I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 136: Wrath: The Last Two

Chapter 136: Wrath: The Last Two

Elsewhere, away from the Red Gate battle, Gang-ho had an intense fight against the Undead Knight. Their magical outputs were so high that they caused the surrounding environment to get severely damaged. The two high Mana users’ battle had become a sea of fire within a one-kilometer radius. Where in every second, a burst of fire with a booming sound was shrieking out of nowhere.

On the field, Gang-ho could overcome the Undead Knight in magical power. But, that advantage got dismissed by the Undead Horse. It was like fighting a fellow S-rank hunter but with two entities.

An Undead Knight with physical strength and an Undead Horse with magical power was an excellent combination.

On paper, the battles were equal, but Gang-ho was battling an enemy whose Mana capacity was twice his.

“I acknowledge your strength.” Said the Undead Knight, Nazzej.

“Omo! Should I be happy that it’s like flying to the moon because of the praise of a creature that invaded our land?! Don’t get your head up high!”

Gang-ho dashed towards Nazzej at full power and let out striking flames along the way. The might of the fire was so great that it burned the ground and several nearby buildings with it.

Nazzej was not get daunted by it. His eyes blazed brightly. He also mustered all his physical strength and swung his Mace right at Gang-ho’s thrust. The collision caused a vast fiery shockwave that swept through the surroundings.

The buildings that initially still stood stronger despite being on fire instantly disappeared from the view. And there was only barren land remaining within the one-kilometer radius.

Clouds of dust and debris from buildings also immediately enveloped the area after the devastating collision.

Not long after, Gang-ho’s silhouette came into view. His charge got blocked. There was an Undead Horse on the left, placing defenses with a fire shield that came out from its mouth, while an Undead Knight blocked with a Mace on the right.

Gang-ho gritted his teeth and intended to launch another attack. But, it got interrupted by the Undead Horse.

A jet of dense and massive fire shot out from the Undead Horse’s mouth. The magic managed to knock Gang-ho back. Nazzej did not waste the opportunity. He jumped to Gang-ho’s right while swinging his Mace.


Gang-ho acted swiftly, putting his right arm up and blocking the attack with a small flame shield. Surprisingly, Nazzej’s attack with his Mace turned out to get bounced back even though it was the creature’s golden opportunity against the S-rank hunter.

Now, it was Gang-ho’s chance to counterattack while Nazzej got knocked back. But, sadly, the Undead Horse didn’t let its master take any fatal hits by directly attacking, leaving no chance for him to close the gap with Nazzej.

It was a failed attempt once again!

Gang-ho then began to lose his ground against the undead duo. The stalemate situation slowly shifted towards the Undead Knight and the Undead Horse.


Another high explosion occurred in the battle area. The fire that extinguished earlier reappeared, burning the ground around it.

A collection of smoke clouds rose high into the sky, causing the place to get darker than the darkness of the night. There were only lights from the fires that illuminated the surroundings.

Inside the cloud of smoke, the dull sounds of Mace that got repelled were get heard. Along with flashes of firelight from magic spells from within the smog.


Gang-ho roared into the sky and let out a burst of flames to counter Nazzej and the Undead Horse’s barrage of attacks. The magic spell also caused a shockwave that swept away the previous flames and smoke that covered the area.

The cloud of smoke had dissipated. The battle area had already got destroyed. The ground was no longer flat. And there were many pieces of rock around it. Small fires still remained and burned everything that could get burned there.

Gang-ho breathed heavily. His battle armor got tattered, and several bruises on his skin were visible on it. Nazzej and the Undead Horse were no different from him either. They both suffered some damage from the exchange of attacks in the haze earlier. However, the two beings from the Red Gate had vitality and didn’t look worn out at all.

Suddenly, the flames on several parts of the Undead Knight and Undead Horse’s bodies blazed violently.

The Undead Horse opened its mouth, and a huge fireball appeared in an instant in front of it. The ball-shaped fire rotated in place slowly.

Gang-ho that stood across from the two Red Gate creatures could feel the pressure from the fireball. He wanted to stop the magic spell but got distracted by Nazzej’s presence.

The Undead Knight’s sudden increase in Mana Presence made Gang-ho feel there was no way to interfere with the magic spell that the Undead Horse performed.

‘F*ck! It’s getting out of control now! I didn’t expect to get pushed to the edge by creatures who were actually still not my equal. Whenever there is an opportunity to launch a deadly attack, others will come to disrupt it.’ Gang-ho clicked his tongue and grumbled about it.

In the meantime, the fireball began to increase its rotation. The density of the flames got so thick that the ground beneath it started to melt slightly.

Nazzej then dived low towards Gang-ho from the left. The move managed to take Gang-ho by surprise and distracted him from the fireball.

But that only made Gang-ho too late to react to the magical spell’s attack from the Undead Horse. The fire in front of the creature’s mouth instantly shrunk in a small size with a fast rotation. It flared and shot towards Gang-ho at a tremendous speed.

There was no time to cast a magic spell to counter the fireball. The only way was to dodge with all his available Mana and put it into his footwork. It seemed like it was an easy task for him. He managed to avoid the devastating fireball attack by only barely getting hit.


The thunder of the magic spell emitted an ear-piercing explosive sound. The flames from the magic soared high into the sky and created a small hole quite deep in the ground.


“Taste my Mace!”

Gang-ho was startled to hear the Undead Knight’s voice. He instinctively moved his right hand to guard against the blow.


This time, Gang-ho got a direct hit from the weapon. And he was thrown a few meters to the ground. All the while rolled on top of it.

Nazzej smirked and lowered his legs to make another jump towards Gang-ho, who was still in a flung state and hadn’t stopped yet. The Undead Knight decided to muster all his strength for that one final blow. This time, he was aiming for the head of the S-rank hunter. He and the Undead Horse couldn’t wait to rage across the city of Seoul after this one obstacle got removed.

“Die with honor at my hands, O human!”

“Magic of Ice, Heaven Iceberg!”

Nazzej, who was one step away from successfully launching a deadly attack on Gang-ho, was suddenly trapped in a relatively large chunk of ice in mid-air.


The Undead Horse cried out and lifted its forelegs after seeing its master confined in the ice and falling to the ground. The mount swiftly sped toward the chunk of ice and let the flames in several parts of its body burn bigger and fiercer.

Gang-ho, who was near the iceberg, was also saved from the scorching heat of the Undead Horse by the person who cast the ice magic spell.

“Are you okay?”

“Thanks for the rescue. But, I can’t say I’m in good shape.” Gang-ho replied as he regulated his heavy breathing.

“Where did you get hurt?!”

“Apparently, one or two of my ribs got broken after parrying that creature’s Mace head-on.”

The hunter who was on the side carrying Gang-ho starred scornfully.

“No need to worry, Dal-soo is in the Yongsan district close by. You won’t die.”

“You brat! Your tone is completely disrespectful towards this old man. I’m the same age as your guild headmaster!”

The hunter felt like his ears were about to burst at Gang-ho’s loud ramblings. “Very well. I’m sorry, sir. Satisfied? We should think about how to get rid of that bundled Dungeon Owner.”

Gang-ho wasn’t happy with the insincere apology from the Shadow guild hunter. In the end, he paid no heed to that. After all, he could complain to Dal-shik later about the subordinate once the Seoul crisis was over.

“Tsk! I can still fight. These wounds are nothing. With the two of us here, those Undead creatures won’t last long.” Gang-ho said as he stared at the cluster of flames encircling the ice floe along with the Shadow guild hunter, Jo In-sung.

Not long after, the iceberg melted in an instant, and Nazzej was free from the trap.

“Another human with the same power as the others.”

Nazzej could feel In-sung’s Mana emitting. And it was the same as when he fought Gang-ho in the beginning. So, he knew the equality of those two humans after staring intently at the two of them. He then observed the state of the Undead Horse beside him.

The flames in several parts of the Undead Horse began to dim. It showed that the creature had used too much Mana to melt the iceberg that trapped its master.

Nazzej had no other choice but to use his secret skill. You could say it was the last fire he would light this time. It couldn’t get helped. He had no other choice.

“The Knight of Chaos, Phantasm!”

Gang-ho and In-sung gaped at the sight of the Undead Knight instantly becoming five creatures after the blaze of rays.

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