I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 82: The Sacred Day Of Lady Elise (3)

May 5.

The Day of Lady Elise.

If it had been me from last year, I would have spent the entire day nervous, wondering if anyone besides Evelyn would give me a gift.

…But this year would be different!

A 100% chance to receive 2!

A 90% chance to receive 4!!

A 50% chance to receive 6!!! I was the ‘guaranteed victor.’

So, arriving at school an hour earlier than usual and sitting in my seat was definitely not because I was nervous!

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Master!! Are you awake by any chance?

I was just about to contact her when I received a message from Lady Yuris.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Oh, you bitch. Just woke up.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah... That's a relief... Hehe...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Now that I think about it, I hadn't paid any attention, but today is Lady Elise's Day, isn't it?

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): What are you going to give to your master?

‘…It was so natural!’

I asked as if I naturally expected a gift, implying she should have prepared something just in case.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah! That's exactly why I contacted you...

ㄴSacred Power Container■: That... you said it wouldn't be okay for a bitch to visit the master's class, right...?

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Yeah, that might not work.

Just bringing an ID card last time led to endless questions in class about what relationship Lady Yuris and I had.

…But Lady Yuris personally coming to give me chocolates?

That was not something that could simply be overlooked.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah... Then what should I do? I really want to give it to you in person today... but there's church service after school...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): We're all going to gather in the auditorium later anyway. Want to meet afterwards in the back?

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah! Yes! Master! That sounds great! See you then haha.

Recently, I’ve noticed that Lady Yuris’s comments have become slightly more relaxed, which is adorable.

…No, Lady Yuris was just incredibly adorable.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Haha okay. But what did you prepare? I'm curious.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Haha, it's a secret.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): A secret? Does a bitch have secrets from her master?

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah... Sorry... I thought you'd be happier with a surprise gift...

ㄴSacred Power Container■: ...But if the master orders, I'll tell you.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): No need. Haha, I'll forgive you because it's cute. Haha, but I'm expecting something good?

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Yes! You can look forward to it! I've thought hard about what would make the master happy... and decided to give you the best gift!!

I wonder how amazing the preparation must be for such a statement.

I’d be happy to receive anything from Lady Yuris, but I genuinely started to look forward to it.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah! But instead, I'll show you what was originally in consideration. (Link)

(A rough image of chocolate that looks like a halved, squashed egg.jpg)

“…Lady Yuris can’t cook.”

Though the shape was a mess, the enormous size made it clear it was filled with love for me.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): It's huge! Wonder if I can eat it all haha.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah... Sorry... The shape is a mess, and it was good I didn't give it as a gift...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): The bigger, the better. Haha, what did you make this with? An ostrich egg?

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah... that... it was modeled after this bitch's breasts…


ㄴSacred Power Container■: I tried my best... but it didn't turn out as well as I thought...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): What??? Why wouldn't you give this????

ㄴSacred Power Container■: The shape was a bit strange... and upon reflection, I thought it might upset you... so I ate it all...

“No… How could… Ah…”

How could chocolates modeled after Lady Yuris’s breasts possibly upset anyone…

I was confident that if asked to choose between the finest chocolates made by the royal chef and Lady Yuris’s chocolates, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to pick the latter and would eagerly devour them.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Ah... that's a bit disappointing...

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Ah... I'm sorry... I thought you would dislike it... Then next year, I will definitely give you that!! But really! I've prepared something incredibly delicious this time! Please forgive me...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Haha, alright. I'll look forward to it.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Yes! Master! Then, see you behind the auditorium later!!

I considered leaving a comment for Laplace as well…


It was time to trust the ‘real trust’ I had painstakingly built up over time.


“Good morning, Delphicia.”

“Oh? Ah, hello Ian. You’re here already?”

“Ah, I woke up a bit early. You’re early too, Delphicia.”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Good morning, Rishita.”

“Ian? Why are you here so early?”

It was still a bit early, but just as classmates began to trickle in and I was about to turn off the gallery.


It had been a long time since Estelle had posted something in the gallery.

[Author: EveryoneEventuallyDiesAlone] = [Estelle Blackdahlia]



A quick check revealed it was a post with no content.

‘…Did she press something by accident?’

But the fact that she was still looking at the gallery, even if she hadn’t left it, was a relief.


“Hey, Evelyn, you’re here.”

“What? Why are you here already? I thought you overslept since you didn’t take the carriage.”

“I ran here for some exercise.”

“Then you should’ve told me yesterday. I waited for nothing… But why are you looking at me with those weird eyes?”

“Just… wondering what kind of chocolate Evelyn will give this year.”

“That’s ridiculous… Hey, am I the one who gives you chocolates?”

“But you will give them, right?”

“…This guy is really pissing me off.”

“So, when are you going to give them? Now?”

“Tsk, during lunchtime. I’ll give them there.”

“Got it. But first, I need to stop by the disciplinary office…”

“Ah, seriously! That damn special inspector role!! Just… finish it quickly and come back.”

Honestly, it felt expected…

But still, receiving chocolates from Evelyn was incredibly joyful.


“Hey! Hello, Estelle.”

“…Hello, Ian.”

“You seem to be in a good mood today?”

“Yeah… a bit.”

Estelle nodded slightly in response.

Seeing Estelle somehow more at ease than usual made me feel good, and the fact that there were macarons in that bag made me feel even better.

‘I guess it’ll be in the library?’

Given Estelle’s personality, she wouldn’t give it in front of others.

“Sigh… Do we have to go to the auditorium soon? It’s such a hassle.”

“Ha! Is this unbeliever speaking of receiving punishment?”

Although nowadays, ‘The Day of Lady Elise’ feels somewhat transformed into a lovers’ day…

Still, ‘The Day of Lady Elise’ was one of the ‘Two Great Blessing Days’ designated by the church, along with ‘Christmas’.

Naturally, it was grandly celebrated at the ‘Sacred Academy’ created by Lady Elise herself.

All the students gather in the auditorium to offer prayers of thanks, and a high-ranking church official comes to speak about how great and magnificent Lady Elise is.

“Don’t exaggerate… Who doesn’t believe in Lady Elise? It’s just the hassle of going to the auditorium that’s annoying.”

“Well, honestly, it is a bit tedious. But then again, there are no morning classes at least.”

…Of course, there was a considerable difference between the Lady Elise preached by the church and her actual personality.

‘It’s simple! If Ian doesn’t have sex with me, the world will end!’

If the Lady Elise known by the church was only benevolent, the Lady Elise I met was much more ‘human’.

“Where’s Delphicia going?”

“Ah, just to the bathroom for a sec. I’ll be quick, so go ahead and save us seats.”

“Alright~ Hurry back.”


Though she said she was going to the bathroom, Delphicia’s destination was not the restroom.


An empty classroom.

Delphicia’s steps halted at Estelle’s seat.


A quick peek inside Estelle’s bag revealed a well-wrapped gift box.

“Ha… Look at this girl. I wondered if she would bring it, and she really did?”

Delphicia chuckled as she took out the gift box.

Evelyn could understand.

Appearance, figure, family background, and even the time spent together.

Jealous as she might be, even another woman could see that Evelyn and Ian matched very well.

‘…What about Estelle?’

But how could Estelle, of all people, garner Ian’s attention?

She knew that once, the name ‘Blackdahlia’ was mentioned right after the ‘Tricolor Families’, indicating its significance.

However, it was no secret that after the ‘Blackdahlia Family Disaster’, Estelle became an orphan, and the family itself was utterly ruined.

‘Acting all high and mighty without even having parents.’

It was so bad that rumors circulated Estelle’s crippled leg was a curse for killing off her own bloodline.

An orphan, crippled, and rude girl.

No matter how she thought about it, the only reason such a girl could receive Ian’s attention was out of pity.

Ian was kind to everyone.

Surely, Estelle must have sold her sob story to exploit Ian’s sympathy.


‘…This is so annoying. I even dyed my hair blonde to match Ian’s taste.’

Despite all the effort, all she got was a comment that she matched well with Ian.

‘Don’t ever touch my stuff again. Next time, it won’t be hair that gets cut off.’

Thinking of the hair reminded her of the incident in the first year.

Estelle magically cut her hair just by having sit at her desk for a moment, that crazy girl.

Back then, her punch accidentally hit Ian, earning her glares from Evelyn for quite some time.

…On the contrary, Estelle received a princess carry from Ian.

“Ha… I worried for nothing. Damn bitch.”

She wondered if this was crossing the line, but it was Estelle who had crossed it first.

Crunch-! Crack-!

The sound of ‘something’ being trampled on the floor echoed…

“Estelle, you don’t deserve this.”

Delphicia opened the trash can, her lips twisting into a smirk.

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