I Became a Foreign Worker Loved by Transcendents

Chapter 44: Gathering Of The Four Heavenly Kings

The location where the Demon King’s army was stationed was once a kingdom as prosperous as the Empire.

But, despite its glorious history and tradition, that legacy was now being thoroughly trampled by the demons.

They had no intention of preserving those traces.

To a group devoid of morals and ethics, if they need something, it’s simpler to seize it from others than to create it themselves.

“That woman is really one of the Four Heavenly Kings?”

At that moment, one of the highest-ranking officials among the belligerent group crossed the ruined castle.

The attention of the demons, previously chattering around, quickly shifted to her.

“She does look like a jester, fitting the title ‘the Frenzied Young Jester’… but she seems weak.”

Blue skin, pointed ears. Shimmering amber eyes.

And a tuxedo and silk hat, attire that hardly suits demons who take fighting as their profession.

Her strength not being outwardly visible, it was natural for demons unaware of her to underestimate her.

“Come to think of it, they say she hardly ever went to the battlefield. Maybe it’s because she’s just old and weak?”

“Why not challenge her? If I take her down, I could become the second-highest in the Demon King’s army…”

“Newbies, if you value your lives, it’s better to just watch quietly.”

However, this ruined castle also housed several high-ranking demons who had gathered experiences across multiple dimensions.

When they saw that young jester, the emotion they exhibited was nothing but fear.

“Don’t underestimate her. Why would you say that?”

“Well, as soon as she entered this world, this palace was destroyed overnight because of that jester. Do you have the confidence to kill and win if those guys next to you charge at you all at once?”

“That, that’s impossible. Maybe one or two, but…”

“It’s the sinister point of that jester to make them drop such thoughts and charge, only to be led to their death.”

A terrifying disaster, not about oppressing individuals with strength, but driving groups to madness, leading them to kill each other.

Anyone who knows her hideousness wouldn’t dispute the fact that she’s the second in rank in the Demon King’s army.

Unless one is of the same Four Heavenly Kings rank, no one here could stand in her way.

“Oh my, who do we have here~ Isn’t this our cute and lovely Mephi~?”

Her stride across the castle halted at the endearment uttered by that figure.

Turning her gaze, she saw a demon softly gliding down from mid-air.

“It’s been a while, Mephi♡ You’re back earlier than planned… Perhaps you returned early because you missed me?”

A female demon, revealing much more skin than herself, creating a contrast.

Her seductive charm symbolized the desire she possessed.


Death Monger Demon - Yasmo Deus.

A monster of lust from the Demon King’s army, ranked fifth and one of the Four Heavenly Kings, known for draining the life force of the opposite sex until death, as per its nickname.

However, it seems tired of that too; since entering this world, it has been solely indulging in relationships with the same sex.

In doing so, it does not hesitate to cross lines, much like the Furry Tribe, thus earning the enmity of many in this world.

“Goodness Why so serious between us? I have a nickname, Yasdes, you know? Call me that, Mephi~♥”

A nickname? Does she really like being called Yasdes?

Come to think of it, she has always had a poor sense of naming. I was about to dismiss it casually, but then…

“…What are you doing?”

“Hehe, seems like your chest has grown since I last saw you?”

Yasmo approaches from behind and starts touching the chest.

Though smaller compared to her, physical charm is nothing but a decoration to one who is merely a jester.

Once thought to be used to please the master, but even that was eventually deemed meaningless and disregarded.

“Uh-huh~ You’ve ripened quite well in my absence! At this rate, I could devour you right here……”


But indifference does not grant permission to others’ desires.

As soon as the snap of a finger was heard, the body vanished, and Yasmo’s hand, which had been touching the chest, passed through the air.

“…I’m not in the mood for jokes right now.”

It’s a light illusion spell.

This was once one of the tricks developed to entertain the master.

“Ahaha~ You thought I’d be scared if you got serious~”

Yasmo Deus turns around with a smirk and a smile.

She approached Mephisto, who was staring stoically at her, and placed her finger on his chin, gathering mana fiercely.

“Ah~ Our Mephisto Rage. The Demon King’s poor little jester♬ Roaming the world with the intention of pleasing our always unsmiling master, but failing to achieve any results, your heart has become tattered like a rag♪”

The scent of seduction.

Her power, awakened in response to her desires, intensifies the sexual desire of those exposed to it, drawing strong advances towards herself.

The reason this power feels more irksome than when it was previously exposed is likely because she has awakened to homosexuality and nurtured that desire since coming to this world.

“But Mephi… No matter how foul your temper, you should pick your battles.”

Inducing madness through performance is only effective when targeting groups.

Targeting individuals only leads to intense obsession towards them, so overpowering abilities are not effective in one-on-one situations.

“Just because you’ve been with the Demon King’s army for a long time and hold the second rank, you don’t actually think you’re the second strongest after the Demon King, do you?”

Mephisto himself is well aware of that fact.

He is the weakest among the Four Heavenly Kings.

If it’s not a battle with an army, he always ends up defeated in a direct confrontation with a stronger opponent.

“…That statement.”

But what does it matter about the difference in power when he has already returned here prepared for death?

It’s just that his place of death won’t be in front of the Demon King, but in front of this person instead.

Even if he cannot win, he can still inflict equivalent or similar damage.

“Are you confident you won’t regret this?”

In response to that will, a moment of frenzied magic power spreads thickly.

Yasmo, confronting it, feels a moment of shiver and begins to back away.

“Hehe Just kidding~♡ I have no reason to fight with Mephi, right?”

If it were possible to instantly reduce the strong opponent in front of her to a sexual slave, maybe, but without that possibility, a killing battle would result in more loss than gain.

As a demon faithful to her desires, if pursuing them proves harmful, it’s natural to want to retreat.

“I just came because I got a bit interested. Usually, you roam around until a world is about to be destroyed before returning to the Demon King’s army. You returned even though that time hasn’t come yet.”

“…I’ll explain the reason in front of the Demon King.”

Yes, if a demon can’t fulfill their desire, it’s typical of their kind to distance themselves completely.

So, Mephisto intuitively understands that after he achieves his purpose, he’ll have no reason to see the person in front of him again.

Whether he dies here or miraculously survives.

After today, he will no longer be part of the Demon King’s army.

“Mephisto, and Yasmo Deus.”

A demon firmly positioned in the path ahead for that purpose.

With a head resembling an insect, in some ways, he was a more central figure to the Demon King’s army than the two of them.

“The Demon King has summoned all of the Four Heavenly Kings upon hearing of Mephisto’s return.”

The arrogant king of flies - Beelzebub.

A demon with an insect’s head, yet preferring a dignified demeanor and neatly tailored suits like those of a human.

Valuing absolute trust and worth as much as his appearance suggests, he essentially acts as a strategist and treasurer in charge of commanding the army.

“This time, make sure to follow obediently… Apart from when crossing dimensions, it’s quite unusual for the Demon King to summon all four of us at once.”

“Ah That’s rare. The Demon King himself calling us… I wonder if he’s pleased about Mephi’s return?”

Yasmo giggles at Beelzebub’s words, giving herself a knowing look.

In response, Mephisto quietly adjusts his silk hat and follows behind Beelzebub.

“I hope so.”

He thinks such a thing will no longer happen, but if…

He holds a humble wish that it might happen even now.

“The Demon King is inside. Everyone, behave properly.”

The place they arrive at is the audience hall of the ruined castle.

Once a gathering place for servants of the king, it now lies unkept, with crumbling and aged walls visible all around.

Despite its condition, it’s now filled with demons who have gathered upon hearing of the Four Heavenly Kings’ summons.

Among them, the one who shows interest in Mephisto, who has just stepped in, is another demon occupying a position among the Four Heavenly Kings.

“Oho, who do we have here? It’s the damned jester, the second in rank of the Demon King’s army!”

A smooth appearance with not a hair on his jacket-covered body.

However, no one present underestimates him.

Even without any distinct decorations or appearance, the aura he exudes just by standing is enough to visually convey his strength.

“Kahaha! What a precious person to visit such a shabby place! It feels like it’s been 10 years since I’ve seen you, it’s really hard to catch a glimpse of your face, huh!?”

The third in rank of the Demon King’s army - Plunderer Grizvill.

Grizvill, known for not being satisfied until he acquires whatever he wants, is considered the most primal in his desires among those in the Demon King’s army.

True to his name ‘Plunderer’, he has the nature of not resting until he obtains everything he desires.

His cravings include a lust for power, possessiveness over others, and a desire for honor intoxicating his status…

…and even an ambition to dominate, gazing down from the top.

“…It’s been a long time, Grizvill. Have you been well?”

“Haha~ Why suddenly act so polite? Normally, you’d start being sarcastic and irritating the moment we meet.”

To him, all the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s army, except for the Demon King himself, are thorns in his side, especially Mephisto, whom he even despises.

Though the Four Heavenly Kings are equals among themselves, the rank is determined by who joined the Demon King’s army first.

Despite all, the rookie in front of me joined the Demon King’s army earlier and survived to the end, thereby rightfully occupying the second rank.

Even that survival, unlike mine, was not due to leading the Demon King’s army to victory in wars, but rather from spending time on trivial things like traveling, making it naturally hard to acknowledge.

“I’m happy to meet you in person, so let’s go out and talk for a bit, maybe have a drink, huh?”

So, if the opportunity arises, prove the difference in power and kill him.

With such murderous intent evident, as he urged to go out together, Beelzebub soon stepped in front of him and quietly said,

“Grizvill, I understand how you feel, but we are here because the Demon King himself has summoned us. If you have a matter to discuss, let’s do it after the Demon King finishes his speech.”

“Hehe, the bug who can’t resist treasures sure listens well to the Demon King at times like this.”

“Of course. Being under the Demon King allows me to easily collect all sorts of treasures. So, I would rather not displease the Demon King’s mood if possible…”

Greed and the urge to collect.

Parasites assisting the Demon King and seeking rewards and power, all to satisfy their own desires.

The same reasons likely apply to other demons observing the situation around them.

Yes, perhaps I am the only one who has sworn pure loyalty to the Demon King.

“Both of you, stop bickering and look ahead, will you?”

As they mulled over the scene, Yasmo’s words followed, and soon Grizvill and Beelzebub’s gazes began to turn forward.

Among the demons who had gathered with interest, a presence began to reveal itself on the throne set up high above.

“He’s here. The Demon King!”

“It’s my first time seeing him in person.”

Due to his reclusive nature, he mostly issues orders and rarely shows himself in front of the army.

And the same goes for the Four Heavenly Kings.

“…Everyone, have you all gathered?”

Regardless of their individual intentions, they have sworn loyalty to him for their own desires.

With his immense power, he will surely fulfill all their wishes.

The Four Heavenly Kings, filled with that hope, soon began to bow on behalf of the surrounding demons in front of him.

““We greet the Demon King.””

Demon King Solomon.

The king of demons living for desire, a destroyer who leads invasions across many worlds, one of the greatest calamities threatening humanity in this world.

‘And the one who will mark my beginning and end.’

Mephisto, facing him.

Slowly starts to grip the letter of resignation he holds within his grasp.

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