
There was a bit of trouble, but the consultation with Tacchia ended fairly smoothly.

I returned the weapon, and we agreed to use the materials I brought to make new armor.

In addition, she bought some of the materials to supplement my living expenses and even gave me extra money to spend on entertainment.

“The armor will be ready by tomorrow, so go home and rest for the day.”

“No, you don’t have to do this much…”

“Didn’t you move me to the bed when I collapsed yesterday?”


“Keep it. It’s also a thank you for fully complying with my request.”

Of course, given my situation, it was better to accept whatever I could get.

Just as I was about to leave the forge with the money she gave me…

“Ah, wait a moment.”

She went back into the forge and soon came out, placing something in my hand.

A long spear.

It was the Ego Weapon she had lent me before.

“Why this…?”

“I’d like to make an additional deal before you leave.”


When we first met, she made a sudden offer like this, involving the spear.

She said she wanted to test something with my abilities and would lend me this spear for a while.

“If I give you this spear, would you accept it?”

But now, it wasn’t just a matter of lending.

She was offering to transfer the ownership of this precious spear to me.

“…To me?”

“Your abilities have the potential to accelerate the growth of an Ego Weapon. Just receiving regular reports on that would be beneficial in many ways.”

Indeed, the weapon recognizes me as its owner; hence, it responds to my call.

Given the effect it had shown in just a few days of use, it would seem worth researching from her perspective as a craftsman.

Since I was the only one with this ability in this world, she probably didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

“…What’s the condition?”

“You just need to fulfill one wish of mine. However, I’ll tell you what it is after you accept… Given the value, I assume you can accept that much?”

To be told what she wanted after accepting…

It was a condition that could easily lead to coercion, but I didn’t feel any particular wariness about her offer.

I knew best how remarkable this weapon’s performance was, and considering it was still growing, there was a possibility it could become even more incredible.

The opportunity to obtain it now, rather than after saving up money in the future, was a sensational offer in itself.

“So, will you accept?”


Yet, my hesitation to readily accept her offer wasn’t due to worries about what she might ask for in return.

I believe she, who felt gratitude towards me and even offered me a meal, wouldn’t deceive me with malice…

Because I remembered that my decision to borrow this weapon initially was not for its performance but due to my fondness for her.

‘Besides, having this weapon will naturally create opportunities to meet Ms. Tacchia again, right?’

‘…Opportunity to meet again?’

‘Yes, I like Ms. Tacchia.’

Yes, she might be blunt and rough, but she wasn’t a bad person.

So, I believed we could have a good relationship in the future, and that expectation was fulfilled by receiving favors like a meal this morning.

As long as it wasn’t like bidding farewell soon after showing kindness to me, like she did recently.

“I’m sorry, but may I take a little more time to think about it?”

“…Is it too burdensome?”

Even if she didn’t know the exact reason, she sensed some hesitation.

Sensing this faintly, Tacchia soon lit her cigarette and said,

“Yeah, it’s best to be careful about making promises. Take your time to think until you come to get the armor tomorrow.”

Her attitude remained generous.

I politely said goodbye and turned to leave the forge.

“Please forget about me.”

I pondered over the content of the letter still in my pocket.

Strengthening my resolve.

The amount of money I got for selling some of the materials was considerable, even though it was just a portion.

I felt grateful to Tacchia for giving me so much money, but all I did with it was go into any bar, drink, and eat some snacks.

Drinking, and then drinking some more…

After getting full, I’d wander the streets for a while, then return to a bar again.

“Hey, aren’t you drinking too much?”

“Just give me another bottle. I have enough money.”

Would I get drunk with an A+ mental strength just from drinking?

Of course, drinking this much was a burden on the body, but there was a desperate need to calm the gloominess inside.

Memories I tried to ignore while focusing on work keep resurfacing now that I have some free time.

“It’s scary because it’s incomprehensible, isn’t it?”

Vivian Platonis.

The mage who swept away one of the most infamous criminal organizations in the empire with her incomprehensible power.

Although it was a phenomenon that even I, who had experienced various things in this world, found fearful, the time I spent with her was not bad.

And I believed it was the same for her.

She didn’t kill me out of whim, but because she had considerable feelings for me.

“Let’s meet again if we get the chance.”

But how could we be together knowing we both had such feelings?

In the previous mission, without Airi’s prophecy, Tacchia’s weapon, and Merilyn’s performance, it would not have been strange if I had died long ago.

No matter how much I felt drawn to someone, if I didn’t have the strength to withstand the danger, wouldn’t I lack even the right to stand by their side?

“Please forget me.”

Indeed, I was not qualified.

I lacked the ability to hold onto those who left me and protect them from the dangers they faced.

Even knowing that once this moment passes, we might never see each other again, if I couldn’t grasp the opportunity when we meet, this feeling would only end in parting.

“I am…”

I could feel these thoughts gradually turning into regrets.

Despite not coming to this world by my own will, I couldn’t help but wonder how it would have been if I had the power.

“Why am I not a hero?”

If I had the power, I would have had the chance to be true to my heart.

I could have stood by the side of those who would accept me, of my own volition.

“Hehe, hey there, passing by.”

Feeling such lament, I left the bar and entered an alleyway.

My gaze, steadying from the drunken swaying, focused on a shadow approaching from where the light shone.

“I saw you drinking alone at the bar earlier. Would you mind if I joined you?”

A woman in a revealing outfit, barely covering her chest, stood at the sparsely populated crossroads.

Her seductive appearance, with most of her upper body exposed, was typical of what’s commonly known as a ‘dancer.’

“…Why are you approaching me?”

It was a sight unfamiliar to me.

When I was a porter, I saved most of my earnings and only ate enough to survive, never having the chance to see a dancer’s performance.

“My, my~ You look lonely; that’s why~ I just can’t leave people like you alone~”

The dancer approached with a sly smile, her footsteps clicking.

She swayed her hips seductively as she approached, soon grabbing my arms and leaning in with a smiling face.

“I happen to be free tonight too. Hehe, how about this? Let’s drink together and ease each other’s loneliness…”

Her ample cleavage enveloped my arm.

Though my sense of touch was blurred due to the alcohol, I wasn’t so intoxicated that I couldn’t understand her intentions.

Explicit physical contact with a man she just met clearly indicated she had an ulterior motive.

“So then…”

While indulging in her intentions might soothe loneliness, I still didn’t feel much attraction to her.

“Then, will you meet with me even after today is over?”

What I needed now was not temporary comfort, but to know whether my weak self had the right to stand by someone’s side.

And because I was aware of the assurance that they wouldn’t leave my side…

“After today too? What do you mean?”

“…No, never mind.”

If that wasn’t certain, it might be better to keep a distance from the start.

Having come to that conclusion, I shrugged off the arms wrapped around me and intended to leave.

It was after I had walked about five steps that a voice called out from behind.

“What’s with that guy, drunkenly spouting nonsense? I thought he had a lot of money the way he ordered at the bar, but now he’s just babbling.”


“…Forget it. Half the world is men anyway. I can just find another guy.”

A voice sharp with blatant intention.

Realizing she didn’t even try to lower her voice, a bitter smile naturally formed on my lips.

After all, what right did a mere outsider like me have to be approached by women?

Merilyn and Vivian accepted me regardless, but if it were easy to find such people, I wouldn’t be in this dilemma.

“Oh, found one~ Hey there, handsome~ You look lonely. Wanna have some fun with me~?”

After distancing herself from me, the dancer approached another man, but I withdrew my attention and continued on my way.

Whoever gets swindled for money, it doesn’t matter to me now.

“Are you a virgin?”

My steps halted when another voice came from behind.


“I asked if you’re a virgin.”

It was a familiar voice.

Not one I’d heard often, but it seemed like a voice I had heard before.

“Aye~ Of course, I am~ But it depends on what you do, Oppa~”

“Then die, you filthy virgin!!”

Before I could even think of who the voice belonged to, a loud noise erupted.


The groan escaping her lips wasn’t even a scream, and the fragments of her body, brutally slaughtered, were scattered on the ground.

Despite this, the vampire who had slain her was tearing even those fragments apart with his sharp claws.

“How dare this filthy and unclean woman try to taint someone?! You ‘pure’ bitches deserve to die a thousand times! No, you should disappear without a trace from this world!”

Rip, rip. The sounds of flesh being torn apart rang out, and the body of the dancer who had approached me was mangled beyond recognition.

Even in a scarcely populated alley, it was a moment where a person was mercilessly slaughtered within the bounds of human territory.

“Oh, I got excited uncharacteristically. The world is just full of corrupt bitches… Hm?”

As I stared in horror, the vampire, shaking the blood off his hand, started to turn his gaze toward me.

Yes, he was a vampire.

About a year ago, he was the vampire who killed the hero I served for the reason of being a ‘virgin’.

“Young man passing by. Come here for a moment.”

“…Ah, yes.”

I realized too late that I was in trouble, but running away might provoke him to pierce me from behind.

As I approached him with as much composure as I could muster, a bright smile began to form on the lips of the vampire, who was intently looking at me.

“Ah, yes. A face I definitely remember. Aren’t you the polite young man I saw back then?”

“Yes, it’s been a long time. But that…”


Just as I was about to correct myself, the vampire suddenly vanished from before my eyes.

Then, as a chilly sensation enveloped me from behind, he reappeared silently from the darkness and began to drape his arm over my shoulder.

“Haha~ It’s truly a pleasure to meet like this. Young man, have you gained some experience with women since then?”

“No, not yet…”

“Oh dear, I gave you some serious advice, yet you still lack experience? You are quite a novice, haha!”

Saying so, the vampire began to smile slyly.

Although I was intimidated by his ease in slaughtering a person, the hand that led me was filled not with hostility but with friendliness.

“Well, it’s too much to expect results from just one meeting back then. I have a hideout nearby. Come along. I’ll offer you a cup of tea there.”

“Yes, yes? Wait a moment…”

“There is no need to refuse. My age perhaps compels me not to just pass by young people like you. Come on, let’s go before more people show up!”

No way, this vampire. He just slaughtered someone, and yet he was so calm about it.

I too lacked experience, but why was it okay to be inexperienced and not okay to be a virgin…?

Why did this vampire hate virgins so much?

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