Chapter 207: Chapter 207

When they were still known as the 'Aegis Special Forces Team 8,' and were part of the empire's covert operations, they were dispatched to the Bringar Duchy. There, they assassinated Everblack Empire's diplomatic envoy and created a casus belli.

The mission was a success. The Everblack Empire covered their tracks skillfully, pinning the blame on the Bringar Duchy.

Relations between the two nations deteriorated, eventually leading to war. The Bringar Duchy was reduced to ashes.

And so, Aegis Special Forces Team 8 were 'disposed of' after their mission was completed. They were sent to Crossroad as death-row inmates.

It was Ash, the imperial prince, who took them in and gave them a new name: Shadow Squad.

'Giving us a mission to infiltrate Bringar Duchy again?'

Chained and bloodied, Godhand sneered.

'You are cruel, Your Highness Prince Ash.'

Godhand, Bodybag, and Burnout—this was the mission Shadow Squad had received from Ash:

- Infiltrate the Bringar Duchy discreetly, make contact with the Duchess of Bringar, and deliver my letter and message.

Having carried out a secret mission in the Bringar Duchy before, the Shadow Squad was well-acquainted with the territory and situation. Even though it was a battlefront, engulfed in the flames of war, occupied by Imperial forces and swarming with rebel guerrillas.

Even if the place had become a field of corpses, littered with refugees, deserters, death, starvation, murder, and arson.

Even if this horrific scene was, perhaps, a disaster they themselves had created.

Shadow Squad accomplished their mission in this hellish landscape.

After about a month of searching, they finally located the Duchess of Bringar's hideout and successfully made contact.

But the Duchess was not so naive as to simply receive the letter and send them back.

Her country was ablaze. The Bringar Duchy was on the brink of destruction.

In such circumstances, a letter from the enemy prince, delivered by enemy special forces who were already suspected of triggering the war and were currently wanted, was not going to be received kindly.

Godhand, Bodybag, and Burnout were immediately captured by the Duchess's subordinates and severely tortured.

But even after days of near-fatal torture, none of them uttered a single word.

Finally, the Duchess of Bringar decided to interrogate them personally.

"So, how do you wish to die?"

With jet-black hair like ebony, a dark dress, and pumpkin-colored eyes, she looked like a young girl. But in reality, she was a transcendental being of 120 years, harboring a malevolent dragon within her.

The Duchess of Bringar snarled, her mouth revealing sharp, shark-like teeth.

"The sin of underestimating adults is grave. I'm already low on magic power; perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to chew you all up alive."


"No, that would be too easy for you. To make you feel the pain that my people have felt, it would be better to slowly rip you apart, starting from your fingertips and toes."

The Duchess took a step forward and gently pressed Godhand's toes with the heel of her shoe.

The force coming from her petite frame was unbelievably oppressive, as if a giant rock was crushing Godhand's toes.

The pain was unbearable, but Godhand barely managed to stifle a moan.

"No, it's still not enough! Physical pain alone won't do."

When Godhand managed to endure, the Duchess of Bringar chuckled and lifted her foot. Then, she pushed her sparkling dragon eyes into Godhand's face.

"Let me burn your souls in the realm of flames. Even the most valiant warriors have crumbled in the face of a soul-burning agony."


"You will soon follow suit."

She genuinely had the capability to do so. She was from the dragon-blooded lineage of the Bringar Duchy, the sole possessor of dragon's blood in her generation.

And that was none other than the Duchess of Bringar standing before him, Dusk Bringar.

Yet, Godhand remained unfazed.

His mouth slowly opened as he looked intently at the small Duchess who was threatening him.

"First, I'd like to clear up a misunderstanding."

"Hmm? Misunderstanding?"

"We've never ambushed the you. We just conveyed the message and letter from our master."


Sneering, the Duchess of Bringar took a letter from her bosom.

"Do you take me for a fool, elf?"

With that, she slapped Godhand's cheek with the letter. Despite being hit with a piece of paper, the impact was immense enough to make blood spurt from Godhand's lips.

The Duchess read the contents of the letter aloud.

"The third prince of the Everblack Imperial Family, who is currently in charge of the southern front of the empire, says he'll provide refuge and assist in rebuilding if I escape there?"


"Isn't the most useless rascal in your imperial family the third prince? And such a person suddenly sends me a secret letter, leading me to a monster-infested battlefield. And the one who delivers this letter just happens to be the very people who killed my diplomatic ambassador?"


"How can I possibly trust this letter! It's much more believable that it's a trap to kill me!"

"If it were a trap, it'd be too cumbersome."

As Godhand spat out those words, the Duchess's pumpkin-colored eyes widened.

"What did you say?"

"If we intended to ambush you, our imperial forces would have surrounded this place a few days ago when we discovered your hideout."

The Duchess's eyes narrowed. Godhand continued.

"At this point, there's no chance of winning in this region. Your best option is to pull out. If you are captured, the Bringar Duchy will truly be finished."

"So you're telling me... to abandon my country and run away?"

"Isn't that already under consideration?"

The Duchess didn't counter. Because it was true.

The tide of the war had tilted too far for guerrilla tactics to work. There was no doubt that the Bringar Duchy had lost this war.

"If the you escape, there are multiple options. There are allies in the west and nations in the north with whom you've built long-term relationships. That's why imperial forces are already stationed at the northern and western borders of your duchy."


"But the southern border is relatively weakly guarded. There's no country to the south that could rebel against the empire, and going further south only leads to the monster-infested lands you mentioned. Even if you escape there, you would lack a foundation to plan for the future."

Strength filled Godhand's voice.

"Everyone thinks that way, which is why you are planning to escape south," said Godhand.

The Duchess, who had initially dismissed the idea as nonsense, now listened intently to Godhand's words.

"The southern front is vast. It's a monster-infested area, just like you said. Hiding there would make it practically impossible for the Imperial forces to track you down."


"Moreover, mercenaries from around the world are gathering on the southern front. There's no better place to rebuild your military power. Plus, you'd be close to the kingdom, allowing you to exert influence."

The Duchess chuckled.

"Quite a compelling argument. Did your master instruct you to say this?"


"You were sent here knowing you could die?"

"Yes," Godhand responded without hesitation.

"And we were sent with the understanding that you wouldn't kill us."


"We serve as evidence."

Godhand nodded gravely.

"Evidence that Everblack Empire initiated the war."


"By sparing us, you'll have witnesses for the future. To prove that the Everblack Empire deliberately caused this war by assassinating their own ambassador."

"So you, the executioners, are offering to testify?"


For a moment, the Duchess's youthful face was tinged with the stern visage of a ruler.

In international politics, the logic of power often prevails. Debating the trivialities of an ongoing war may not be particularly meaningful.

However, the Duchess was in a position where he had to gather even the smallest means for a counterattack.

How this testimony could be used later was unknown to anyone.

"...Interesting. So Everblack is as cunning as it appears. The third prince isn't a simple fool after all."

The Duchess smiled briefly, collecting his thoughts.

"Quite entertaining. But Elf, you haven't mentioned the most crucial part... What does Everblack's third prince aim to accomplish by involving me?"

Godhand answered calmly.

"He asks for your support."


"Yes. In the war against the monsters, he requests your support while you stay at the southern front."

Astonished, the Duchess furrowed his brows.

"So you're saying, just to deal with mere monsters, he wishes to summon me, the Dusk Dragon of the Bringar Duchy?"


"Hahahaha! To think he's aiming to use a big fish only to get devoured himself! That third prince is quite fearless!"

With a sneering laugh, the Duchess's eyes soon narrowed dangerously.

"I'd love to meet him and size him up, but that won't happen."

Standing tall with his small frame, straightening his back, the Duchess declared,

"I will not flee, nor seek asylum, nor escape. I will fight and die in this land till the last moment."


"Isn't it obvious? Because I am the Queen of this land."

At this, Godhand chuckled.

"My former king said the same thing."

"...Your king? Who are you talking about?"

"I'm referring to the previous Elf King, the ruler of the elves."

Recalling the distant past, Godhand muttered with a bitter smile.

"He valued his honor more than his life, and in doing so lost his life... As a result, we elves who lost our leader had to scatter in all directions. Now, we've lost our nation and live lives worse than slaves."


"If you are truly a queen, should you not prioritize the future of your people over preserving your honor through death?"

The young face of the Duchess contorted in rage.

"How dare this pointy-eared wretch offer advice to--"

Just then.

"Your Grace!"

A knight who had been waiting outside burst hurriedly into the prison. The Duchess's eyes narrowed.

"What's going on?"

"The Imperial Army has located us. They've started the bombardment!"

Boom! Thud-thud-thud...!

Almost as the words left the knight's mouth, the building shook violently, and accumulated dust fell to the ground.

"The encirclement is tightening. Moreover... Lark has been confirmed to be leading their forces."

Lark 'Avalanche' Everblack, the First Prince and the strongest knight of the empire. It appeared he had personally come. The Duchess gritted her teeth.

"That arrogant brat, if it weren't for the disparity in troops, I'd tear him apart in a heartbeat."

"Your Grace! You must evacuate immediately. The retreat path to the next hideout is secure; please, this way!"

"...Fine, understood."

Reluctantly nodding, the Duchess gestured towards Godhand.

"And bring these people as well."

A cruel mischief flickered in the Duchess's eyes as she looked at Godhand.

"But there's no need to keep all three alive. One will suffice for our purposes."


"So, let's see..."

The Duchess casually swept his gaze over Godhand, Bodybag, and Burnout.

"Who should live and who should die?"


The next day.

Crossroad. The Lord's mansion. The Lord's bedroom.


Having woken up, I lay blankly on the bed.

Staring vacantly at the ceiling of my newly restored room, adorned with antique interior, I did nothing but lie down.

'Stage 9 already, huh.'

Just yesterday, Stage 8 had ended, and we celebrated late into the night with a victory banquet.

Now, Stage 9.

And after that ends...

'Stage 10 is coming up fast.'

The next boss stage was rapidly approaching.

During the last boss stage, Stage 5, a legion of vampires had appeared.

At that time, I had lost nine heroes and as many as a hundred and forty-six soldiers.

I can't afford such losses again. I need to prepare more thoroughly this time.

'Boss stages are incomparable to normal stages. The quality of the enemy forces is on a different level.'

I also need to prepare the best equipment possible and train well-prepared heroes. Even though it's just Stage 9, better to prepare in advance.

'...Still no word from Shadow Squad.'

The three members of the Shadow Squad I had sent to Bringar Duchy have yet to return.

I had decided to accept the Duchess of Bringar and her party in this game iteration.

Since I was going to accept them, I sent the Shadow Squad ahead to scout, aiming to integrate them into Crossroad as quickly as possible.

'Will they return before Stage 10...'

Whether the recruitment by the Shadow Squad succeeded or failed, I hoped they would return before the start of Stage 10. Their abilities would be incredibly useful in the defensive battle.

Lying in bed, I also organized thoughts about utilizing the support troops from the Imperial Capital and training plans for the Penal Squad.

'The main party is doing incredibly well, so for now, the focus should be on effectively managing the other party that has multiple issues...'

Just as I was engrossed in mentally arranging and experimenting with various hero combinations, it happened.


"Lord! We have a major crisis!"

Aider burst into my room, flinging the door open. I languidly opened my eyes and looked in his direction.

"What is it? What's the matter? Your poor Lord was just taking a break after last night's defense mission. This had better be important."

"Da, da, da, Damien has..."

Aider was tearing at his hair, shouting in agony.

"Damien got into troubleeeeee!"

What now, Damien? What have you done this time?!

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