I Am The Anti-Mage

Chapter 117: It Seem Equal

Chapter 117: It Seem Equal

The woman engulfed in the flames and electricity flew toward Ji-woo and landed on the ground nimbly.

“Hey, sweetie! At least I found you.”

Ji-woo smiled wryly at the words that came from a woman’s soft sweet voice despite her appearance like a nasty fire goddess. Those words got said with a soft voice that must be pleasant to hear if the eyes were closed. Unfortunately, Ji-woo couldn’t speak Japanese. So, he didn’t understand what the woman was saying.

“You’re interesting. You can kill these creatures effortlessly. But I don’t feel the slightest bit of Mana in you. How did you do that? What are you?”

The woman returned to her original form, dispelling the flames and electricity that covered her body.

The woman was Ohara Momoka, the one who was supposed to meet Ma Dong-seok. However, the plan had to change because one of the Portal Gates, which was the key to the final one, got closed.

Dong-seok ordered the others to guard the essential Portal Gates in those other countries to avoid any unforeseen troubles like the one in South Korea.

The command was not a problem for the others. But, Momoka instead sulked and ignored the order. All of those things ruined her vacation plans and put her in a foul mood.

Dong-seok had no other choice but to let Momoka stay in South Korea. However, the bottom line was not making noise while there. Otherwise, he would have intervened himself to kill Momoka directly.

It was indirectly a threat to her and a warning to stop playing around and do her job correctly. Of course, the threat had little effect on Momoka. She had never once taken such a warning seriously.

On the other hand, she also knew his goals were the same as Dong-seok and the others. So, she didn’t intend to neglect her duties for long. Today was the day she was supposed to leave for Russia. But it didn’t because Ji-woo’s presence on Jiri Mountain caught her attention.

Unexpectedly, a pack of grizzly bears ran toward Momoka and Ji-woo. Neither of them panicked and were still staring at each other.

Momoka then swung her left hand in the air without turning around. And a great blaze appeared out of nowhere and scorched those dozens of beasts on the spot.

The colossal flames blazed fiercely as if they almost devoured the other side of the area where Ji-woo and Momoka were standing.

There were no grizzly bears left. Even the silver armor that the beasts wore was scorched and melted when hit by the magic. More importantly, it was magic without chanting.

It signified that Momoka was a top-class hunter. Not only that, even her Mana was many times more than Dal-soo and In-ah.

“You really are something, aren’t you!? Not even startling at the sight of that kind of magic. Aren’t you surprised that I can wipe out those beasts so casually?”

Ji-woo didn’t answer and watched Momoka closely. He could faintly feel a familiar feeling with that kind of Mana before. Before long, he remembered the incident at the cemetery, where he met a man with black glasses. That man and the woman in front of him had the same type of Mana, which was chaos, not serenity like other hunters.

“Tch. You even dare to look at me with such disgusting looks. Is it the first time seeing a beautiful woman? Is it because my cleavage is too seductive?”

Of course, Ji-woo still hadn’t opened his mouth because he didn’t know what Momoka was talking about it. He was also hesitating whether to attack her or try to communicate first.

“What a dirty brat!”

Ji-woo’s eyes widened when he saw Momoka had closed the distance between them and launched a kick to his face.


The movement was fast and agile, leaving Ji-woo no time to respond. He then got thrown backward while rolling on the ground.

“Oh? Still alive. It’s surprising. Mana is not detectable at all but has power above S-rank hunter? Heh, who would believe this if I opened my mouth?”

Momoka could feel the impact of her kick, and Ji-woo didn’t die from it. That must have stunned her considerably, which meant that Ji-woo was a hunter above S-rank.

“Apex-ranked? No. No. That level is not this weak. Boy! Get up. I know you’re still alive.”


Ji-woo screamed, and bits of dirt flew in all directions. He appeared after the dust cloud faded away. His appearance was slightly shabby, and blood flowed from his head in line with his left eye.

“Right. There’s no need for philosophy or trivial talk here. Just fight without hesitation. There’s no need to understand what this sl*t is talking about it! Misunderstanding or not can get solved by death!”

Ji-woo threw his Spatial Bag aside and attacked Momoka. The speed with which he was using made her raise her eyebrows. It was fast, almost the same as her!

He threw a punch at the woman’s face in retaliation for the initial incident. She calmly raised a wooden staff, and a red translucent shield appeared.

Even so, his punch still went through, and Momoka got pushed back a few meters to the back.

Momoka frowned. “How could that be?!” The red transparent shield could block any physical attack and return it to the attacker with double the original input. Moreover, she also had to get knocked back by the blow, and the wooden staff slipped from her hand. That meant Ji-woo’s raw strength was no joke.

She moved her hands like she was rubbing a ball and a large round flame appeared, enveloping Ji-woo in it. Not only that, but electricity also appeared around the giant fireball. And the last was water which then wrapped the former two elements into one. Not long after, an explosion occurred, and hot smoke covered the area where Ji-woo and Momoka were standing.


Ji-woo instead broke through the hot smoke and threw a kick toward Momoka’s stomach.

Momoka, who got surprised that the three fast round cage magic had yielded nothing, was flung and drooling when she got kicked by Ji-woo.

However, she didn’t get thrown far and got up right away. She put her hand forward and turned her palm to the sky. Spherical earth, the size of a tennis ball, appeared in her palm. And it was instantly covered by fire and made it like lava. She threw the lava ball at Ji-woo.

Ji-woo didn’t dodge the magic and put his palm forward to block it. And when it landed on his palm, the lava ball vanished out of nowhere. He didn’t just stand there and continued his attack on Momoka.

This time, Momoka didn’t mess around in her fight with Ji-woo. She blocked the kick that got aimed at the head with her left hand. Then launched a counterattack with a fist toward Ji-woo’s chest.

Ji-woo used his left hand to hit Momoka’s right elbow, who threw a punch with her hand, aiming for his chest.

Yet, Momoka changed the trajectory of her hand from a straight punch to an uppercut to hit Ji-woo’s chin.

Ji-woo got hit from below, and his teeth grind from enduring the attack. Alas, it was not the end. He got another one in his nose with Momoka’s knee landing on it.

He spun around and landed on the ground with his feet despite receiving two heavy blows in the face.

Anyway, the situation was the opposite. Momoka was angry, and veins bulged on her forehead in spite of her success in hitting Ji-woo in the face. Meanwhile, Ji-woo just stood there wiping the blood from his nose and mouth without any expressions.

“You ignorant brat!”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about it. Stop opening your mouth. You d*mn b*tch!”

Both Momoka and Ji-woo didn’t understand each other’s words. No matter how loud they shouted at each other, the result was the same. They didn’t understand what each other was talking about it.

“That doesn’t matter. It seems like all magic doesn’t work on you. So now, the choice is either to fight with raw strength or, Manifestation of Magic.”

Momoka moved her right hand, and the wooden staff returned to her grasp. She held the wooden staff with both hands and raised it forward at the level of his head.

Dozens of long flames arrows appeared above the wooden staff and pointed at Ji-woo.

“Magic Manifestation, Arrow Bolts!”

All those long fire arrows shot toward Ji-woo. And as Momoka guessed, it worked.

Ji-woo was no longer holding the magic with his palms or doing body resistance like before. He tried his best to dodge the dozens of fire arrows so he wouldn’t get hit at all.

All the long fire arrows that stuck to the ground because they didn’t hit Ji-woo didn’t disappear and were still stuck firmly there.

It made Momoka not stop to summon the long fiery arrow. The magic continuously appeared and shot at Ji-woo.


Ji-woo clicked his tongue and ducked to avoid another fiery arrow. He then rushed to close the gap with Momoka while neatly dodging each arrow.

Momoka smirked and lured Ji-woo to approach by reducing the speed of the fiery arrows shooting at him.

Suddenly, a fiery arrow appeared in front of Momoka and shot toward Ji-woo, who was already approaching her.

But instead of going through Ji-woo’s head, the fiery arrow got caught with his left hand and continued hitting Momoka on the cheek with his right hand.

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