Chapter 230: Chapter 230

Aider's Room.

I sat facing Aider in this stark room, still devoid of color or any noteworthy furniture.

It had been a while since I had a one-on-one conversation with this self-proclaimed Director.

'There are countless issues I want to bring up, but let's start with the most pressing matter first.'

"I've noticed that an additional enemy legion invaded in this stage."

"Yes, I'm aware. It was the Werewolf Legion, wasn't it?"

"It wasn't a Dark Event, there were no warnings, and they just barged in."

I gritted my teeth.

"If this continues, it will be difficult to keep strategizing. At least we need to stick to the established game rules to continue playing, don't we?"

"You're absolutely correct. This was a blatant violation of the game rules."

Aider nodded his head.

"That's why a penalty will be applied to the monster legion in the next stage. You'll find it easier next time."


Listening to Aider's response, I clenched my fist tightly.

"I have a fundamental question."

I glared intently at Aider.

"What is a 'Player'? Why are we battling monsters in the form of a 'game'?"


"So, the monster legion gets penalized in the next round because they broke the 'rules'? Does that mean they've also agreed to these 'rules'? What exactly governs how this game works?"

Suddenly, I recalled the words I had heard from the Emperor in the Imperial Capital.

- A being on another level, discussing the fate of the world, commanding the lives of others through words, directly fighting for the world's hegemony. Those who are qualified to play chess themselves.

- That is what a Player is.

- To put it more simply, you could also call them a Ruler.

The Emperor's definition of a 'Player' was slightly different from what I had always thought. Not simply someone who plays a game, but someone who holds and debates the destiny of the world.

Could this 'game' that this so-called Director is making me participate in be a concept stemming from the same context?

"On the chessboard named the world, numerous Players are playing chess called war," Aider slowly began.

"And here in this monster frontline, we are unfolding the match according to our local rules."

"Local rules...?"

"The Nightmare Demon King who has occupied the Lake Kingdom, and the human commanders who are guarding humanity's last defense line."

Aider started arranging the chess pieces that were on the desk.

"Under mutually agreed-upon rules, they keep attacking and defending—whichever side conquers the other's base first and kills the other's king is the victor in this defense game."

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The chess pieces were meticulously placed.






"This is in accordance with the pact made between the Demon King and the human commanders, and will continue until one side is completely annihilated."


Lastly, he placed the King on its spot.

Having finished arranging the chess pieces, Aider slowly pulled his hand away from the board.

"I am the Director who established these rules, and I'm here to oversee the direction of the game."

"Who made the pact to play the game with that Demon King?"

Aider stared at me in silence. Stunned, I pointed to myself.

"You can't mean...I did?"

"Technically, it's the Third Prince, Ash."

I let out a silent scream.

Damn it, Ash! Again?! You're the root of all evil! The center of this chaotic, convoluted mess!

"The Demon King agreed to the rules, and both players have taken their seats at the game table," Aider said, offering a bitter smile.

"However, due to various reasons, Prince Ash couldn't continue with the match... so he needed to find a proxy."

"That would be me, wouldn't it?"

"Correct, RetroAddict."

It felt like a recurring story, but there was one new significant point.

My opponent.

My match partner.

The Demon King who controlled all nightmares was also a player.

And like any human, he was playing by the rules...

...As if it was some light-hearted game.

While we were struggling, he casually threw his army into the battlefield one by one.

"...Anyway, I got it. What's next?"

There was much to discuss.

First, complaints about the Achievement Shop.

The Achievement Shop barely offered any in-game items to assist gameplay; it mostly provided system conveniences.

So, I had barely used it.

Aider sought my understanding, saying they were preparing for an update—essentially remodeling the shop.

We talked about various other things as well.

"My lord, I am the director of this game, not the referee," Aider said, promising maximum assistance. "I clearly wish for your victory. Even if I can't provide direct help, I intend to make things as convenient as possible for you."


"I share a fate with you, my lord. Please do not forget this."

At that moment, I remembered something my second brother, Fernandez, had said back in the Imperial Capital.

- Oh, and Aider, who is at the southern front as your adjutant...

- Don't trust that immortal too much. He's a scam artist.

I glanced at Aider, who was smiling awkwardly behind his oval glasses.

"Immortal and a scam artist?"

'I'm missing something about this guy...'

I decided to investigate further later.

Our one-on-one meeting concluded. Although it felt like we hadn't discussed much, several hours had already passed. It was already late afternoon, nearing evening.

As I left Aider's room, I asked abruptly.

"So what's your relationship with Nameless?"

But Aider remained guarded until the end.

"No comment," he said.

Stubborn till the last, huh?

"Alright, just answer this then. Does Nameless have anything to do with the true ending conditions?"

"I'll only say, 'not entirely unrelated.'"

Aider grinned, giving a vague response.

So that means she's related. I let out a snort.

In the end, nothing changed.

Whether they're hostile players or whatever, I beat the crap out of the Demon King's minions and wipe out the monsters.

In doing so, I protect the people within my reach.

As always, I keep doing what I've been doing.

Step by step, towards the Clear.


Sitting in the lord's office, I sipped my coffee while looking at the system window in front of me.


This is what popped up on the system window:

[Rank Promotion Quest]

- Target: Damien (N)

> This character possesses abilities beyond his current rank and is eligible for promotion.

> Upon promotion, the character's stats and skills may change.

> A special consumable item is needed for promotion. <Expand List>

> Would you like to proceed with the promotion?

Rank promotion!

It means that Damien, who is currently N-Rank, could get a rank increase.

'First of all, it was ridiculous that Damien was N-Rank to begin with.'

Although he should be around N-Rank as a healer, he is a possessor of [Far-Sight], one of the most broken abilities in this damn game!

'The problem is... this is the first time I'm seeing this promotion thing.'

A character's rank changing?

I've never seen or heard of such a thing. At least not in the 742 times I've played.

The system says stats and skills might change, but I have no idea what that could lead to.

I want to think it will be a positive change, but this godforsaken game is full of traps, so I can't be sure.

'I still have to do it.'

It might sound a bit cruel, but the likelihood of N-Rank stats and skill sets getting worse is zero.

The real concern is if something incompatible with the current Damien appears.

Anyway, I will proceed, but...

'What's the special consumable item for promotion?'

I expand the list and look,


An item name immediately catches my eye.

[All kinds of 'Orb of Ascension']

"Talk about fitting the bill, geez..."

I took out 'Jormungandr's Orb of Ascension' from my inventory. It's the item Jormungandr spat out before it vanished.

[Jormungandr's Orb of Ascension]

- An orb filled with the essence of Jormungandr. Used to elevate one's existential rank.

Back on Earth, legends like this are pretty common.

When a serpent or a similar creature trains to become a dragon, its concentrated power forms this orb, the Orb of Ascension.

Having just one orb allows the creature to ascend into a dragon, but if it gets greedy and collects more, it can never become a dragon. At least that's how the legends go.

'Was Jormungandr, who looked like a serpent, actually an aspiring dragon?'

Serpent or worm, whatever it is. It's just perfect that he left behind the exact item I needed.

Damien was currently at my estate. I summoned him to the office.

"You called, Your Highness?"

As soon as Damien entered my room, I raised my hand and yelled, "Stop!"

"Stand right there, Damien! Yes, right in front of that full-length mirror!"

"Eh? Uh, okay..."

Baffled, Damien hesitantly stood at the entrance of the room, right in front of where the full-length mirror was placed.

"Good, just look at your reflection in the mirror."

Damien seemed puzzled but nonetheless stood, looking at his own reflection in the mirror.

"This is a monumental rank-up scene; gotta witness it in all its glory from every angle!"

Without hesitation, I used the Orb of Ascension item and completed Damien's rank-up quest.

[Rank-Up Quest Successful!]


A gray aura spread out from Damien's back. It was the color of an N-grade.


Right after that, the color began to change. I swallowed hard, my throat dry.

What's going to happen to our Damien's rank?

R? SR? Or could it be, SSR?!

'Blue? Purple? No, just give me gold, please!'

O Almighty! I'm trusting in you!

As I clasped my hands and prayed, Damien seemed to sense something as well. He looked down at his own body, his eyes widening in surprise.

And then—


It was neither blue, nor purple, nor gold.

A bright, translucent light poured out from Damien's back. My eyes widened in disbelief.


'What rank color is that?'

Then, its identity was soon revealed.


[Hero character 'Damien' will have a rank change.]

> Damien(N) → Damien(EX)


I stood there, mouth agape.

EX rank?

As in 'exceptional'?

...I didn't see this coming.

Shortly after, a flood of messages filled my system window.

[Hero character 'Damien(EX)' will have a job change.]

[Hero character 'Damien(EX)' will have skill changes.]

[Hero character 'Damien(EX)' will have stat changes.]

[Hero character 'Damien(EX)'...]

[Hero character 'Damien(EX)'...]

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

As I stood there gaping at the screen overflowing with notifications, Damien looked at me with a distressed face and asked,

"Uh, Your Highness, something feels weird... Did I do something wrong?"

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