TL/Editor: looloo

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I hesitated for a moment. While The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision is adept at both martial arts and magic, the Suzerain is a different story.

The martial arts he possesses are overwhelmingly powerful.

'I think they might be compatible with the Black Divine Martial Art.'

I subtly glanced at the Heavenly Demon. The sword seemed slightly offended.

[The Black Divine Martial Art is complete in itself. There’s no room for other martial arts to interfere.]


Well, if that’s the case, it’s a pity, but I should give up.


"If you become my disciple, I'll seriously consider allowing you to court my daughter."

The Suzerain said with a solemn tone.

He seemed genuinely serious.

"Why choose me?"

"I'm drawn to your potential. A body is a vessel that contains martial prowess. My eldest son isn't even half the vessel that you are, compared to my daughter Ara."

"Is my physique that remarkable?"

"It's not just about being remarkable. It's comparable to the physique of the Giant Clan. In fact, considering your level, it might even be more exceptional."

"…I see."


The Suzerain paused for a moment.


With a click of his tongue, he turned his head to the side, staring in the direction of the principal's office. His lips moved as if he were conversing with someone.

"A worthless one. The first to seize the opportunity is always at an advantage. Just because you have a claim doesn't mean it’s the end."

The Suzerain looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"That worthless one is warning against desiring something unnecessary. It's ridiculous. Anyway, I've said all I wanted to."

He then turned away.

And as if remembering something he had forgotten, he gave a soft exclamation and looked at me.

"Also, congratulations. For setting foot on the path of a hero. With your caliber, there shouldn’t be any challenges you can’t face."


Raei Translations


After returning home,

I checked my body.

"There doesn’t seem to be any significant changes."

If I had to point out one thing, perhaps it's that I can now channel more Demonic Qi for my skills?

[It's due to the owner's prowess.]

[The control over Demonic Qi that Master Seoha possesses is something even the great Tianma couldn't rival.]

"Is that so?"

Both the Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Spirit chimed in. Judging by their expressions, they didn’t appear to be lying.

[After all, there's not much difference between intermediate and beginner levels. Generally, a warrior can be considered intermediate when they can generate a barrier or imbue their weapons or body with energy.]

[The techniques of the Black Divine Martial Art shouldn't be much different either. Master has always pushed beyond the limits of the power granted to him.]

[Exactly. Typically, if one is at a beginner level, they'd struggle when learning the Black Divine Martial Art.]

"I see."

The Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Spirit protested in a somewhat ridiculous manner.

It seems the Conceptual Stat played a significant role. Right after obtaining it, I managed to wield Demonic Qi with ease.

Demonic Qi is difficult for many to harness, but I've never had any issues with it.

"It moves exactly as I want."

I manifested threads from Demonic Qi as if pulling them from thin air. According to the Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Spirit, this should be a high-difficulty technique, but I executed it effortlessly.

"It doesn't seem that challenging."

[...It’s not easy to demonstrate such a skill even with regular mana.]

[Sometimes, Master Seoha, you can be quite mischievous.]

Even if they say so, I still can't quite grasp it.

I raised the Black Heavenly Demon Sword, channeling the Demonic Qi around it. Vroom! The blade shimmered with energy, formed of Demonic Qi.

This isn't sword aura.

Sword aura requires one to establish their own rules and only manifests when those rules intrude upon the world.

In cases like Sword Phantom or Black Heavenly Demon Sword, this power is elevated to a principle that allows it to cut through anything. That's why it can effortlessly slice through cave walls, even without any limbs.

However, if one can imbue a weapon with this energy, it becomes possible to rival the sword aura.

[Anyway, Master, congratulations. Entering the intermediate level this quickly is unprecedented.]

[It's just like Master Seoha. But when did Master become a beginner?]

[If it's June now, has it already been two months?]

[...You're joking, right?]

Watching the Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Spirit converse, the realization that I've achieved the intermediate level truly sank in.

Even if nothing feels different.

I headed to the training ground to complete today's training session.


Raei Translations


After the final exams concluded, the vacation ceremony began.

The ceremony was kept brief.

Principal Seo Yebin addressed everyone with a few motivational words, followed by the usual advice from the homeroom teacher, urging students not to slack off during the break.

"I'm sure you're all aware, but you are the faces of Korea Hero Academy. Every single one of your actions..."

Instructor Seo Woojoo's long-winded admonition continued.

"And just one week after the vacation ceremony, your internships will begin. Make sure you've memorized the rules of your guilds."


The students responded in unison.

After about five more minutes of speech, Instructor Seo Woojoo announced the start of the vacation and exited.

"Do you have any plans for the vacation, Seoha?"

"Not particularly, aside from visiting the Crimson Magic Tower."

Maybe, also clearing the Tower of Illusion?

Considering its difficulty, the Tower of Illusion is on the challenging side. However, with the Conceptual Stat Spirit Against Heaven on my side, there shouldn't be any problems.

'If anything, it might be too easy.'

The only monster I might have to face would be a mid-tier one, perhaps? A dream-beast form, but it shouldn't be too tough.

"My grandfather mentioned he'd like to see you."

"… The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision wants to see me?"


Kim Seohyun looked at me.

His eyes were full of admiration, almost to the point of making me feel overwhelmed.

'Why have I been so connected with transcendent beings lately?'

The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision.

The entity that taught Kim Seohyun his magic. The Suzerain might have dismissed what Kim Seohyun learned as mere tricks, but that's something only the Suzerain could say.

"Well... If I have time, I'll visit."

"I suppose you're busy with many things too, right?"

Kim Seohyun's expression turned slightly gloomy.


I deliberately looked away and glanced ahead, where Ersil was beaming.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but we need to leave early. Is it okay if we depart now?"

"Why the rush?"

"Grandmaster Hong Yuhwa, the Crimson Tower Master, has invited us."

Ersil pulled out an invitation from her pocket.

A red envelope with a golden seal, it bore an old-fashioned design. Ersil playfully waved it.

"Oh, you're going too?"

Kim Seohyun then cheerfully took out his invitation.

It's a banquet to celebrate the birthday of the Crimson Tower Master, who is known for his laid-back nature. He only invited a few close friends, and, unfortunately for Kim Seohyun, his grandfather was among those few invited guests.


Raei Translations


We stood in front of the hotel.

Given it's a party hosted by the Red Tower's owner, they'd reserved the entire hotel for the occasion.

‘They really spare no expense.’

I gazed at the hotel with a hint of ennui and adjusted my tie.

"You look quite dashing."

"Do I?"

Well, I had become my game avatar.

I turned my attention to Ersil. She wore a blue dress, adorned with a blue brooch at her chest, complemented by blue shoes.

"Oh, your tie's a bit crooked."

Ersil approached and adjusted my tie for me.

As I was chatting with Ersil, Kim Seohyun approached from a distance. He wore a white suit with a blue tie.

"You're all early. I thought I was the early bird today."

Kim Seohyun said with a gentle smile.

"Seohyun, as always, you look impeccable in a suit."

"Is that so?"

"He's just that kind of person. Even in a plain black tee and shorts, he'd still look like he walked out of a painting."

"That's true."

Kim Seohyun modestly acknowledged Ersil's praise. Although flattery always felt good, I found it a bit embarrassing and decided to change the subject.

"Shall we head inside?"


Upon entering the hotel, it was already teeming with guests.

Some were familiar faces from TV, while others were memorable characters from the game – known for their stunning illustrations or their unforgettable roles.

"Is that the disciple of The Sorcerer of Heavenly Vision? Truly an aura of grandeur."

"The Merhen family of England, renowned for their illusion magic, has sent their heir. The rumors don't do justice."

"That man in the center has an intriguing aura about him."

"Or is he just incredibly handsome?"

Whispers filled the air as the crowd noticed Kim Seohyun and Ersil.

Their reputations in the social scene had preceded them.

"There he is, the one who lost to me."

I flinched.

The voice unmistakably belonged to Hong Yuhwa. Reluctantly, I turned to see her. Adorned in a lavender dress, she looked down at me with a smug expression.

"...You're not referring to me, are you?"

I was in disbelief.

How could someone be this audacious? Both the Sword Fairy and the Emperor had vouched for me. I had made the most significant contribution in defeating the Minotaur. The official announcement hadn't been made yet...

Yet, Hong Yuhwa smirked at me, unabashed.

"Well, don't take it too personally. After all, your opponent was me."

With a smug grin, she walked past, giving my shoulder a light tap.

[Master, shall I deal with her?]

[Sir Seoha, just give the word.]

Feeling utterly humiliated, I trembled slightly.

enjoy! :)

(1/3) rare triple drop today because i missed a bunch of chapters, this will probably not happen again

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