Chapter 150: Chapter 150

Three days later.

A funeral was held in the cemetery west of Crossroad.

Since there had been no casualties in Stage 3 and Stage 4, it had been quite some time since the last funeral.

'I wish we never had to hold another one...'

As the procession of coffins moved in, that was what I thought to myself.

Such an event... it would have been better if it never had to be held again.

The coffins were each placed at their respective burial spots. Over all of them, the flag of the Everblack Empire was draped.

With a trace of resentment, I glared at that flag.

In the center of the flag, the royal crest of a sword and a rose was depicted.

If only the royal family had sent reinforcements.

If they had...

Priests began to sprinkle holy water on each coffin and started their prayers. Following them, the choir began to sing a funeral song.

There were quite a number of the deceased, so it took some time. I went to each newly made grave, bowed my head in respect.

After every coffin had been placed in its position, and all the rites were completed.

It was finally my turn to give a speech.

Never have I felt so reluctant to stand in front of others. But this was my duty.

I didn't run away, I stepped onto the stage.


The citizens of Crossroad.

And my subordinates, the hero characters and soldiers, all looked at me clearly.

After quietly looking around at them, I slowly opened my mouth.

"The monsters we fought this time were bloodkin."

Inside the city walls, to the ordinary citizens who probably hadn't even seen the faces of the monsters, I explained softly.

"They were vampires and cannibals that craved human flesh and blood. They consume others' flesh and blood, stealing others' lives, and they enjoy immortality."

I gestured towards our soldiers.

"Our brave soldiers fought against these terrifying monsters. They weren't afraid of their flesh being torn apart, they stood against death. As a result, we were able to safely protect the city."

Clap clap clap...!

The citizens spontaneously burst into applause.

The soldiers received the applause with embarrassment, shyness, or some even with indifference.

After waiting for the applause to die down, I continued.

"Unlike those monsters, we humans cannot enjoy immortality. We are short-lived. We bloom like flowers, but we also wither like flowers. I find this sad."

I glanced at Junior.

Junior, standing next to Jupiter's grave, was in a simple black dress, listening to my words.

"But as much as I find the shortness of life sad, I do not envy immortality."

I raised my voice.

"Humans who struggle with life, shedding their own blood, are much more beautiful than monsters that swallow others' blood and run from death. I believe so."


I believe so.

"Each of the warriors who died this time fought bravely. They didn't turn their eyes from their lives, they confronted it head on. And they fulfilled their duties."

I closed my eyes for a moment.

I recalled each of the 155 names of those who had fallen this time. I remembered the death they met without retreating.

"Everyone, fight."

I opened my eyes and continued.

"Fight against life. Stand fiercely against it. Live your life to the fullest so as not to be ashamed before those who were buried before you. Roam the world, find what you must do, and be sure to achieve it."

As I looked around the crowd, I nodded heavily.

"That's what those who sacrificed their lives to protect you would want."

I slowly bowed my head.

"For those who fought fiercely with their lives and went away, let us have a moment of silence."

Everyone gathered at the funeral simultaneously bowed their heads.

After a short moment of silence, I raised my head and voiced again.

"And, I want to say something to all the soldiers who were on the front lines this time."

The heroes and soldiers all looked at me at once.

"I understand the pain of losing a comrade. I, too, have spent sleepless nights over the past few days."

Every time I laid down to sleep, the faces of the dead subordinates flickered in my mind, I hadn't been able to sleep properly for days.

"Don't hold any guilt like 'my comrade died but I survived.' Your comrades wouldn't want you to think that way."

At my words, a considerable number of soldiers flinched. It seemed to hit a nerve.

Post-battle, the most common side effect veterans suffered from was similar to what I felt.

I gave a faint smile.

"Let's find our purpose together, for we have survived."

That was the extent of my prepared speech.

"... It was a difficult battle, but thank you for surviving."

As I fumbled for words, I chuckled awkwardly and finally spat out,

"Thank you, everyone."

I stepped down from the stage and Lucas signaled the artillery.

Boom! Boomboomboom!

A salvo rang out, honoring the dead.

The funeral schedule had ended. The sharp salvo gradually faded, and the gathered citizens started to scatter one by one.


I began to look for my party members at the cemetery.

Godhand, Bodybag, Burnout were the first I saw. Shadow Squad members were standing in front of Oldgirl and Skull's tombs.

"Ah, your majesty."

"Your majesty is here."

As I approached, the three quickly bowed. I waved my hand to signal them to rest.

"The passing of Oldgirl and Skull... it's unfortunate."

I looked at the gravestones.

Instead of their real names, their code names were inscribed on their tombstones. It was sad, yet very much like the Shadow Squad.

"Originally, members of Aegis Special Forces are not allowed to be buried. Upon death, their bodies are disposed of in some way, leaving no trace in the world."

Godhand spoke with a bitter expression.

"But thanks to your majesty's consideration, we were able to bury them in such decent graves."


A blessing, indeed.

Even at their colleagues' funeral, the three Shadow Squad members maintained completely expressionless faces, as if they had shaken off all sorrow over the past three days.

It's okay to grieve more. It felt regretful that they seemed to have forcibly cut off their sorrow.

While sharing stories about Oldgirl and Skull, I told them the reason I had come.

"Come to my mansion this evening. We have a meeting about the defense strategy."

All three Shadow Squad members bowed simultaneously.

"We understand, your majesty. We'll see you this evening."

"Alright. See you later."

After paying my respects to the tombstones of Oldgirl and Skull one last time, I left the scene.

Looking back, I saw the figures of Shadow Squad members standing in front of the two graves.

The sight of them, two out of the five party members who had moved as one, gone, was... lonely.

Very much so.


Lucas, Evangeline, and Lilly were in front of the Dion Mercenary Group's grave.

The faces of Lucas and Lilly were sad, but especially Evangeline's face was no joke. She was soaked in tears and snot.


She was even making strange crying noises...


"... You seem to be very upset, Evangeline."

At my murmur, Lucas responded.

"Evangeline spent time with the Dion Mercenary Group in the dungeon. She must've grown quite fond of them."

That's right. I had sent the Dion party on an independent exploration with Evangeline as a guide.

At first, she didn't like the Dion party because they got ringed out during the duel, but she must've grown quite attached to them over time.

While Evangeline was crying hysterically, Lilly comforted her from the side.

Watching them from behind, Lucas asked me.

"By the way, your majesty, what brings you here? Shall we resume the escort duty?"

Lucas had temporarily suspended my escort duty.

He was greatly exhausted from the last battle, and I had spent a few days lying alone in my room. So I suggested we rest.

So we had been doing our own thing until today.

"No, let's resume the escort duty tomorrow... I came here today because of a meeting this evening."

I informed them about the meeting for the future defense strategy that evening. Lucas nodded.

"I understand. Then, I'll see you this evening."


"... I'll also calm Evangeline down and bring her."

"Alright, please do. And bring Lilly as well."

After paying my final respects to the Dion Mercenary Group's grave and whispering their names one last time, I left the place.


Damien and Margarita were tidying up after the funeral ceremony as priests.

I approached them, who were cleaning up holy water and prayer items, and greeted them.

"You're working hard, priests."

Damien gave a half-smile and Margarita bowed respectfully.

"Oh, your highness!"

"You're here, your majesty."

"Thank you for your efforts today. The reason I've come is..."

I cut to the chase. I told her that there was a meeting at the mansion tonight.

"I am... to come as well?"

Saintess Margarita hesitated before asking. I nodded my head assertively.

"Of course, Saintess. You must absolutely come."

It seemed she was still having trouble adjusting to the fact that she was part of my party.

Did she not realize that once she had joined my party, she could never leave?

"Prince, should I invite these three as well?"

Damien pointed to the side. There, three tankers from the Old Hunters, who were in wheelchairs, were visible.

In front of Jupiter's and Yenich's graves, the three tankers were quietly praying.

I examined their injuries and slowly shook my head.

"No... Let them rest in the temple."

The three tankers had survived with their strong vitality, but their bodies were no longer capable of battle.

They had been torn apart by the vampires' swords and claws, and had even taken Celendion's blood magic directly.

They were sturdy people who had held on until the end of the battle, but permanent injuries were left on their bodies.

Essentially, they were confirmed to be retired.

I would guarantee their post-retirement life even if I had to drain my savings, but they couldn't participate in defense battles anymore.

"Understood. Then, I'll see you tonight."

"See you in a bit, Prince!"

I left the cemetery with Margarita and Damien's farewells.

The last member to call, Junior, wasn't in front of Jupiter's grave. I turned my gaze outside the cemetery.

'I have an idea where she might be.'


Downtown Crossroad.

Mercenary Guild.


Junior was in the room Jupiter used to use.

She was there to sort out the deceased's belongings. Junior sighed as she cleaned the empty room.

"There's not much to clean or sort out, after all..."

Jupiter's possessions were minimal. Three old imperial uniforms.

One coat. Two pairs of boots. Two pairs of gloves.

Four bottles of liquor. Five packs of cigarettes.

That's it.

"Even though she was a wandering mercenary, how could she travel so lightly?"

Humming a strange tune, Junior put away Jupiter's belongings.

Then she stopped.


There was a leather document bag in the corner of the room. From the opened gap of the bag, a familiar piece of paper was poking out.

"This is..."

Junior carefully opened the bag and took out the contents.

"...It's the letter I sent."

When Jupiter sent living expenses, Junior would write a letter in reply.

Such collected letters filled an entire document bag over a decade.

Junior cautiously spread out the letters she had sent, starting from the oldest ones.

Most of the content was about how she was short of living expenses, how her children's medical bills had increased her debt, and how tough it was just relying on the money Jupiter sent.

However, always at the end,

- I miss you. When are you coming? Come back soon.

Was written.

As the more recent letters arrived, such phrases gradually disappeared until only demands for money remained.


Unable to look any further, Junior covered the remaining letters.

Why hadn't she revealed her true feelings a bit earlier? Why hadn't she been honest?

If she had, something might have changed.


Then, she noticed a new envelope wedged in a corner of the document bag.

It was the envelope Jupiter always used to send money home. But this time, instead of money, something else was packed.

"This is..."

When she opened it, there was a carefully packed root of a medicinal herb emitting an old smell. A short note came with it.

- It's called Century Ginseng, I found it in a dungeon. It's good for your health. Boil it and drink it.


It was the Century Ginseng that Jupiter bought from Nameless, who appeared as a dungeon merchant during free exploration of Zone 2.

She had bought it to give to her granddaughter, but ended up not being able to send it in a letter, nor deliver it in person...

With the sender gone, only this unsent letter remained.

"This is the herb that old people use for strength and vitality."

Holding the Century Ginseng, Junior muttered in disbelief.

"You packed this up to give it to me? Really..."

Something welled up within her.

Junior bit her lower lip hard.

"Really... like an old..."

As Junior was just barely holding back her tears, standing still,

Knock, knock.

The sound of a knock came from outside. Junior, who hastily wiped her eyes, turned around to see Ash standing frozen in the doorway.

"Um... sorry. Did I interrupt something?"

"No, not at all. You came at just the right time."

With her eyes still reddened, Junior laughed heartily.

"Mom wouldn't like it if I cried twice, hehe."


Ash, who was on the verge of saying something, shook his head, cleared his throat, and spoke.

"I came to pass on a message. There's a meeting about the upcoming defense battle this evening, so come to the mansion."

"Understood. A meeting about the defense battle. Okay."

Ash gave a small smile at Junior who nodded her head.

"You can look forward to it. There's going to be something very interesting happening at today's meeting."


"Something so dynamic and fun that it will completely blow away the gloom that's been hanging over our party."

Junior furrowed her brows and cautiously asked,

"A very dynamic and fun thing... you say?"

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