I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 6: The Defeated Female Knight Was Eventually Killed By The Orc


A list compiled for various reasons, such as never accepting a certain person for any job or needing to be cautious around them.

It was understandable that an adventurer’s guild, which dealt with people, would have such a list, but I couldn’t fathom why my name appeared on it.

“So, you’re saying the adventurer’s guild singled me out and said not to hire me?”

“It’s not exactly like that. It seems that since you were employed there, the frequency of troublesome incidents increased, and hearing this, the adventurers collectively decided not to hire you in protest.”

“That’s practically the same thing.”

There might not have been an official list, but if enough adventurers protested, the guild couldn’t just ignore it.

But still, even after hearing the reason, I remained confused.

Troublesome incidents? Me?

I had done everything with a service smile, even when the heroes hurled insults or treated me like a slave or a dog, and worked honestly without a single flaw. So why did they pick on me unfairly?

“Why am I on the blacklist when I’ve worked diligently?”

“The problem is that you kept working diligently.”

“Wow, is this world so messed up that now even diligence is a crime?”

No wonder this world had over a million unemployed youths.

If you’re not on the special list with an average top grade in the college entrance exam, no matter what you do, you’re not recognized. Who would roll up their sleeves and work passionately?

This world would be more suited to having a million foreign workers than a million unemployed, anyway.

“Look here, young one. Do you understand how dangerous being an adventurer is?”

Yet, for me, who had worked silently and saved money, this news was not only fatal to my future earnings but also felt like a betrayal.

Trying somehow to convince me, the guild master stroked his wrinkled face and quietly explained.

“Demons, undead, vampires, beasts, and so on… With so many dangerous creatures around, there’s always a high demand for adventurers who take on these risks, especially those called heroes who undertake the most dangerous tasks. Do you understand so far?”

“Yes, of course. Everyone knows that story.”

“Now, let’s review the missions you’ve been responsible for.”

Fliip, flip. The guild master showed me the documents about my activities recorded in the Labor Union.

Inside, there were detailed records of all my past work, many of which involved assisting heroes.

“Do you know how many of the heroes you served are still alive?”

“How many are there?”

“All but three are dead! They’re all dead, my friend!”

Bang, bang! The guild master slammed the documents with his hand and glared at me.

I felt an indescribable frustration, but I saw several problems with attributing their fate to my responsibility.

“Isn’t it common knowledge that heroes are precious, but being an adventurer itself is not a high-survival job? I only carried their stuff; I didn’t bash their heads in. How is that my fault?”

“The problem is that you frequently come back alive.”

“Wow, now even coming back alive is a problem. Workers like me are just meant to end up as cannon fodder and die out there, right?”

“It’s only you who keeps coming back alive; that’s the issue. If it’s once or twice, it’s good luck; more than five times, you’re a survival king. But after ten, twenty times, it becomes frightening, doesn’t it?”


The guild master looked at me with sympathy, not maliciously, but there was still a sense of frustration in his eyes.

Guessing that no response would improve the situation, I could only grasp my forehead and mutter my lament.

“The problem is that all these heroes are blockheads. How is that my fault?”

It was the moment when the thoughts I had always kept inside finally burst out.

Yeah, all the heroes were complete idiots.

It wasn’t that they were inherently wrong. It was the system set up to make them that way after being summoned to this world.

For instance, think back to when they were first summoned.

In the presence of summoners, nobles, and royalty, cheers erupted from all around when it was confirmed that the abilities they acquired as a special privilege were of SSR rank.

Just like when a new collectible character appears in a gacha game, there were fanfares and spotlights…

Naturally, receiving such praise, the heroes would think this way.

“In my past life, I was nothing special, but in this world, I’m a hero who will save the world?”

“Don’t I seem pretty awesome? Like my time has finally come?”

Naturally, the less impressive one’s past life was, the more irresistible this became.

As powerful sponsors supported them and pulled strings from all over, their inferiority complexes faded away day by day.

They truly believed they could save the world. Even more, they were the strongest and greatest beings in this world…

With such a sense of chosenness, they reigned as the strongest in the empire, looking down on this perilous world.

Yes, this exactly fit the professional term ‘Dunning-Kruger’.

“Hero! We need to retreat from here for now!”

That was the same procedure the damned female knight I had recently met had to follow.

“Shut up; I am a hero summoned to this world. Do you think it’s fitting for someone with a mission to save the world to retreat in the face of the Demon King’s army!?”

“I also think we should wipe out the Demon King’s army. But now is not the right time, is it?”

At that time, I was on a large-scale emergency quest arranged by the guild.

It was to monitor the Demon King’s army that had begun stationing near the port city, and to buy time until all the people evacuated, fearing their possible invasion.

Naturally, if the Demon King’s army showed no significant movement, there was no need to provoke them by charging in.

“Isn’t it enough for the hero to just watch their movements from here? They seem to be searching around without any intention of invading this city. Yet, you want to provoke them by barging into their camp…”

“Ha, whatever their tricks, they are enemies that need to be dealt with eventually. No matter how strong or numerous, they are no match for me, a hero. Why should I consider such circumstances?”

“But even so, the evacuation hasn’t finished yet. At least wait until everyone has left the city…”

“Ha! If I just kill that officer, everything will end. He’s just a lousy orc anyway. I should be able to take care of him easily, right?”

“It might be better not to underestimate him simply because he’s an orc. If an orc has risen to be an officer in the Demon King’s army…”

“Be quiet! Why are you, a mere porter, talking so much? You just need to carry my equipment and follow me!”

Despite my objections, the hero, ordering me to carry equipment, dragged me into danger and charged into the Demon King’s army camp alone.

After knocking down just a few minor soldiers, she received a thorough beating.

Provoking the previously calm Demon King’s army turned the port city into ruins. The fact that some people who hadn’t finished evacuating died was an additional consequence.

Yet, the female knight, lacking self-awareness, merely glared at the orc, who defeated her with eyes filled with resentment.

Kugh, just an orc, and yet…”

“Hmm! Being an orc is merely my origin. Now, I am solemnly an officer of the Demon King’s army!”

Surely, the Demon King’s army, who weren’t fools, wouldn’t have left a dim-witted orc in such a position, would they?

So, when facing someone deemed an officer, it was more reasonable to acknowledge them as a formidable force, having transcended their orcish origins to become an officer.

A foolish hero who relied solely on strength was not someone who could confidently charge and handle such an opponent.

“On the other hand, you fought hard but are a newbie who hasn’t been summoned to this world for long!”

“I’m not a newbie! I… Kugh!

Finally, the female knight, exhausted and injured, collapsed to the ground.

Seeing her pitiful state, the orc, with a war hammer in his hand, looked at her coldly and slammed the hammer down on the ground.

“Newbie hero, what do you think I’m going to do to you now?”

“…Ha, it’s obvious what orcs like you would do.”

Even a novice would have trained their abilities as a hero in the royal family and received various forms of education.

This education included basic knowledge about beings like elves, demons, undead, and others who disturbed the world.

Among them, orcs, known for their prolific breeding, quickly increased in numbers if not dealt with promptly.

Sensing her future from such knowledge, she glared at the orc with venomous eyes and said,

“But whatever you do, I will never submit! Whatever you do, I will never…”

“Understood, I admire your resolve. I’ll kill you without pain!”

The officer orc raised his war hammer immediately in response to the female knight’s declaration.

Then, realizing something was wrong, the face of the female knight began to turn pale.

“Wait, just a moment…”

There was a horrific sound.

When I reflexively opened my eyes again, everything was already over.

All that was left were blood and brains scattered on the floor, and limbs twitched due to rigor mortis.

Soon, the officer in front of the corpse proudly raised his war hammer and shouted,

“I, as an officer of the Demon King’s army, know honor! I will grant a fitting end to anyone who stands before me as a hero!!”

Indeed, as someone who rose to be an officer in the Demon King’s army, not even a demon nor an elf, could perform actions beyond common sense.

He dragged the skull-crushing war hammer and began to walk directly toward me.

“Then next… Hey, you, human. Come here!”


A powerful and well-backed hero had been crushed; how could I possibly manage?

As I moved to his side as instructed, he looked at me coldly and said,

“You are human. What would you have me do with you now?”

“Please spare me, sir! I have too many things I still want to accomplish to die now!”

Though I might die, if given a choice, I would naturally choose to want to live.

I banged my head on the ground for that, causing pain in my forehead, but if I couldn’t endure even that pain, the next thing to hit my head wouldn’t be the ground but the blood-stained war hammer.

“Hmm! I like that you’re honest with yourself! I admire your bravery to bow your head for what’s precious to you, so I’ll spare your life!”

“Thank you, sir!”

“And you said you’d work for me? Then, after you leave here alive, clearly inform your race! If they provoke us again like this time, they’ll pay the price!”

“Of course, I’ll tell them, sir! I, Woo Hyo-sung, will clearly convey your valor!”

Thus, after desperately clinging to life, I survived even after facing a commander of the Demon King’s army.

Indeed, as expected, one must know politeness and humility to live a long time.

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