Chapter 281: Chapter 281

"Your Highness!"

Serenade descended from the carriage, supported by her escort.

Naturally, that escort was her loyal subordinate Elize, who was carrying a massive Sword Coffin.

"It must have been a tough journey, Serenade."

I spread my arms to welcome my guests. Serenade and Elize both slightly bowed to me.

Hidden beneath her strands of sapphire-blue hair, Elize's expression was neutral, but she stole a quick, disdainful glance at me.

Her complexion looked fine; she must have been doing well.

Serenade stood straight and smiled warmly. "I apologize for the delay. We've been clearing the road from the Imperial Capital to here. It took a bit longer than expected."

What did you say?

You came here while also clearing those treacherous mountain roads?

'I thought they were taking a while to arrive, but that wasn't the reason.'

They accomplished an unimaginable task in no time, these people...!

With newfound admiration, I looked at the members of the Merchant Guild. They started to look like heroes against all odds.

"Our Merchant Guild undertook the nationwide road project. And we're not entirely finished; we've only completed the most basic stages as we made our way here."

Serenade pointed towards the cargo wagons behind her.

"Still, this shouldn't interfere with the magic stone distribution. If you grant the permission, we can start shipping magic stones from Crossroad to the Imperial Capital as early as tomorrow."

"You've done well, Serenade. Thank you."

As I expressed my gratitude, Serenade fidgeted with her fingers, appearing somewhat shy.

"Oh, no, Your Highness. It's a promise I made with you; there's no need for thanks."

"Uh, okay..."

Yes, you're making me feel embarrassed too...

I scratched the back of my neck, feeling awkward. Just then, a strangely fluffy atmosphere began to form.

"Um, um, um..."

Standing beside me, Evangeline, who had been shivering, looked up at Serenade with a shocked face and began to mumble.

"This mature, sophisticated, and beautiful woman... Could she be...?"

"Ah, let me introduce you. Evangeline, this is Serenade, the owner of the Silver Winter Merchant Guild."

I introduced Serenade to Evangeline.

"Serenade, this is Evangeline, the heir to the Margrave title of Crossroad."

"Pleased to meet you, Evangeline. My name is Serenade. I look forward to working with you."

Serenade took the initiative to bow, demonstrating flawless etiquette. It was a greeting with not a single flaw.

"I, I'm also pleased to meet you, Serenade! But!"

Evangeline, who had been sneaking glances between Serenade and me, suddenly asked.

"Actually, when I was living in the Imperial Capital, I read a lot of gossip magazines about the two of you!"


I rested my forehead in my palm.

Now that I think about it, this Evangeline character collected and read all sorts of scandalous magazines about me when she was attending the academy in the Imperial Capital...!

"All kinds of rumors were rampant about the relationship between the two of you! I was so, so curious that I couldn't sleep! Please, just tell me one thing!"

Evangeline hurled a fastball directly at Serenade.

"What exactly is the relationship between you two?!"

"Huh? Um, well, you see..."

Confused and hesitant, Serenade cautiously glanced at me before mumbling, her face slightly flushed.

"...An ex-girlfriend, maybe?"

At this, Evangeline's eyes popped wide open as she let out a loud squawk.



'Why does saying it like that make it sound like she was an EX-Rank girlfriend or something?!'

"Wait, you mean, you dated someone this pretty, senior...?"

"No, I mean, I didn't date her. Well, I did, but—"

As I stammered, Evangeline, who had been trembling, suddenly punched me in the shoulder.

"You womanizer! Bad man!"

Why the hell did she hit me?


"Thank you for coming all this way, Serenade."

Young Lord's Mansion. The drawing room.

Sitting across from each other with some light refreshments, I asked Serenade,

"Is everything alright? You must have plenty of work in the Imperial Capital. Was it really necessary for you to come all the way to this Margrave's territory?"

"Businesses in Silver Winter's Merchant Guild have all stabilized. Alberto has been a huge help with the new projects in collaboration with the Imperial Family."

I was pleased to hear Alberto's name.

The old butler who used to handle Star Palace, now it seemed he was making a name for himself in his second life at Silver Winter's Merchant Guild.

"I've put Alberto in charge of overseeing businesses in the Imperial Capital. He's extremely meticulous, given his lifelong service to the Imperial Family. His connections are also extensive. So, in that aspect, he might even be better than me. And for emergencies, we can communicate through messenger eagles..."

The Merchant Guild of Silver Winter had a communication system using messenger eagles. Some even came along with the Merchant Guild's convoy this time. If something urgent came up, I could contact them using those birds.

But still, shouldn't the guild leader be in the Imperial Capital rather than at the end of the world in the south...?

"Also, um..."

Serenade, stirring her tea with a spoon, began to shake slightly as she spoke.

"Alberto urged me to go wherever my heart desires. He pushed me to."


Whoa, whoa, whoa! The atmosphere has been getting increasingly mushy! My tolerance for this kind of mood isn't great, you know! Ash, get out here and handle this! Weren't you her first love—?

"...And most importantly."

At that moment, Serenade's expression became serious.

"I absolutely need to tell you something in person, Your Highness."

I blinked in surprise. She had something to tell me?

Inhaling deeply and looking straight at me with her silvery gaze, Serenade was about to speak when—


She turned her gaze abruptly to the side. Huh? I looked in the same direction.


Lucas was standing at the entrance of the drawing room.

Hiding his massive body behind the door and only peeking his head in, he was checking out the situation.

Hey, big dog! You think that's going to hide your size?

"It's been a while, Sir Lucas! How have you been?"

Serenade was the first to wave and greet him.

A flustered Lucas rolled his blue eyes around and awkwardly scanned the room before finally saluting.

"...It's been a long time. Miss Serenade."

"Why are you standing there? Come in. You're the Prince's escort, after all."

"Ah... well, you see..."

Lucas glanced at me cautiously. I was also sweating bullets internally.

"...Shall I, um, resume my escort duties, my lord?"

Lucas, who spoke those words, still had bandages wrapped around various parts of his body.

He had been left neglected in a cell for a week even after the battle had ended, without receiving proper treatment. He would need a few more days for a full recovery.

"You're not fully healed yet. Rest a few more days."


"Don't push it."

"...Understood, my lord."

With an expression like a dog abandoned by its owner, Lucas staggered away, exiting the reception room.


Serenade, who had been watching Lucas's retreating figure, awkwardly smiled before asking,

"Sir Lucas seems to have changed quite a bit in his demeanor, hasn't he? He used to be more..."

"No, it's just, um."

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, I hastily sipped my tea and briefly explained the recent events.

The last battle had been incredibly dangerous. As the situation grew dire, Lucas unleashed his own berserk state, exposing himself to danger. He had almost permanently lost his humanity, becoming a beast.

I also told her that I had severely reprimanded him so that he would never resort to such means again.

For the past few days, the atmosphere had been awkward between us, I admitted honestly.

"Your Highness, hasn't Sir Lucas been your escort since a very young age?"

Serenade, after hearing my explanation, softly spoke.

"Did you really have to discipline him to that extent?"

"I almost lost him."

Lucas is the protagonist of this game.

He's essential for the strategies ahead and is also a valuable comrade.

Despite warning him not to use such a dangerous double-edged sword called 'beastification,' he had almost impaled himself.

"I had to apply the brakes to his rampage."

The battles to come will only get more intense.

If I didn't rein him in now, Lucas could potentially do something even more dangerous. That's why I had to be harsh.

"More than anything, Serenade, this is a fortress city. I am the commander of this garrison."

With a heavy heart, I looked down at the cup of tea in my hand. My reflection shimmered on the surface of the rippling tea.

"Hierarchy is necessary. Even if a knight is loyal, if he continues to disobey me, I have to punish him."

Of course, I'd prefer to interact with my comrades like friends. Creating stiff boundaries isn't my style.

But when needed, it must be clearly ingrained.

That I hold the reins of life and death on this frontline.

"I understand your point, Your Highness."

Serenade softly smiled at me.

"But even if mistakes are punished, should not merits be rewarded, as per military law?"


She was right. I was at a loss for words.

"Sir Lucas may have made a mistake this time, but he also achieved something in this battle."


Lucas was indeed the MVP of this stage. He had single-handedly crushed the enemy's main force.

"Sometimes, stern punishment is necessary, but what really moves a person's heart are a few warm words."


"Even if Sir Lucas' actions were a bit misguided, they were all done for Your Highness. You've already given him his punishment, now you should mend his spirits."

Yes, I knew that. From Lucas' perspective, his actions were done out of loyalty.

And of course, we had to reconcile. We couldn't continue like this, awkward and on edge.

'But... that, um...'

Reconciling after a fight is easier said than done...

If it were up to me, I would bow my head and apologize first. But the scolding I gave Lucas wasn't as an individual; it was a decision I made as a frontline commander.

I had meted out punishment to a subordinate officer in my role as a superior.

For the sake of maintaining discipline in the army, I couldn't be the first to apologize. This was the military after all.

'But honestly... I feel like I might have been too harsh...'

As Serenade said, Lucas had used his beast form in the last battle and had also been the MVP by killing the most monsters. It would only be right to commend and reward him...

'Aaaah! Being a commander is hard!'

I buried my face in my hands and groaned. Serenade chuckled, covering her mouth as she watched me.

"You'll manage, Your Highness."


"Those who worry tend to, even if they wander, find the right path in the end."

The right path, huh.

Not just with scolding Lucas, but all the choices I had made up to this point—did they really lead to the right path? Was it even a proper path to begin with?

There was no certainty.

I just kept moving forward. Even if I looked back, I would continue to take steps forward.

Toward that faintly glowing destination called 'Clear,' by any means necessary.


Silver Winter's Merchant Guild had purchased a building downtown to set up their branch office.

A sign reading 'Silver Winter Merchant Guild - Crossroad Branch' was being displayed.

Workers were swarming, quickly renovating both the exterior and interior of the building. Their speed was truly astounding.

"Your Highness, you have two tasks for our Merchant Guild: gemstone distribution and, um..."

While watching the renovation, Serenade glanced at me and asked.

"A tourism city project, right?"


"We've brought in competent architects, so we can start on the hotel construction soon. I'll order them to survey the land and create a draft."

Serenade hummed thoughtfully, pressing her full lips with her index finger.

"And about the Fall Festival... it's already that season? When does it start?"

"In two days. It'll last for three days."

"The traditional events for Crossroad are the martial arts tournament and dance festival, correct?"

Deep in thought, Serenade crossed her arms and lightly tapped her fingers on her arm.

"The natural scenery is quite beautiful, and there's plenty of vacant land within the territory... Given these conditions..."

She seemed to be calculating something, her fingers moving rhythmically.

I simply watched, entertained by her actions.

"While we don't have much time, so drastic changes won't be possible... Let's give it our best effort."

Finally, as if concluding her calculations, Serenade gave me a refreshing smile.

"Let's transform Crossroad into the top tourist destination in the South, slowly but surely! The upcoming Fall Festival can be the first step toward that!"

"Uh...? Oh, sure!"

I sensed that something was a bit off here.

No, the tourism city project I had in mind was... simply to build a hotel with a casino to meet the minimum tourism score and lure in SSR-SR grade heroes.

It seemed that the head of the Silver Winter Merchant Guild had something much grander in mind.

I chuckled wryly. How many tourists could possibly come to such a remote corner of the world...?

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