Chapter 367: Chapter 367

Thirty minutes earlier.

Lilly spoke to me in a calm voice.

"No need for the others. Just send me."

"What nonsense are you talking about, Lilly..."

Unable to walk properly and confined to a wheelchair, she was asking to be sent alone into the heart of enemy territory.

I intended to refuse her request outright, but Lilly was persistent.

"If I don't go now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Thinking that there was a chance to save him, but I was too scared to move."

Lilly looked at me with unwavering eyes.

"I'm done giving up without even trying."

...That was, a story I had once told her.

With a sigh, I shook my head slightly.

"You might die. No, the chances of dying are much higher."

"It doesn't matter."

Lilly pressed down on her legs with her hands.

"I'd rather die trying than live without facing a challenge."


"Please send me, Your Highness. Even if I'm alone, I'll go to save the Shadow Squad... and Godhand."

Normally, I would dismiss such a proposal.

The risk was too great, and the return uncertain. Trying to save one fallen party could lead to further casualties.

But still-

'I save those within my reach.'

That was the standard I had set.

As long as there was a chance that the Shadow Squad was still alive, I too should not hastily give up on them...!

"Let's take a vote."

I looked back at the heroes and asked.

"Who else here is a fool enough to crawl into that goblin-infested hell by their own volition?"

Then, almost all of my heroes raised their hands in unison.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head.

"...It seems the Shadow Squad has more support than I thought."

"We save those we can. That's what you taught us, isn't it?

Evangeline came forward, tapping her shield.

"If we all work together, we can certainly save the Shadow Squad!"


At that moment, Lucas, who had been quietly observing the situation, approached me.

"...My lord."


"Doing the right thing doesn't always lead to success. Good intentions don't always receive gratitude."


"You might come to regret this decision."

"There's no room for regret."

Once I chose this path, there was no turning back.

All there was left to do was to rush forward in pursuit of victory.

With another exhale, I looked back at the heroes.

"I've said it before. We can't risk others' lives for the sake of the Shadow Squad's rescue."

Everyone listened intently to my words. I nodded.

"So, we'll throw in every resource we can to minimize the chances of us taking any damage."

Time was running out. I spread the map on the table and quickly explained the plan.

"There's another teleport gate built within a 15-minute horse ride from the forward base."

From the forward base to the Crossroad, teleport gates had been densely installed along the three days' journey to accumulate damage on the monster legion through guerrilla tactics.

I pointed to the gate closest to the forward base.

"We dispatch a decoy unit there. All hero parties except the rescue team will join the decoy unit."

There was no need to overthink it. It was time to initiate the guerrilla operation we had planned.

"The decoy unit will rush to the forward base, pouring in attacks, and when the goblins are thrown into confusion by the counterattack-"

My fingertip tapped the emergency gate drawn at the forward base.

"The rescue unit enters through the emergency gate inside the forward base. They search for and rescue the Shadow Squad."

Then I pointed to the two parties in turn.

"The rescue unit is you. The Leprosy Extermination Squad and the Holy Grail Seekers."

Torkel and Verdandi, the leaders of each party, nodded their heads.

"The Penal Squad should secure the emergency gate after their insertion. The Holy Grail Seekers will scour for the Shadow Squad. You must buy time until they can escape."


"Holy Grail Seekers, you are to search inside the forward base and rescue the Shadow Squad."

"Leave it to us!"

The Holy Grail Seekers themselves are proficient in prayer chants, and Verdandi, their leader, is an assassin class.

Moreover, the ones they need to find this time are three of their own kind, elves. It's said they are the best suited for this search.

"Lastly, I have something to entrust to you. This is also a command."

After ordering the soldiers to bring the horses for the heroes, I said,

"Do not endanger your lives in an attempt to save our allies."


"If we suffer a loss of strength here, it will shake the main event, the defense of Crossroad. Your lives are chess pieces I must use wisely."

I took a deep breath and looked over the heroes.

"Don't take your lives lightly. Ensure I won't have to plan another rescue mission."


With a loud applause, I raised my voice.

"There's no time! Begin immediately!"


Clatter! Clatter! Clatter!

The decoy unit was driving their horses at full speed towards the forward base.

It was absurd to think that we were racing back to a place we had barely escaped from moments ago, but the mission had already begun.

'...Reminds me of an American movie.'

War films like 'Black Hawk Down', 'Lone Survivor', '13 Hours' suddenly flashed through my mind.

These movies share a common thread where rescue teams are dispatched to save stranded allies, only to incur greater losses. They also have in common that they are all based on true stories.


Tch. An ominous thought to have.

As we rode hard, it wasn't long before the forward base came into view.

I turned to my side and shouted,


"Yes, Your Highness!"

Damien looked back at me with a bright face.

He must be nearly drained of both stamina and magic power after unleashing a 'Black Queen' full charge shot earlier, but what can you do? We've come this far.

"I'm counting on you!"

"Leave it to me!"

Damien, for convenient sniping, was already mounted on the same horse as Evangeline. Damien reached into the bag strapped behind the horse and pulled out the 'Hunter's Retribution'.


The long barrel of the magic gun rested on Evangeline's shoulder.

Evangeline, who had put on earplugs beforehand, sweated as she looked at the magic gun next to her face.

"...This sparking isn't good for my skin, is it?"

"Don't worry. You're a tanker with high health regeneration. Besides, you're still young."

When you're your age, just sleeping can repair any skin damage. Trust in the power of youth.

"A scarred skin is a warrior's honor! I don't mind if my porcelain skin gets a little cracked..."

Evangeline's green eyes sparkled as she glared at the forward base.

"I hope everyone's safe."


I thought the same. Sincerely.


Damien exhaled as he attached the scope he had adjusted before and peered through it.

On top of a wildly galloping horse, with diminished stamina and magic power, and a target far in the distance...

Despite the unfavorable conditions, nothing was a problem for Damien.


With the sound of the gun firing, a magic bullet shot forth like a beam of light. A goblin clad in armor on the walls of the forward base was hit, blood spraying as it fell.

Watching the forward base through binoculars, I whistled.

"Nice shot, Damien! Keep it up!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Damien did not stop. He began indiscriminate firing at the goblin officers that came into view.

Magic bullets flew in strange trajectories, piercing through the heads, necks, and chests of the goblins.

By the time Damien had used all 12 rounds in the 'Hunter's Retribution' magazine, the forward base was already in chaos.

It would be chaos indeed when twelve perfectly healthy officers lay dead.

Through the open gates of the forward base, the goblin legions began to pour out en masse. They were quicker to respond than expected.

"Everyone! Prepare for battle—!"

Everyone except for Evangeline's party and Lucas's party had come equipped with ranged weapons.

The plan was to keep our distance while luring them in, inflicting as much damage as possible from our superior range.

The mage corps began casting spells, and the rest of the warriors, armed with bows, prepared for ranged combat.

Kuilan and the Penal Squad took out boomerangs, the ranged weapon of choice for the Bringar Duchy's tribes.

"When I give the signal, everyone attack!"

As I surveyed the surroundings, I noticed something odd. Huh?

"...Where did Lilly go?"

Lilly, who should have been fervently conjuring flame magic with Junior's mage party, was nowhere to be seen.

Turning to Junior, I found her just as clueless.

"Weren't you with her?"

"What? No? She hasn't been here from the start...?"


I clenched my teeth.

"That rascal Lilly, could she have...!"


Atop the highest level of the forward base. On the battery.



The rescue team—comprising the Leprosy Extermination Squad and the Holy Grail Seekers—stared at the eleventh member in bewilderment, having just come through the hidden emergency gate.

It was Lilly. She had insisted on coming this way, wheelchair and all.

"Lilly. I'll be blunt."

Verdandi's voice was intentionally harsh.

"You can't use your legs, which makes you a liability to our rescue team. Go back immediately."

"But I can still use area-of-effect magic."

Lilly slashed her palm with the dagger she had brought along, the skin flickering like flame, easily deflecting an attack.

Her trait, [Flame Skin], was immune to physical attacks.


"The presence or absence of a mage changes the capacity for situational response entirely. You know that, right?"

Verdandi hesitated, for all her correctness; after all, one who can't walk...

Lilly spoke earnestly.

"Godhand is my lover. Please, let me help."


"If there's a price to be paid for taking a risk, I'm willing to pay it."

Verdandi, cracking a smirk, shrugged.

"Lilly. Did I ever tell you that Godhand used to be my subordinate?"

"...I've heard a bit about that from Godhand."

"That little guy getting such a great girlfriend. Time really does fly..."

Stuffing the dagger into her belt, Verdandi made a decision.

"Fine. But we can't use the wheelchair. I'll carry you. Is that alright?"

"I'm heavier than I look."

"It's okay. I'm stronger than I look."

Verdandi effortlessly lifted Lilly into her arms. Verdandi's eyes, marked by a teardrop, smiled, and Lilly, suddenly embarrassed, looked away.

"We will hold the gate. That's a promise."

Torkel and the Leprosy Extermination Squad brandished their shields and greatswords.

"This time, I will fulfill my role as the rearguard... properly."

"We'll be back soon. Just hold on a little longer."

That's when it happened. Distant gunshots echoed, followed by the sound of the air tearing, and a goblin on the ramparts fell, spraying blood.

Damien had started sniping.

The Goblin Janissaries fell in droves, and the murmur of the goblins soon turned into enraged shouts as they scrambled northward.

The Holy Grail Seekers' elves and Lilly nodded to each other.

"Now! Let's go!"



The Holy Grail Seekers and Lilly had narrowly located the position of the Shadow Squad's trio, and in the midst of crisis, Lilly burst in hurling fire magic to rescue them.

Goblins were scorched to a crisp - the Shadow Squad successfully rescued three of their own.

"I told you, if something happens, I'll come to save you."

Lilly said this, cradled in Verdandi's embrace, as Godhand rushed to her side.

Verdandi quickly handed Lilly over with ease, and Godhand and Lilly embraced each other tightly.

The lovers were smeared with the blood and grime of monsters, but they paid it no mind. They buried their noses in each other's necks and inhaled each other's scents.

"You're alive, right?"

"Yes, I'm alive."

"And in the future?"

"In the future, too, always. By your side..."



The attack from the north, the troops drawn out as if sucked away, and the magical explosion within the fortress.

Having received reports of the entire situation, Kali-Alexander instantly grasped what was happening.

"Humans cherish the lives of their comrades."

A cruel smile spread across the lips of the Goblin God-King hidden behind the mask.

"So, they can be exploited."

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