Chapter 327: Chapter 327

A fortress made of gray magic power.

It wasn't particularly large, and the height of its walls was low. It looked more like a small base than a fortress.

However, it clearly had walls extending all around. Confused, I glanced around. There was nothing like this mentioned in the skill description.

'Perhaps these walls indicate the range of my skill.'

Would the fortress expand as I grow stronger and improve my skill mastery?

I wanted to examine the fortress more closely, but I didn't have the time.

[The Conquest War will begin soon.]

- Time until start: 5 minutes

A system notification popped up in front of me for that reason.

Just as the description of my ultimate skill [Imperial Edict] stated, activating it in enemy territory had triggered a 'Conquest War'.

If I won this battle, the surrounding territory would be completely transferred to my control...!


Additional details about the Conquest War appeared at that moment.

[Conquest War - Zone 1: Dried-Up Drain]

- Defeat three waves of monsters to win.

- Monster waves will consist of any three groups chosen from the nearest monster legions.

- Each wave includes a boss-level monster.



Did I read that wrong?

"Three waves, each with a boss-level monster...?"

A wave was already worrisome, but including boss-level monsters was insane!

I bit my lip. If I'd known this would happen, I would have brought more parties...!

"My Lord?"

"Senior, what's wrong?"

At that moment, Lucas and Evangeline asked in concerned voices. Snapping back to reality, I looked at my party members.

Standing in front of me were two stalwart knights, a sniper, and a mage, all scrutinizing the fortress with curiosity.

My thoughts instantly cooled.

The main party of five deployed here consisted of my elite of elites.

Each had completed their awakening and was, in essence, among the strongest assets I had. The total monster kill count among my main party members had already reached four digits. Worrying about numbers while having such a squad was absurd.

'It's sufficient. Actually, this is a good opportunity to test the limits of my ultimate skill!'

We'll conduct the battle with just the main party. Any shortcomings would be covered by my ultimate skill.

Quickly forming a rough tactic in my head, I nodded at my party members.

"Alright, everyone, gather around! Here's what's happening!"

I explained the situation of the Conquest War, the impending monster waves, and the fact that we'd take control of this area if we defeated them—all the way to the inclusion of boss-level monsters.

Though surprised, my party members didn't panic and immediately began preparing for defense. True to their reputation as warriors who had fought through hell alongside me.

Damien headed to higher ground for sniping, and Junior immediately started casting spells.

Lucas and Evangeline exchanged glances, then checked and divided responsibilities for the sections of the wall they would defend.

Watching my party members perform their roles efficiently without any wasteful movements or the need for coordination made me proud. They've grown a lot.

'I should fulfill my role as well!'

There was one gate in the fortress made of magical power. It was obvious that the monsters would rush through there.

Standing atop the wall above the gate, I pulled magic cores from my inventory and scattered them around, shouting.


Within the boundaries of my ultimate skill, the limit on the number of summoned creatures vanished.

In other words—if I had magic cores and building materials, I could infinitely summon defense towers!

As I activated the summoning magic, the system window displayed the entire fortress wall like a 3D blueprint, marking the spots where turrets could be placed.

Alright, first things first...

"Shield Turret!"

A taunting aggro tank tower that would draw the monsters' attention and absorb their attacks: the Shield Turret.

I summoned four in total, two on the left and two on the right of the main gate.

The drainage pipes that made up the dungeon room began to twist like candy canes, ripping themselves out and taking the form of turrets.

Soon, a giant rectangular defense tower adorned with shield-shaped plating revealed itself with a thud! thud!

Seeing the four Shield Turrets lined up, I felt as reassured as if I had four bowls of piping hot rice soup set before me.

A feeling of security as if one could eat one bowl for dinner and still have enough for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the next day.

"Next, Auto-Defense Turret!"

Another set of turrets, these designed for automatic defense!

Again, I installed four, this time on the fortress walls that flanked the main gate.

They took on a design reminiscent of naval cannons from Earth's World War II era. Large and bulky cannon platforms and barrels revealed themselves.

Eight magic cores vanished in an instant, but this was not the time to be stingy. One doesn't skimp on resources during a test run.

'I wanted to place Magic Turrets too, but the research isn't complete yet.'

Magic Turrets are defense towers that apply various debuffs, including slows, to monsters in an area.

I had commissioned research into it after acquiring a scroll, but more time was needed for completion.

It's unfortunate that I can't deploy a full set of three different turrets, but this should be enough for now.

"And captured monsters, come forth!"

I summoned all three of the captured monsters that I had stored in my personal space, each one captured during dungeon explorations with my second skill, [Become Mine!].

[Summoned Captured Monster: Lv.30 Skeleton Knight(R)]

[Summoned Captured Monster: Lv.35 Scorpion Warrior(R)]

[Summoned Captured Monster: Lv.40 Troll Royal Guard(SR)]

A skeleton, a scorpion, and a troll emerged one by one from my personal space and promptly bowed their heads before me.

'What's with them? Their loyalty seems unusually high.'

For some reason, they all seemed more loyal than usual.

Especially the Troll Royal Guard, an elite monster whose loyalty was initially below 20; now it was over 70.

I soon found the reason: it was the effect of [Imperial Edict].

> 1st Skill [Gaze of Command] success rate increased, 2nd Skill [Become Mine!] effect addition and adjustment

Inside the area of my ultimate skill, their loyalty received an additional boost. With a loyalty of 70, I don't have to worry about getting stabbed in the back.

"Alright, it's hard to call you all out one by one, so..."

I pointed to the skeleton, scorpion, and troll each in turn, nodding my head. Then, I decided to give their team-up a name.

"I'll collectively call you 'The Gansomi Brothers'!"


The monsters, who had no way of understanding the Three Kingdoms reference, tilted their heads in confusion. Well, whatever. Just be grateful I didn't call you the Stir-Fry Combo.

The Gansomi Brothers were assigned as reserves. I instructed them to deal with any monsters that broke through Lucas and Evangeline's defenses.

'I also have a boss summoning scroll on hand, but...'

I'll keep that as a last resort.

With the placement of summoned and captured monsters complete, there was little time left before the wave began.

I took a deep breath and looked around the magic fortress.

"Um... Uh... A higher vantage point would be..."

Just then, I noticed Damien, who seemed unable to find a suitable high ground, glancing around.

'How can I not help... Wait. This fortress was created with my magic power, right?'

Doesn't that mean I can alter the fortress structure according to my will?

"Hold on, Damien! Stay still for a moment!"

As I focused my consciousness, a cluster of gray magical energy gathered— a small turret abruptly sprang up from the ground.


Damien, who was also lifted upward by the rising turret, looked startled at first but soon regained his posture. He waved at me with a satisfied smile.

"Thank you, Your Highness! This seems sufficient!"

I mimicked drawing a circle with my hand in response and then climbed atop the fortress wall near the gate.

[The Conquest War will begin!]

And then, from all directions of this small, cramped Zone 1 dungeon—



Monsters began to flood in.


The first wave was a Harpy legion.

Fortunately, not all enemies that would rush towards the Crossroad in this stage had arrived here; it seemed like just a portion of them. The numbers were a little over a hundred.

And with those numbers,


They were not even a match for us.

The four automated defense turrets simultaneously unleashed fire from their barrels, turning the rushing harpies into feathered plummeting corpses.

Just like a bullet-hell game, the harpies were mercilessly obliterated in front of our torrential magic bullets.

Occasionally, some resilient specimens broke through this overwhelming barrage and somehow infiltrated inside.

Bang! Bang!

Damien was seemingly waiting for them, sniping.

In the end, not a single harpy managed to breach our anti-aircraft net and all were annihilated.

Evangeline looked up at the falling feathers and snorted, "That was anticlimactic, considering how much tension there was."

"You shouldn't raise flags like that..."

And sure enough,


As if waiting for Evangeline to say that, a colossal harpy made its appearance.

We all shot glares at Evangeline. She scratched her head awkwardly, "I didn't know it'd actually show up like this..."

The gigantic harpy spread its wings wide open, and, sweeping the ground, commenced a low-altitude flight straight toward us.

Right behind it were four other harpies, although smaller in size.

That enormous body, those vivid feathers, and above all,


That high-pitched, ear-splitting scream.

Without a doubt, it was the most powerful being in the harpy legion—

"Harpy Coloratura!"

In other words, the harpy legion's commander!

"What the hell, isn't this guy the stage boss?! Is it even okay for it to show up this early?"

The reason for questioning its 'early appearance' was not due to the game's unreasonable difficulty.

'They're giving us a chance to kill the boss even before the defensive battle? Aren't they being too generous?' was the implication!

If we killed that thing here, the defense of Crossroad would be so much easier!

In an instant, the swooping Harpy Coloratura opened its massive beak.

It inflated its chest like a balloon after sucking in air. It was about to unleash a terrifying sonic attack.


But before it could, my knights charged at it.

Evangeline, who had shot up like a flying squirrel, brought down her shield from above, while Lucas, who had rocketed from the ground, slashed his greatsword from below.

Evangeline's shield hit the upper part of the monster's beak, while Lucas' greatsword hit the lower part.


Forcing the monster's beak to close.

The sonic wave, all set to burst out, was trapped inside and flowed back down the monster's throat.

That's when Junior swiftly raised her magic wand upward.

Vrooom, vroooom...!

Dark clouds quickly gathered over the head of the staggering Harpy Cololatura. Moments later—


A series of lightning bolts erupted, frying Harpy Cololatura and its minions all at once.


Harpy Cololatura managed to hold on, but its four minions were reduced to horrifically charred corpses.

Twisting its body as if to escape, the harpy spread its wings wide.

Flap! Flap!

Both of its wings were pierced by Damien's magic spear.

The magic spear accurately shattered the core of the wing bones, scattering feathers and blood, as Harpy Cololatura began plummeting towards the ground.


At that moment, Evangeline and Lucas leapt onto the falling monster's body.

Everything that had unfolded happened in the blink of an eye, as the two knights took a leap into the air.

The two knights who had silenced Harpy Cololatura's mouth planted their feet on its chest as soon as the lightning and sniping attacks were over.

Crackle, crackle-crackle...!

Junior's chain lightning that had ricocheted toward the two knights was completely absorbed by Evangeline's shield.



Evangeline could discharge the absorbed damage through the tip of her spear...!


With [Damage Payback], the tip of Evangeline's spear, wrapped in lightning, stabbed into Harpy Cololatura's chest.

Simultaneously, Lucas's sword, emitting rays of light, pierced through Harpy Cololatura's neck.

THUMP! Krak-a-BOOM...!

The gigantic harpy's body hit the ground,

raising a massive cloud of dust. Evangeline and Lucas, who had surfed down on the fallen monster's corpse, landed gracefully on the ground.

Wave 1 Cleared.

I watched the two knights as they loosened up their shoulders and came back toward me, and I found myself thinking,

'...Did I over-level them?'

No, seriously... Isn't this a bit too much?

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