The defense battle at the garrison outside the empire.

My first mission since becoming an adventurer, although the damage was severe, was somehow successfully concluded because the demons and beastmen withdrew midway.

A sense of relief only came after returning to the guild, compiling a report of the recent events, and submitting it to the receptionist.

“Yes, Adventurer Woo Hyo-sung. Your mission completion and survival return report have been confirmed.”

“…Is this the end?”

A sense of relief finally crept into my heart upon the receptionist’s confirmation.

Realizing that things have settled, I took time to contemplate what I gained and lost through this ordeal.

What I gained included the reward money for participating in the garrison defense as a low-ranking adventurer and a small amount of merit points needed for the rank promotion of an adventurer.

And a slight change in the aptitude rating that had been stagnant for two years.

Aptitude Ratings

Physical: C+++

Skills: C++

Intelligence: C-

Senses: C+

Mental: A+

Mystery: F

Yes, the Mental Aptitude, which was A, had risen to A+.

Just A+ was added, but considering grade A was the limit for humans, this growth couldn’t be taken lightly.

In reality, it was this mental strength that became the decisive factor in the fight against that damned lazy person, and such mental strength had grown even more after that fight.

Except for the A+ added to the physical rating while doing Porter’s work for two years, there wasn’t much change. Was it something like what wouldn’t kill me makes me stronger?

Well, I didn’t feel it much, but I liked that the system acknowledged my growth.

“…The problem is that I’ve lost more than I’ve gained.”

Yes, as they say, life is unpredictable, and with the good comes greater bad.

Compared to the gains of a modest reward and the rank rise in mental strength, the losses incurred in this mission were by no means small.

I had an uncertain farewell with someone I hoped to be with in the future, and even if I tried to forget it, the reality that the armor in which I invested all my assets was shattered awaited me.

Damn, after returning the Ego Weapon, I had to get a new one. Could I buy a used one with just the emergency fund?

“You are Adventurer Woo Hyo-sung, right?”

As I was feeling such lament, a guild staff member approached the receptionist, who was continuing with the procedures.

Behind him, who was calling me, was a large backpack, which soon dropped in front of me with a thud!

“Wh-what is this?”

“What else? It’s the processed product from the demon’s corpse you killed, Adventurer Woo Hyo-sung.”

A demon’s corpse.

Come to think of it, demons were used as materials depending on the individual. Does that mean the guild dismantled the body of that lazy demon I killed?

“The supervisors said that the demon was quite high-ranking. Although its level is a bit lower, in terms of potential, they say it was at least of a commanding rank in the Demon King’s army.”

“What? That guy was of a commanding rank?”

“Combining the testimonies of the adventurers who were with you, it’s certain. To handle a monster that could change the terrain on his own, you’re really amazing, even as a newcomer!”

Certainly, his power wasn’t on the level of an ordinary demon, but I didn’t expect his potential to be of commanding rank.

No, come to think of it, it was understandable.

In reality, because of his annoyance, he took all attacks with his body, and after the fight intensified, he poured all his power into it, entering a state of exhaustion immediately.

Considering how he was too bothered to care about merits and promotions, it was natural for him to remain a foot soldier despite his strength.

“Moreover, due to this incident, the guild might rate you highly. Maybe your rank could jump a few levels in subsequent evaluations~”

On the other hand, the guild, looking only at the results, would relatively highly rate that monster.

I thought that might have resulted in an excessive evaluation, but whatever it was, the result of how I dealt with him didn’t change.

Also, everything I gained by defeating him counted as my achievement.

“Then, what’s in this backpack…?”

“Yes! 80% of the processed materials, excluding fees, taxes, and impurities from the dismantling process, will go to adventurer Woo Hyo-sung!”

Bones, scales, sinews, etc., neatly organized in heavy pouches, and so on.

Realizing that each one could be called a ‘high-quality material’ bundled together, an involuntary exclamation escaped my lips.


Indeed, life was unpredictable.

After rolling around like a dog for about two years, one ought to hit the lottery at least once.

Of course, I couldn’t erase the thought that it was too much, but since the guild followed the rules, there was no legal issue at all.

So, considering this as my achievement and pondering where to use it, I decided to take the backpack and go to Tacchia’s forge.

Whether to sell the materials for money or use them directly to make equipment.

I thought it would be good to consult her, a blacksmith, while also returning the Ego Weapon.

“Kahaha! Hey, brother. That backpack you’re carrying looks very hefty~?”

However, I met uninvited guests while heading to the destination with an elated heart.

The men in leather jackets occupying the middle of the street appeared to be thugs living off extorting money from others.

“But what about this, bro? We’ve been occupying this place for a long time now!”

“Yeah, this is our territory~!”

“Drop everything you have and get lost right now!”

The underlings of the leader with a Mohawk snickered behind him.

Confronted by them, I sighed and slowly removed the mask that had been covering my eyes.

I wore it at the guild because the infamous reputation of being a Hero Killer hadn’t faded, but sometimes, such a reputation helped to eliminate nuisances.

“Move aside when I ask nicely. I have no time to deal with small fries like you.”

“Khahaha, such arrogance… Kehak! That… that guy is!?”

One of the swaggering thugs recognized me and gasped in astonishment.

Meanwhile, the Mohawk leader, not recognizing me, could only express his confusion at his underlings’ reaction.

“What’s up? Why are you so surprised?”

“Ah, that’s because I saw him at the guild the other day. He’s that infamous guy accused of killing heroes!”

Yeah, there were indeed some who recognized me.

Causing trouble was a story of when I was alone in a deserted place.

Unless such opportunities arose every time, I needed to do odd jobs to make a living, and it was not unlikely that he might have seen me by chance while hanging around the Adventurers’ Guild.

“Aha~! Now that you mention it, I did hear the rumor. Something about almost killing a hero at the guild?”

Unlike the others, it’s our first meeting, but the Mohawk guy who seemed to have heard the rumors was chuckling.

His underlings around him were visibly tense, but he himself seemed relaxed, as if confident.

“Right after being revived by the priests, I heard he was trembling and screaming in terror. It must have scared him quite a bit. Kahahaha.”

It wasn’t just a rumor. There were even eyewitness accounts of me almost killing a real hero.

Did his confidence, despite this, show that his current swagger was not just a bluff?

“But in the end, aren’t heroes just people who die when stabbed? Whether he’s a hero or a hero killer, if there’s a weapon that can kill him, there’s nothing to fear!”

“…That sounds like you have a means to take me down.”

“Kahahaha, if you’re interested, I should show you.”

Shaaak! A sharp dagger was drawn from his bosom.

It looked ordinary, but considering that such an ordinary item was the basis for his confidence, it wasn’t a situation to be underestimated.

“Hey, bro, do you know what kind of weapon this is? It’s a dagger made from the fang of a Demonic Venom living in the Demonic Realm!”

“Don’t underestimate it just because it looks ordinary. Once magic power is infused, it secretes poison that can kill not only a hero but also those overflowing with life, such as beastmen, in one hit!!”


Vibration, caused by the infusion of magic power, emanated from the dagger.

The Mohawk, who confidently licked the dagger, soon swaggered and started to close the distance between us.

“Khihhihi! Really, our Bro can fight me and not get stabbed by this dagger even once… Cough!”

Then, before he could swing the dagger, he collapsed with a thud.

“Cough, keh… Euk!”

Afterward, the thug who vomited blood fell to the ground, his body trembling as if paralyzed.

It was an obvious result since he openly licked a poison-coated knife.

What? Was he an idiot?

“Uwaa! Our Bro has fallen!”

“You coward! How dare you provoke and manipulate our Bro’s habit to end up like this!?”

“…Isn’t he a fool to buy a poison-emitting dagger while having such a habit?”

Did they not have any conscience?

They started the trouble, so why were they making a fuss with an innocent person?

“Even if he collapsed doing stupid things… Do you plan to continue this? If left alone, his insides might melt, and he could die.”

“Kheuk! I can’t help it. It’s time to retreat! Remember this guy’s name!”

“Let’s see, Hero Killer Woo Hyo! Next time we meet, I’ll never forgive you!”

No, it’s Hyo-sung, not Woo Hyo.

Even though fantasy characters usually put their family names last, why do they do this only to me when others from different worlds are properly called by their names?

…Was it because the last part of my name was my family name, so they only called my real name?

“Anyway, a dagger that emits poison.”

Well, anyway, the thugs I encountered on the road retreated.

I picked up the dagger lying where it fell and examined its blade.

A dagger that secreted poison just by infusing magic power.

Seeing it cause hemoptysis upon contact with the tongue, it seemed it could produce a lethal poison in the human body depending on how magic power was infused.

“It looks quite expensive, but well… Since they live lawlessly anyway, there’s no need to report it to the guards.”

The corpse of a guy I happened to catch turned out to be a treasure trove, and I even picked up a rare item on the road.

Today is really a lucky day.

Of course, I thought about it often, but life was unpredictable.

There were good times and bad, and typically, bad things in this world could be a matter of life and death.

This time, I was lucky because the thug was a fool, but considering my way of living, I wasn’t without risk of being targeted by others.

Therefore, moving forward with the utmost caution, I safely arrived at the forge where Tacchia, the owner of the Ego Weapon, was located.

“Tacchia, are you there?”

The moment I returned in accordance with the promised return deadline.

Although the person who gladly lent me the Ego Weapon wouldn’t harm me, it was better to be cautious, so I decided to keep my guard up even as I entered the forge.

“Tacchia, are you not here? Tacchia…..”


The sound of water being poured came from the basement of the old forge.

Feeling that the sound itself was evidence of someone being there, I immediately moved towards the staircase leading to the basement, where the sound was coming from.

Was Tacchia over there?

The sound of water in the forge was a bit concerning, but… if you were quenching something, you needed cold water, so it was probably nothing unusual.

“Tacchia, you’re in the middle of work… Cough!”

However, the sight that met me in that place, where I had entered with a light heart, was ridiculous.

As soon as I encountered that sight, I froze in place, and the woman, who was drying her back, began to move towards me.

“Ta-Tacchia, that appearance…”

Yes, the person there was Tacchia Philoi.

She was the true owner of the Ego Weapon strapped to my back, but standing there, I couldn’t even hand over the weapon or utter a polite greeting to her, whom I had encountered again.

She appeared to have just come out of the bath, with her body and hair wet and her voluptuous figure barely covered by a towel in her hand.

Her very full figure was barely concealed by just a piece of wet cloth, giving her a precarious appearance.

“Haa, haa…”

The moment I realized she was breathing heavily in such a state.

Slowly, strength began to return to my lower body, which had shrunk due to the after-effects of an injury.

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