Translator and Editor: Maru and Aki


Chapter 19

Instead of the warm sunlight, I opened my eyes at the sound of someone knocking at the door.

“Madam. Madam!”


I yawned because I slept late, but since the situation seemed urgent, I put the blanket on Rere and opened the door.

The nanny stood by the door, sweating profusely.

“What’s the matter?”

“Is the miss here, too?”

“She’s sleeping. Is there something wrong?”

“Ah, I see. Master has been looking for the miss since early in the morning.”

“…My god. What time is it?”

I looked at the clock in the room.

It’s not even 8 a.m yet, so my gaze became irritated. But the nanny’s expression was even worse than mine.

“But still…if you don’t go, my master will probably come here.”

Indeed, with his personality, he’d totally come here.

I gave a deep sigh and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll get ready.”

I wanted to curse him out for waking up a sleeping child, but since he wasn’t here, I went back to my room and changed my clothes.

Then, I held the sleeping child in my arms.

“Hmhh…Is it morning already…?”

As soon as I held her, she opened her drowsy eyes and leaned her head against my shoulder.

“It’s not time to wake up yet, but daddy is looking for Rere. Let’s go back to your room.”

“Uung…okay. I’ll sleep a little more…”

“Yes. Sleep well all the way.”

I looked at the clock while changing, but it’s not even close to 10 a.m. yet.

It’s time for an average adult to wake up, but not for a child. For a child who gets up at around 11 o’clock, it was like dawn now.

Even I knew about the child’s wake-up schedule, so I couldn’t believe her dad was looking for her right now.


When I came out, the nanny wrapped the blanket around Rere’s shoulders and carefully opened her mouth.

“Did the miss sleep well last night?”

Maybe she noticed my foul mood as the nanny only looked at me awkwardly.

“She was sleeping well. Although there was a little commotion…”


“Yes. We visited that woman’s room and went to the Duke’s room as well.”

“Oh my god. So what happened next?”

When the nanny raised her voice in surprise, she saw Rere who was in my arms and hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand.

“I’m sorry…”

“Why are you sorry? I don’t think the child is that bad. And nothing happened. Astra locked the door before we could enter, and the Duke wasn’t in his room.”

Rather, the nanny’s eyes glistened as if she was amazed by what I said.

“Oh…the miss did that?”

“Yes, well…”

“Are you sure? I’ve been her personal maid since she was very young. So I knew a lot about the miss.”

The nanny gave me a warm smile.

The Duke selected the current nanny, Daisy, after the incident. The reason was because he could no longer place his trust in outsiders.

Perhaps because of the previous nanny, this time, the Duke chose a pretty decent person.

It’s not because she treated me well, but because she worked hard on her tasks and was sincere about Rebecca.

Despite being Rebecca’s personal maid for quite a while, she was loathed by the previous nanny and was forced to do servant tasks, but when she returned to her original position, she became more enthusiastic than anyone ever was.

Even though Rere often spoke harshly during her outbursts, the nanny just smiled.

“The miss changed a lot. In the past, she would have set the room on fire for not letting her in.”


“Yes, it happened before. Whenever she found out that master wasn’t in his room, with her temperament, she would barge in and overturn the room. She was always angry when things didn’t go her way.”

At her words, I stroked Rere’s head that was completely attached to my body.

“Do you think she has changed?”

“Yes! It’s a good change.”

“But she’s still angry at others.”

“I know, but her attitude is much better than before.”

The nanny, who withstood most of Rere’s angry tantrums these days, just laughed at me.

“I’m telling you. If other people see her behavior, it may come off as rude and spoiled, but she has really improved.”

I was about to say, ‘That’s a relief. I wish she was a little chubbier than kids of her age.’, the hallway became noisy.

As soon as I turned to the corner of the hallway leading to the central castle, I met the Duke’s eyes.

Perhaps he was about to come this way, but his steps were quite fast.

Of course, the Duke looked very angry as soon as he saw me. As I looked at his expression, I was reluctant to say anything.

“Where did you put my daughter to sleep? Just where did you take the child!”

“What do you mean? More importantly, why are you looking for the child this early? There’s no way that you, her father, don’t know that it’s not time for the child to wake up yet.”

At that time, Rere’s body, which was covered by the blanket, wriggled.

“You don’t have to know.”

‘You don’t have to know, my butt.’

When my desire to ignore him and walk away surged, the blanket slipped down.

“Foolish, dummy daddy. There’s nothing that mom doesn’t need to know. If there’s something mom doesn’t need to know, Rere will pretend to not know, too.”

As soon as Rere woke up, she glared at the Duke.

“…Rere. If you say that, daddy will be sad.”

“Daddy? As if! I hate daddy the most in the world!”

Just do one thing at a time. Just one.

If you are going to crawl to the child like a daughter’s fool, or if you are going to keep your dignity as you please. Just do one of the two.

The Duke’s face changed like hot and cold water at the moment.

“Why, just why! You are my daughter. You’re my daughter, but why do you hate me?”

“Because daddy is a fool.”

Rere turned her head away to avoid the Duke.

A moment ago, he looked at me fiercely, but now, he bent down like a humble eunuch and followed Rere’s gaze.

“Rere. Listen to me. Daddy got you a present.”

“What else did you do this time? You said it’s a gift, but you always overdo it! You’re only giving me useless gifts!”

The Duke shuddered at Rere’s words as if what he had done was a common occurrence.

“What do you mean? It’s something that Rere would like. So come here. Let me hug you. Let’s see your gift with daddy.”



“Don’t obsess over me. Obsessive men are not attractive!”

The Duke couldn’t hide his embarrassment and only cleared his throat.


“It’s annoying. It’s so annoying!”

“I promise I won’t annoy you anymore. So please go with daddy for once, hmm?”

Only then did Rere raise her head, seemingly interested.

“Are you really sure you won’t annoy me anymore?”

“Sure. Just look at it once.”

He suddenly regained his confidence.

“Okay. Just this once. But I want to be held by mom.”


“Did you say why! Don’t you know I’ll become a fool if I’m alone with daddy? That poopy head became stupid because she was with daddy.”

Rere was determined, and the Duke was a daughter’s fool. He was quite embarrassed as Rere kept saying bad words towards him.

“I can’t help it. Then we shall go together. I’m sure Rere will fall in love with daddy again once we get there.”

“No way.”

“Shall we see? Hey, you. Follow me.”

In the end, the Duke took the lead with a determined mind.

Of course, I was upset when he said ‘Hey, you’, but I still followed him because of Rere.

I will make you pay 200 times more for whatever you had said and done to me.

I gritted my teeth and glared at him fiercely.

I’m sure Rere, who was watching the Duke, felt the same way as me.

“No matter what you do, I’ll never like daddy!”

Rere was clearly displeased, but nonetheless, the Duke’s face was quite bright.

Thereafter, we arrived at the drawing room located on the first floor.

I had been to this place before.

As if it was thoroughly prepared, the Duke opened the door wide. But as soon as we got in there, Rere and I were appalled.

“…Daddy, are you crazy?”

At that moment, a cold voice rang in the room.

It wasn’t an angry or an irritated voice. Her voice clearly contained disappointment.

“Rere? What do you mean by crazy? That must have a good meaning, right?”

But the Duke was totally oblivious of the child’s feelings, even though her tone was completely different from her usual outbursts.

The Duke only blinked, totally clueless about what Rere was saying.

The Duke of Petri was rumored to be responsible for handling the Empire’s dirty fallout.

And the main character of that rumor, Duke Ian Petri, was famous for being intelligent.

But I had no idea that he was so dumb about things related to his own daughter.

My gaze skimmed through the drawing room. The whole room was completely transformed.

From the floor to the ceiling, the whole room was full of chocolate.

It was no exaggeration to say that all the furniture was made of chocolate.

I’m not sure if they only coated everything with chocolate, or if the actual furniture was made of chocolate…

In any case, it wasn’t something a sane person would do.

“Mom, let me get off.”

As I stared blankly at the absurd sight, I finally came to my senses and put her down.

Rere was determined.

The child ran to the Duke.

“You like it, don’t you?”

He smiled awkwardly and kneeled on the floor because it wasn’t clear to him whether ‘crazy’ had a positive or negative meaning.

He was smiling with his arms wide open as if he finally accepted that ‘crazy’ meant something positive.

But Rere ran towards him at once and stomped on the Duke’s foot.



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