Chapter 424: Chapter 424



Silence lingered for a moment.

Mermaid King Poseidon, with a kitchen knife aimed at my neck, and me, needing to answer his question.

- Why should he, who lost everything to the Everblack Empire, not harm me, the third prince of the same empire?

I steadied my breath and then smiled.

'Isn't it obvious?'

Because only I, in this world, can save them.

Only I can provide... what they truly need.

"I will stop all persecutions of different races by the human race."


Mermaid King Poseidon let out a perplexed groan at my unexpected words.

But I didn't stop.

"I will return the lands that were originally yours."


"Driven from their homelands, confined to autonomous districts, exiled beyond the continent, scattered around the world... Different races all harbor deep resentment for their lost homes."

I placed my hand over my heart.

"I, Ash 'Born Hater' Everblack, swear on my name."


"I will help you reclaim your homes. The land and seas you and your people have lost, and even your history and pride."

A tense silence filled the dimly lit parlor.

After a while, Mermaid King Poseidon slowly opened his mouth.

"I don't understand."

His deep sea-like eyes pierced into me.

"Why would you do that? What reason do you have to help us?"

"You have it backward, Mermaid King Poseidon."

I adjusted my posture to sit more comfortably.

"To protect the world, we need everyone's strength... That's why I'm offering a price that would willingly make you risk your lives."

Mermaid King Poseidon's brow furrowed at my words.

"Protect the world?"

"Crossroad is the front line that fends off monsters for all worlds."

I tapped the armrest of the sofa I was sitting on with my hand.

"But Prince Fernandez, the second prince, has given up the fight against the monsters and declared surrender to the King of Monsters."


"That's why I intend to oppose him. And for that, I need as many allies as possible."

I spoke frankly.

It was a situation where it seemed okay to do so.

"The Everblack Empire, located at the center of the world... but that doesn't mean it's the whole world. Outside the empire, there are as many people as in the empire."

Small nations.

Different races.

Nomadic tribes. And those who don't even belong to these groups.

They are the 'Fallen Kings'.

"I intend to unite them as much as possible. And I know, between the victorious second prince from the imperial succession battle and the third prince who was dealing with monsters in the southern wilderness, which side has better odds. Most would side with the second prince."


"So, I'm offering a big deal. I'm raising the stakes because I want you to side with me in this unfavorable situation."

I promise what the different races most desire.

In short - it's a blank check.

If you help me defeat Fernandez, I will make sure you get such a reward.

A potentially victory-dependent, irresponsibly slick talk.


But still.

Despite all that, Mermaid King Poseidon's face sank into serious contemplation.

The rope I threw might be flimsy. But until now, no one had even thrown such a flimsy rope in their direction.

100 years-

Since the racial wars, during which the Everblack Empire seized world hegemony and flexibly manipulated the continent under the sun.

The losers who had to hide in the shadows.

I am making them an offer they cannot refuse.

After all, if they remain passive like this, they will forever crawl at the bottom.

Rather than that, it would be better to gather all the remaining stakes with me and try our hand at one last game.

"...Let's make one thing clear."

After pondering, Mermaid King Poseidon slowly opened his mouth.

"Do you truly have the capacity to fulfill that promise?"

"I do."

Strictly speaking, I will have that right soon.

After all... if a clash with Fernandez is inevitable,

And if I can defeat him, the likely next emperor after his victory in the imperial succession battle-

Of course. That right will belong to me, the victor.

It's a simple choice. Either lose and let the world be destroyed by monsters, or win and steer the world as I wish.

And I have no intention of losing, not even the slightest.

I am a warrior who fights monsters. I didn't come all this way to be defeated in a civil war among humans.

I will win.

And for that, appeasing the whims of all the fallen kings... is a relatively easy task.


After a bit more silence.


Mermaid King Poseidon, having emptied the bottle, placed it on the table with a light sigh.

"...I've heard about what you've been doing on land through various channels."


He knew about me?

"The front lines you lead and your city treat all races equally in the face of monsters."


"Heard you took in that Dragon Lady. You also sheltered survivors from the beastmen tribes... News like this has even attracted the attention of the Elven Queen and the Dwarf Lord."

Seems like I was more popular than I knew...

"That's why I tested your true intentions. If it offended you, I apologize. I hope you don't take it too hard."


Mermaid King Poseidon slowly withdrew the knife he had pointed at my neck and placed it on the table.

...But it wasn't a knife.

It was a long rod of ice.

Using his ability to manipulate water, he had turned the water from the bathtub into an ice rod and pretended it was a knife against my neck.

Of course, I thought it was a knife! In my half-asleep, drunken state, and just after he had been slicing sashimi with a real knife, when something cold was pressed against my neck... naturally, I assumed it was a knife! But it was ice!

"...I still hate the Everblack Empire."

Mermaid King Poseidon murmured calmly.

"I still despise humans. But as the leader of my race, I know your offer is an opportunity that won't come again."

"Does that mean..."

"I'll consider it positively."

Putting down the bottle, the knife, the ice.

With empty hands, Mermaid King Poseidon showed a bitter smile.

"After all, we have nothing more to lose."


After Mermaid King Poseidon XIII had dragged his portable bathtub to the guest room.

Alone in the empty parlor, I gulped down cold water and, looking up at the ceiling, exhaled deeply.

"It's safe to come out now, Elize."

No sooner had I spoken.

Whirl- Thump!

A shadow moved from the ceiling of the parlor, and a maid with navy blue hair agilely dropped down.

Serenade's exclusive guard and housekeeper.

Sword Master Elize.

Elize scanned the area where Mermaid King Poseidon had exited with sharp eyes.

"...I was ready to intervene if the situation escalated, but it seems to have resolved amicably. So, I remained hidden."

"Well done."

Serenade, having finished interpreting and returning to handle Merchant Guild affairs, left Elize to monitor Mermaid King Poseidon in case of an emergency.

- Our Merchant Guild has been trading with the remaining merfolk for some time. The blue coral I presented to you before was also acquired from them.

Serenade earnestly cautioned me to be careful.

- I heard it from them back then. The current king of the merfolk is quite violent and emotional...

- ...

- Please be careful, Your Highness. I'll leave Elize here to monitor, just in case.

So... although it seemed like I was having a royal showdown with Mermaid King Poseidon, in truth, I had the insurance of Elize.

If things had gone south, Elize would have immediately intervened to protect me.

Even if Mermaid King Poseidon is a formidable opponent, Elize, an SSR-rated swordsman, could certainly protect me.

"It's always best to have a safety net when possible, right?"

There are times when one must gamble everything on a single move. But the best strategy is always to operate within a realm of certainty.

The more insurance, the better!

As I smiled, Elize cautiously observed me.

"...Excuse me for asking, Your Highness. I overheard your conversation while hiding above."


"You said you would fight Prince Fernandez."


"Really... to gather the divided kings of different races and challenge Prince Fernandez, the victor of the imperial succession battle? Even Lord Lark, leading the elite first Imperial Army, was defeated."

Elize seemed quite worried.

That's understandable. Her mistress, Serenade, had committed her family and even her life to me.

And here I am, planning to face off against the victor of the imperial succession. It's natural for her to be concerned.


"I just said it, Elize. 'If there's a safety net,' then I'll use it."

It's the same as the negotiation with Mermaid King Poseidon today.

I will prepare thoroughly and then challenge Fernandez. But before that, I'll prepare another 'insurance.'

Insurance to tilt the odds of victory in my favor...!

"I've devised a plan while wandering in the darkness. If things go as planned, the battle with Fernandez might be surprisingly easy."

I rubbed my hands together and grinned wickedly.

"Just watch. I'll give my smart older brother a taste of his own medicine..."


Elize looked at me with complex eyes.

She trusts me, but still, it's undeniable that Fernandez is a formidable opponent.

Well, what can I do? I prove myself with results.

"You've worked hard on overtime, Elize. Let's go to the central square."


"It's the night of the victory banquet. It would be a shame to end it just watching from the rooftop, wouldn't it?"

I led Elize out of the mansion and headed towards the central square.

Despite the late hour, the square was brightly lit, filled with the sounds of singing and lively conversations.

"Ah, Your Highness!"

"Why are you only coming now, Your Highness? All the alcohol is gone!"

"We've almost finished all the fish!"

The soldiers noticed me and erupted into noisy laughter.

Having just come from another battle of negotiations for alliance after the fight with the monsters... but no need to mention that.

"I ran out of drinks, so I came to refill them, you bastards!"

Just then, the Silver Winter Merchant Guild appeared, carting expensive alcohol stored in their warehouse.

Serenade, having finished her backlog of work, was leading them.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing me and Elize safe, Serenade showed a relieved smile.

I smiled back and thought to myself.

Mermaid King Poseidon is just the beginning.

Now, I will gather the fallen kings scattered across the world here in Crossroad.

I will make them an offer they cannot refuse.

Even if I have to borrow the rights of the victor, even if I have to bluff and mix lies, I will bring them all under my command.

In the end, it's a simple choice.

Either let the world be destroyed by monsters in defeat, or win and steer the world as I desire.

I no longer fear or hesitate before this choice.

The dice have already been cast.

I will move the world.

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