I will do my best to fulfill them."

Right after I finished speaking.


Dwarf King Kellison, who had been listening quietly, grumbled.

"Your words are flashy, and your promises sound sweet, but how can we trust them?"

I faced him. Kellison glared at me intently.

"There's no guarantee you won't deceive us and exploit us like the Empire or the Emperor has done, sucking us dry before discarding us! And more importantly!"

Kellison pointed northward.

"Before the monsters in the south, shouldn't you first deal with Fernandez in the central Imperial Capital? Prince Ash. There's no guarantee that you'll win against Fernandez, is there?"

It was a valid point.

Abolishing the slavery of different races, offering each of the other kings what they desire...

Such words are merely empty promises if I cannot overthrow Fernandez and seize imperial authority. It's all just a pipe dream.

Therefore, I needed to show a bit of my hand here.

"There is."

I smiled broadly.

"A sure-win card."

"A sure-win card?"

"A sure-win card to definitely win the war against Fernandez. I have been preparing it in advance."

The kings' eyes widened.

Kellison stuttered as he asked.

"What, what exactly is that?"

"It is..."

I interlocked my fingers and rested my chin on them, then whispered teasingly.

"...if you promise me full cooperation, I will let you know then."

...Thinking about what I just said.

Why am I talking like a conman?


The banquet dissolved.

I decided to proceed with the negotiations with the kings one-on-one, taking more time and moving slowly. I entered my room assigned in the hotel.

As I did, the heroes who had been waiting immediately stood up to greet me. I nodded.

"Is everyone here?"

Waiting in my room was... the Gambler's Club party.

After confirming the presence of all five members, I smiled cunningly.

"Good, gamblers... You'll have to work hard now."

The composition of the Gambler's Club was as follows:

Illusionist Violet.

Puppeteer Cobalt.

Seer Lime.

Mind-reader Orange.

And the card shark Scarlet.

At first glance, aren't they a lineup that could be incredibly useful in espionage?

"For the next few days, you five will have to read the minds of all the kings."

I spoke sternly to them, who were looking at me with tense faces.

"We can overlook the kings who are cooperative in the negotiations. But those who are uncooperative, find out why, what their reasons are."

I had no intention of letting any of the kings and their forces gathered here slip away.

I was determined to make all the kings cooperate with my plan. If necessary, I would exploit their weaknesses, threaten them, and use whatever means necessary.

To do this, I needed to understand what they were thinking.

Being duplicitous is a basic trait of a ruler. I had to carefully scrutinize whether they were truly willing to cooperate with me.

"The only entertainment facility in this hotel is the casino. It's unimaginable that these kings, who carry such titles, wouldn't visit it."

There might be exceptions, but I could personally invite or handle those cases separately.

"You will serve as casino dealers, entertain them, and gather information about them as my eyes and ears."

I urged them earnestly.

"And especially investigate the uncooperative kings in depth. If necessary, you will need to approach them in different roles like hotelier, manager, concierge."


"Good, I wish you luck."

I clapped my hands and smiled.

"Operation Casino Royale, begins!"


Scarlet was a first-class card shark.

First-class doesn't just mean playing with card hands.

It means being able to play with the opponent's mind as well.

As a dealer, Scarlet orchestrated the entire card table, skillfully manipulating her opponents.

The best hand given in a critical situation.

All-in, and victory...

Those who sat in front of her without a thought were soon completely relaxed, cheering and shouting.

'...what was the gambling report number again?'

Puppeteer Cobalt and Illusionist Violet were also capable of playing with the entire table alone.

They too created thrilling victories for the kings, elevating their spirits.

Alcohol. And victory.

Just as the soldiers outside the hotel were unwinding in their banquet, the indulgent kings gathered here were also easily relaxing.

The kings became candid, pouring out their honest opinions about the current situation.

And the casino dealers, as my eyes and ears, collected all this information.

A list of uncooperative kings was compiled.

Seer Lime used her clairvoyance to overhear their conversations in hotel rooms.

Mind-reader Orange pretended to serve them drinks, drugged their tea, and then read their minds.

Cobalt's puppets hid throughout the hotel to monitor them, and Violet followed them, manipulating reality.

So, just a day and a half later, the inner thoughts of most of the kings gathered here were revealed.

"Kings are mostly indulgent... Treat them well and they easily open up."

I tapped the compiled information with my fingertips and muttered, suddenly feeling a chill.

"...wait, does that include me?"

Aren't I more like a commoner?

Or not? Thinking about it, I have been building up this hotel and spending the budget extravagantly, right...?

Anyway, most of the kings' thoughts were now organized. I read through the documents, lost in thought.

I was confident I could bring all the kings gathered here to my side, under the monster front. After all.

'They can't choose Fernandez.' What Fernandez was plotting in the Imperial Capital.

Its true nature was becoming clearer. If my guess is right, this bastard is really insane.

'...It's not just a problem limited to the fallen kings.'

What Fernandez is plotting is something that should be condemned by everyone in the world.

But Fernandez chose his path and is pushing forward without hesitation.

Walking a path that will earn him the scorn of everyone in the world, except himself.

'Why is he going to such lengths?'

There were too many incomprehensible aspects in Fernandez's actions.

I wished I could hold a [Commander's Meeting] and have an honest conversation about it. Such a pity.

Thinking this, I returned to the lord's mansion and entered...

"Your Highness!"

Aider, who had been waiting at the entrance, rushed towards me frantically.

"People have come from the Imperial Capital!"

"People? From the Imperial Capital?"

I thought that area was tightly sealed off, and even using back ways required a fortune.

I blinked silently. Who would come all the way from the Imperial Capital to meet me?

The person was sitting in the reception room, looking tired and drinking tea. Recognizing them at a glance, I was shocked.


The meticulous old butler who was the chief servant of the royal palace and the advisor of the Wintersilver Merchant Guild - Alberto.

I rushed over to him, and Alberto hastily stood up to show respect.

"Your Highness. It's been a long time."

"Good to see you alive! You must've had a hard journey."

I patted Alberto's shoulder and made him sit again.

Alberto briefly explained his situation.

He had been alone guarding the headquarters of the Wintersilver Merchant Guild, but as the situation inside the Imperial Capital began to turn unusual and communications were cut off, he escaped to inform me.

And then he headed south to find me.

"I heard it was tough to get in and out because the Imperial Capital's gates were tightly closed... You did well to make it out."

"Ha ha. Well, actually... I didn't come out by my own strength."

Alberto scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"A secret organization within the Imperial Capital helped me, and thanks to them, I could get out."

"A secret organization?"

"Yes. An organization called 'Jilted Women'..."

I inadvertently frowned.

"Jilted Women? What kind of trashy organization name is that?"


"Who did they get jilted by to name themselves that?"

Alberto looked at me with an awkward expression.

...Why is he looking at me like that?


Bravo, Ash! Consistently a trashy bastard!

'But still can't hate him... Even amidst his trashy deeds, he prepared for the future...'

I, Ash... No, I was stunned to hear from Alberto about the secret organization my past self had prepared.

It seems my past self, as a playboy, had mingled with various noble ladies.

But it wasn't just a simple seduction. It was to build a secret organization to move for me.

"Approaching noble ladies, solving their individual problems, and then leaving after clearing a debt of gratitude... It seems you kept doing that. Naturally, the ladies came to admire Your Highness..."


Thinking about it, Ash was a regressor.

He would have known all the necessary personal and family information. He rapidly approached, solved their problems, gained their favor, and then left.

Later, he requested them to join a secret organization to move for him...

"I naturally thought my past self... had physically seduced them."

Given the talk of being a playboy or Casanova, I naturally thought it was that...!

"Honestly, I thought so too. But who knew you were doing such things behind the scenes..."

Alberto sighed in relief.

"It's lucky indeed. Everyone thought it was strange that you roamed around so promiscuously without fathering any illegitimate children."

"...I was quite a disciplined piece of trash, then."

I sighed.

It's complicated whether to call this a legacy or a debt from the past.

"And the leader of that organization entrusted me with this for you."

Alberto handed me something.

It was a small box. I took it, puzzled.

"What's this?"

"I don't know either. Only that it's a 'gift from the past'..."

A gift from my past.

In other words, something the past Ash was sending to me.

Looking at it uneasily, Alberto spoke with a serious expression.

"The current situation in the Imperial Capital is grave, Your Highness."

"Good timing. I was in need of accurate information."

I, too, looked at Alberto seriously.

"What exactly is happening in the Imperial Capital?"

Alberto took a deep breath and said,

"His Highness Fernandez is close to completing the 'Shutdown Protocol' being installed in the underground of the Imperial Capital. It has been delayed several times due to sabotage, but it is nearing completion."


"And once it is completed and activated..."

The content was,

"All the citizens of New Terra in the Imperial Capital will... melt and die."

Although I had guessed as much, it was still an insane statement.

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