Chapter 294: Chapter 294

Godhand had said that he would help with the reconstruction of the forward base as soon as his prosthetic was repaired.

Lilly decided to join him. Considering there were artifacts to be placed at the forward base, Lilly's assistance was indeed necessary.

'Are they just going on an outdoor date...?'

Anyway, after providing the Shadow Squad with their new equipment and gently warning them about public displays of affection, I watched the flustered couple disappear into the distance.

I shook my head in amusement and entered the workshop.

The other guild leaders had already gathered and were waiting for me: the Carpenter Guild Master, the Stone Mason Guild Master, the Blacksmith Guild Master, and the Alchemist Guild Master.

It had been a long time since I had gathered these elders in one place. I conveyed my intentions to them, examining their faces.

"Crossroad will now undertake two construction projects simultaneously."

The reconstruction of the forward base and the tourism city project.

These two plans had been discussed numerous times before, so all that remained was to coordinate the schedule, projected costs, and other specifics with the guild masters.

"Also, we need to transport magical stones to the Imperial Capital. Collaborate with the Silver Winter Merchant Guild for that."

After the construction meeting and additional comments about the magical stones, the guild masters nodded as if they had been expecting it.

"In fact, the head of the Silver Winter Merchant Guild visited this afternoon. We've already discussed the forthcoming tasks."

"Did Serenade come by earlier?"

I blinked in surprise. The Merchant Guild Master was always ahead of the game.

"We'll be very busy from now on."

After the meeting, where we discussed various city matters and listened to grievances, I smiled brightly.

"Let's enjoy our work!"

It was delightful just to see the city grow and progress.

'Doing it joyfully' seemed to take the guild masters by surprise. They all smiled in response.

"Yes, my Lord!"


Time flies.

With the teleportation gate facilitating the transport of materials and labor, the restoration of the forward base progressed rapidly.

I proudly watched as the walls, once torn down by the Black Spider Legion, were covered with robust stone and metal, and the crumbled turrets were reconstructed from the ground up.

The tourism city project's centerpiece, the hotel construction, also showed swift progress. The architects quickly drafted a building perspective. The proposed hotel blended beautifully with Crossroad's exquisite natural landscape.

I approved the construction, and Serenade, donning a hard hat, took the lead with a bright smile.

We needed more laborers, even with the refugees we had taken in. We placed large-scale employment advertisements in nearby cities and the Mercenary Guild.

People poured into the city, making Crossroad as lively as during a festival.


Time flies, indeed. In the blink of an eye, several weeks had passed.

The autumn foliage that once painted the fields had swiftly faded, and the latter part of fall greeted us with fallen leaves and frost on the ground.

[STAGE 11]

- Starting in: 4 days

The next defense battle, Stage 11, loomed right ahead.


Four days before the defense battle, at the forward base.

Monsters would emerge from the lake, moving north for three days before launching an attack on Crossroad. Meaning, the remaining days shown on the system window were based on Crossroad's timeline.

'The battle at the forward base would start three days ahead of that.'

In other words, the first wave of monsters would hit the forward base tomorrow.

With the impending monster attack, all laborers had been evacuated.

Although the forward base had made noticeable progress, expecting it to fully function after only a few weeks of repairs was unrealistic.

"The restoration of the forward base has certainly made significant progress," Lucas, who had taken a round of the forward base with me, shared the same sentiment.

"However, there are many challenges to stopping the monsters with its current state."

"I agree," I responded, standing on one of the base's partially repaired walls and giving a sly smile.

"But we can't just let those monster bastards trample over this place, especially after all the hard work we've put into its repairs."

During the restoration, I had anticipated this outcome.

It was clear that the repairs wouldn't be complete before the next stage began. We would have to juggle both defense and ongoing restoration.

Hence, I had something installed in the southern field of the forward base.

My gaze settled on the southern field, and Lucas followed suit.

Thick wooden fences stood densely, forming a pattern.

The Kill Zone.

A basic defense game tactic that funnels enemies through obstacles and then focuses firepower on the concentrated horde.

This, however, was an advanced Kill Zone I had set up: the 'Death Loop.'

While typical Kill Zones funnel enemies, the Death Loop takes it a step further, creating a maze using obstacles.

Though it might sound grand, it was merely about making monsters waste time by moving in circles. It was costly, given the dense placement of fences.

But its effectiveness was undeniable, especially when walls were compromised.

'Depending on the type of monster, the effects can vary.'

If the opposing force consists of large monsters, flyers, or ethereal beings, the impact diminishes.

But this stage's enemies were a skeleton legion, perfect targets for the Kill Zone strategy.

'We can handle this!'

If things got too tough, we could escape using the teleportation gate.

The primary role of the forward base wasn't to fend off the entire monster legion but to distract a portion and reduce the burden on Crossroad.

Typically, in the game, about 30% to 50% of the monster legion gets lured to the forward base.

'If everything goes according to my plan, we'll be able to safely handle more enemies in the future.'

Given the incomplete state of the base's restoration, we'd have to do our best for now.

"Don't worry too much, my Lord," Lucas said with a confident grin.

"Even if it comes to it, I'll take care of everything."

Suddenly, Lucas shrank, murmuring in a hesitant tone, "Of course, I won't overdo it..."


He seemed to be on edge ever since he had been reprimanded for launching a solo assault last time.

Without saying a word, I patted him on the back and looked to the distant south.

From the forward base, I could clearly see the dark lake to the south.

The abyssal mouth of the lake that spat out monsters churned on the surface.

'It's different from the tutorial.'

This upcoming battle was distinct from the massive sacrifice we endured during the tutorial.

I turned away from the wall and looked over the interior of the forward base.

My heroes, newly equipped.

And my soldiers, pristine in their southern frontline uniforms.

They looked up at me with unwavering eyes. I nodded in silent acknowledgment.

We were prepared, and we had become stronger.

We wouldn't repeat the tragedies of the tutorial.


The next day, early morning at the forward base.

Creak, creak...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The monstrous horde that had risen from the dark lake, cutting through its surface, was clearly visible as they marched northward.

Ghostly skeletons, donned in armor, clutching weapons, revealed themselves one after another, their clinking sounds filling the air.

The Skeleton Legion.

Resurrected through magic, they were but marionettes void of any human essence except for the thirst to kill.

Casually observing them, I pulled up the system window to check their stats.

[Enemy Info - STAGE 11]

- Lv.40 Skeleton Marshal : 2 units

- Lv.35 Skeleton Mage : 6 units

- Lv.30 Skeleton Knight: 110 units

- Lv.25 Skeleton Warrior: 388 units

Perhaps it was because this was right after a boss stage, but the monster count, their levels, and composition seemed relatively manageable.

The Skeleton Legion itself was a mundane mob without any particular distinguishing features.

Moreover, no significant Dark Event had been triggered in this Stage 11.

[??? has passed its turn.]

[No Dark Event will occur during this stage.]


I tried to deduce the intentions of an enemy I had never faced, but I couldn't figure it out. Why hadn't the Dark Event been activated?

'Well, it's a good thing.'

I should be thankful for a reduced difficulty. It's not like I had the luxury to complain about it being too easy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The lake and the forward base were close.

In no time, the armored monsters approached the near vicinity.

The empty sockets of the ghostly bone monsters flickered with eerie blue flames.

Confronting those sinister gazes, as if they'd crawled straight out of hell, sent chills down my spine.

It was unimpressive. Lacked uniqueness. No Dark Event was triggered.

So what?

They were monsters. Ferocious predators eager to rip humans apart.

Not to be taken lightly, even for a moment.

Boom! Boom! Boom...!

The Skeleton Legion that had neared the forward base suddenly came to a halt.

Leading the monstrous horde were two Skeleton Marshals, each riding a skeletal horse and wielding massive halberds.

Monsters made of bones, yet they bore a title akin to a Marshal? Nonetheless, these two elite monsters played the role of interim bosses for this stage.


"..." The two Skeleton Marshals, after a moment of apparent deliberation, exchanged glances and nodded to each other, subsequently splitting in opposite directions.

Simultaneously, the ranks of the Skeleton Legion behind them also split in two.

Half of them continued their march northward, heading straight for Crossroad.

The other half redirected their march toward our forward base.

"Only half of them..."

I heaved a sigh of relief.

Occasionally, monster legions chose to fully focus their assault on the forward base, which had me on edge. Luckily, this wasn't one of those times.

After observing the advancing skeletal half-legion, I turned to address my comrades.

"If we stick to our training, we can annihilate them without taking any damage."

From their respective positions, waiting for the monsters to close in, my troops looked up at me. With renewed vigor, I continued,

"And how many times have I said it? This forward base is a 'disposable' asset."

I'd invested vast sums of money and labor into restoring this forward base.

But that was purely a tactical measure to protect Crossroad... and the people living there.

The primary objective wasn't to defend this base at all costs.

There's no need to risk our lives for it. Absolutely not!

"If the situation turns unfavorable, use the teleport gate without hesitation and retreat to Crossroad. Got it? And remember! Don't hesitate, just jump!"

"Yes, sir!"

In response to my earnest plea, the soldiers chorused. Satisfied, I shifted my gaze back to the south, where the monsters were pouring in.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At last, the vanguard of the skeletal legion reached the entrance of the Kill Zone.

Without any hesitation, they stepped into the path defined by wooden fences.

"Now, then..."

After confirming the dim-witted monsters funneling into the Kill Zone, I shouted exuberantly,

"Let's begin our defense!"

Eager to dispatch the nearby humans, the monsters scrambled into the Kill Zone.

Boom! Kaboom!

Almost immediately, they stepped on the mines I had generously laid out at the maze's entrance. With dazzling explosions, their bodies burst into pieces.

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