Unless one was exceptionally eager to learn, hardly anyone visited the library from the first day of the semester.

‘After all, it’s not even officially open yet.’

I understood that regular students, apart from the library club, could use it only about a week after the semester began.

As I opened the door to the library, there was Estelle again.


She wasn’t so much ignoring me as she was far enough from the entrance that she might not have noticed my arrival.

Creak─ Creak─

Then, Estelle, wheeling her wheelchair towards a bookshelf, looked up.

The book she wanted seemed to be just out of her reach.

‘How can she get that?’

Just as I wondered, Estelle pulled out a grabber from beneath her wheelchair and extended it toward the shelf.


But unfortunately, even with the grabber, she couldn’t quite reach the book.


Estelle tried stretching her arm further, twitching her body, but it was too much for her.

Feeling bad just watching her struggle, I walked over and took the book out for her.

“Is this the one?”


Taking the book, Estelle returned to her original spot without a word.

I pulled out a chair in front of Estelle and sat down, saying,

“I’ve applied for temporary membership in the library club. Oh, since you’re the club president, you might already know?”


“What should I call you here? Just Estelle? President? Which do you prefer?”


“Okay, I’ll call you President.”


“President? Are you going to keep ignoring me like this?”


Continuing to respond with silence, I just stared at her.


After a while, Estelle frowned and glared at me.

“…Go away. I won’t accept your membership.”

“Why? There should be a valid reason for rejecting membership.”

“…Too noisy.”

“Got it. I’ll be quiet from now on.”

I mimed locking my lips and remained silent.





And the silent battle began anew.

‘I’m pretty confident in silence, you know.’

Even though I almost always lost to Evelyn, silence was the one area where I managed a winning rate of about 20%.

“….Sigh. Why do you keep bothering me?”

Eventually, Estelle sighed and broke the silence with her question.

“I just want to be friends. Isn’t that reason enough?”

“…No. I’m not interested. I prefer being alone.”

“That’s a lie.”

“It’s not a lie.”

“Didn’t I help you get that book?”


At a loss for words, Estelle clicked her tongue and shifted her gaze to the book.

“Look, there are no other club members around, and it’s difficult for you to reach and organize the books by yourself. I’ll help you.”

“Help me? How? By picking out a single book? Do you even know how to organize them? Where should a book with the classification number 7KGw6rWQ go?”


I didn’t know. How could I?

My relationship with books was limited to reading what was available, not seeking them out. The only books I actively searched for were erotic stories and doujinshi.

“I thought so. You said a valid reason is needed for rejection, right? You can’t join the library club if you don’t know how to organize books.”

“…But I do know how to organize them.”

“That’s brazen. Are you openly lying now?”

“I really know how.”

Estelle snorted in derision at my lie.

“Then organize all of those by tomorrow. I’ll consider your membership.”

Estelle pointed with her grabber to a massive pile of books.

“All of that? It looks like a lot.”

“Why? Can’t you do it? I’d finish it in an hour, yet I’m giving you a whole day. Then just give up.”

“…Of course, I’ll do it.”

“Really? Then I can leave it to you. I’m going now. It’s too noisy here because of someone; I can’t focus on reading.”

Creak─ Creak─

I sighed deeply as I watched Estelle wheeling away.


A mountain of books, a veritable tomb of knowledge.

I couldn’t believe Estelle could organize it in just an hour.

“So many.”

I should have visited the library more often.

‘My plan got a bit tangled…’

I had actually wanted to just show my face and order Yuris around while relaxing…

‘…But I can’t give up now.’

It was an opportunity to get closer to Estelle, my precious classmate.

I had no choice but to do as much as I could.

The next day, Estelle woke up much earlier than usual.


She was bothered by the fool who had applied for club membership without knowing anything.

‘Such an idiot.’

The library at Sacred Academy was so large and complex that it was almost like a maze.

Estelle was the only member of the library club because the rules for organizing were so difficult that new members gave up and left.


Of course, Estelle’s sensitive nature also played a significant part in their departure.

‘…Even I would take four hours.’

The huge pile of books in the library was a mix of returned books from the vacation and new ones from the new semester.

Even Estelle, who mostly remembered the arrangement of books and could instantly plot the optimal path, would need to invest a considerable amount of time.

It was not a task a newbie who didn’t even know the rules could do in a day.

Estelle had told Ian it would take only an hour, hoping he would quit the library club.

‘Just want to be friends. Isn’t that reason enough?’

At that moment, Ian’s words echoed in her head.

“….Unnecessary meddling.”


As Estelle muttered to herself, her heart ached as if telling her not to lie.

‘… It’s not a lie.’

Swallowing words meant for no one in particular, Estelle boarded her personal carriage and headed to the academy’s library.

She had thought that the man, Ian, would give up halfway and leave, so she planned to organize the books since she was up early.


“Classification number 6rCV6rCE, so… it’s over there!”

Contrary to her expectation that Ian would have left, he was still in the library.

“What are you doing here?”

“President? Why did you come back? Did you forget something?”

Ian appeared to have lost track of time, so engrossed was he in his task.

“I didn’t come back. I’m just now arriving at school.”

“What? Is it that late already? I haven’t finished yet…”

As Ian noted, about a third of the books were still left to be organized.

In other words…

A person who didn’t know how to organize had managed to sort through two-thirds of the huge pile of books overnight.

“Phew… What should I do now…”

Ian’s forearms were marked with prominent veins, and his school shirt was drenched in sweat.

This alone showed how much he had struggled throughout the night.


“Did you really organize them properly? If you just randomly placed them anywhere without knowing, it would be a nuisance.”

Instead of words of appreciation, criticism came out.

But Ian replied without any sign of displeasure.

“Of course. At first, I didn’t know anything, so I just carried them around one by one. But as I organized, I started to understand the rules. Ah… I shouldn’t have said that.”

“You… Are you an idiot?”

It was absurd to hear him confess that he didn’t know the organization method when that was a requirement to join.

“Ah! That’s right, I didn’t know initially. But now I do… Is that good enough to be accepted as a member?”

“Impudent… Organizing books is the very basic skill every library club member should know.”

Click─ Click─

As Estelle picked up a book with her grabber and placed it on the shelf, she spoke in a barely audible voice.

“Still, I guess I can accept you as a temporary member.”

“Great! I’m relieved…! Then, President.”

Ian, who was sitting at the desk, suddenly slumped forward.

“I’m sorry, but… can I sleep for 30 minutes…? I’m suddenly… so tired… after relaxing… It would be great… if you could wake me up….”


Estelle’s lips faintly curved into a smile as she watched Ian asleep on the desk.


I was suddenly awakened by something tapping my head, and I opened my eyes.

“Wake up… How long are you going to sleep?”


Why was Estelle in my house?

That thought almost surfaced when I remembered U had been organizing books all night.


As I sat up, the blanket slid off.

“Did you cover me? Thanks.”



“Ah, just give it back then. It might smell like sweat. I’ll wash it and return it.”


Ignored again.

Looking around, I noticed the books I hadn’t managed to tidy were now neatly arranged.

“Wow… as expected of the President. That was really fast.”


Estelle, who had reacted this time, stared intently at me.

“President… why?”


There seemed to be a slight dissatisfaction, but unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to ponder it in detail.

‘Only about 30 minutes left until the first lecture.’

It seemed like enough time to take a shower.

“Ah, President, I’m going ahead. I’m going to take a shower.”

“…Do as you please.”

Having received Estelle’s permission, I quickly moved through the hallway.

The Sacred Academy, established by the will of Goddess Elise, was equipped with the finest facilities.

That meant it was fully equipped with shower rooms and laundry facilities.


In the empty shower room, I took off my shirt and pants and turned on the water.

[Can a Normal Person Win by Punching an Orc in the Balls with Bare Hands?][8]

[The Heroine Whose Catchphrase is 'If I'm Not a Virgin, I'm Worthless'][5]

[Maid Bondage with Huge Boobs LOL][5]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][0]

[F*ck, I'll Kill That Childhood Friend Bastard If I See Him Today][3]

Aside from my need for a shower, another reason had brought me to the deserted shower room that morning.

[Author: Sacred Power Container■] = [Yuris Petunia]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][0]

(Picture of a Bra Strap Loosened, Barely Covering the Nipple.jpg)

If it's smaller than this, the baby starves...

‘… Today’s color is blue.’

My task was to issue a forgotten command to Lady Yuris, whom I had neglected while I was preoccupied with organizing books all night.

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Take off your bra right now and send me a picture of your breasts.


Normally, Lady Yuris would respond within 10 seconds. However, for some reason, there was no reply, even after an extended wait.

Was she ignoring me simply because a day had passed?

Just as a minute was about to elapse, the belated comment appeared.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Master... Is it now? Just a moment... give me some time...

ㄴㅇㅇ(89.74): Don't make me repeat myself, bitch. Send me the masturbation material right now.

ㄴSacred Power Container■: Yes... Master... I'll send it...


Upon reading Lady Yuris’s comment, my penis stirred beneath my underwear.

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