I became a legion lich

Chapter 194 - 194 Guild master

194 Guild master

Ragnar moved on to the next as a second spear appeared in his hand, making the youths blanch with fear. They screamed even more desperately, some even pissing themselves in fear, but the guards still forced everyone to bow down.

He impaled them one by one, making sure to kill the oldmans quickly. Tradition held that he should pierce them in non-vital areas and let them bleed to death, but Ragnar was not cruel enough for that.

With the exception of the annoying youths, he pierced the spine and left them to agonize for a while.

Ragnar took a step back after impaling all the remnants of the Mifar. He used mana vision to ensure everyone was truly dead and snapped his fingers, the guards behind the bodies touching the spears and activating their enchantments..

The spears caught fire, igniting the corpses and flags of House Mifar, marking the end of all bloodline. The flames quickly consumed the corpses, but the flags did not disappear.

His pennant was bathed in flames and the moment they extinguished, the banner of the kingdom replaced that of the former house Mifar.

The watching commoners cheered with each impaled Mifar, but let out an even louder scream as the flames burned the corpses and the flags changed.

‘What a cheap trick.’ Florence thought as she clapped her hands along with the other nobles and the crowd. Unlike the commoners who seemed entranced by the little show, Florence was barely able to keep from yawning in boredom.

‘Come on, get it over with so I can leave.’ She wished as she watched the event unfold and prayed for a meteor to fall in the middle of the castle and end her suffering.


Unfortunately for her, the royal family even made a speech promising to bring justice to the people and then introduce the new nobles who would rule the empty territories. Introducing the new rulers here would hardly be helpful, as commoners were not in the habit of traveling and spent most of their lives in the cities they were born in.

The only exceptions are adventurers, mercenaries or traders, who needed to move for work. Nobles who received new territories would have to perform again when they returned to their territories, but none of that mattered to Florence who had already achieved her goals here.

Once the speeches were over and the crowd began to disperse, Florence rose and took leave of the king, saying that she had work to do in the guild.

King Balfas answered the beckon and hurriedly dispatched the other nobles and headed back to the royal castle, where he could finally relax. The royal castle had its temperature regulated at all times, so it was always cool and kept him from getting drenched in sweat.

Florence went straight to the capital’s guild headquarters, which was in the outermost area of the capital, where the commoners lived. The overwhelming majority of adventurers were commoners and with rare exceptions like today, they weren’t allowed to enter the noble area.

The capital’s Guild Headquarters was a nearly 6-story building and was the tallest building in the outer area. The building had a purposefully rustic appearance and appeared to be made entirely of wood, although there were other materials used in construction.

The first floor of the guild was a pub and meeting place for adventurers, where adventurers could look for quests. The second floor was the butcher shop as it was popularly called by adventurers, where materials and monster corpses would be brought in to be evaluated or dissected.

The third floor was divided into several evaluation rooms, where adventurers who gathered enough achievements would be tested and promoted. Power wasn’t everything for an adventurer, but there were certain requirements to be promoted to higher ranks.

The fourth and fifth floors were reserved for guild officials and the sixth was where important information was kept, in addition to being Florence’s personal office.

“Hey, the guild master is here! Finally that little noble show is over!” A random adventurer shouted as Florence entered the guild, drawing the attention of everyone else.

“Yo, guild master! You’ve been stuck at that concert since ten in the morning until now? I feel sorry for you.” A second random adventurer spoke with mock regret, before starting to laugh at her suffering.

“A drink to the guild master for having to put up with those slime brains so for!” A third random adventurer spoke in a slurred voice as he joined the conversation, lifting a mug of beer.

A waitress brought a mug of beer to Florence, who downed the entire mug in one go before belching loudly.

“*blurp* Don’t even remind me. They made me sit in the sun all morning and we couldn’t eat anything because of the nobles’ image or some bullshit like that. I’m so hungry I’d kill someone for a steak.” Florence began to complain as she sat next to the adventurers at the counter and ordered lunch.

The surrounding adventurers laughed aloud at his suffering, offering drinks or telling how the execution went. A few adventurers were in the crowd when Ragnar was executing the condemned, but they left as soon as the king began introducing the nobles.

They laughed at the difference between the Florence of now, who was greedily devouring a chicken leg and drinking beer, and the Florence who sat there with a mysterious smile the whole time.

None of the adventurers cared about the different positions between them and Florence, as Florence treated them as equals and demanded the same treatment.

She had an image of a mysterious and scheming woman to nobles, but adventurers only saw her as a drinking partner. Florence was indeed a scheming woman, but she worked for the good of the guild and the adventurers, so they didn’t care about that.

“Guild master, this is for you.” An employee approached and handed a pendant with a teleportation crystal to her. It was a communication item.

Florence received the magic item and walked away from the bar for a few seconds, before sighing.

“Haah... I gotta go guys, duty calls.” She spoke as she walked back to the bar.

“What? You just got back from the execution and you barely had time to eat! Don’t guild officials even get a lunch break?” One of the adventurers complained, but Florence just shook her head.

“It’s important and once I’m done, I’m free for the rest of the day. You guys can keep drinking without me. One round on me.” Florence spoke and the adventurers shouted their thanks in unison.

She left them behind and took the stairs to the sixth floor, where her personal office was. His office had two bookshelves filled with books on either side of the room and a mahogany desk at the far end. Two small sofas were arranged in the middle of the room, with a small table between them.

Florence entered and closed the door behind her before picking up the pendant again.

“You can talk, I’m already alone.” She spoke seriously.

“I’m sorry to disturb your meal with your friends, but I have urgent news.” A man spoke from the other side of the magic item, the urgency in his voice alarming Florence.

“What happened? Has the war between Tivan and Brumia gotten worse?” Florence started to ask worriedly, but the man cut her off.

“I wish it were something so simple. The situation is urgent, but it’s not safe to speak for magic items. I want to speak with you personally, so come to the city-state.” The unknown man spoke.

“When?” Florence didn’t question him, just asked when he would be available.

“NOW. I need to talk to you now.” The man ended the call without hearing a response.

Florence wasted no time and called one of the guild officials, instructing him not to allow anyone to enter the office until further notice.

She quickly locked the office, activating the countermeasures before walking over to her desk and opening the bottom drawer. There was a high purity teleportation crystal at the bottom and Florence picked it up, before conjuring a platform of mana in the air and sitting on top.

The teleport would form around her and cut the floor otherwise.

A purple orb quickly surrounded her and in the next moment, Florence found herself on an open plain with a city wall in the distance. The city’s large-scale spells moved her teleport to the outside of the city, where she would be an easy target for the magic cannons on top of the wall.

Florence descended from the mana platform and in the next second, a spearhead appeared right at her throat.

A soldier wearing golden armor and holding a spear became visible in front of her, glaring at Florence.

“You have a lot of nerve to show up here after what happened last time. I warned you that if I saw your face again, I would kill you.” He spoke furiously, snarling every word.

“And I warned you that if you threatened me again, I would hit you so hard your teeth would end up in your ass.” Florence responded with the same violent tone, an angry aura emanating from her body.

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