Lynn inspected the gains he had accumulated during this period.

The most significant gain was the general experience points, which had increased from 1970 to 3970.

If he used all of them to level up, adding the experience he could gain in the next two days, advancing by four levels would be no issue.

However, Lynn hadn’t leveled up since the required experience points had increased tenfold. He was uncertain how the comprehensive physical fitness would differ after level 20.

Previously constrained by the scarcity of general experience points, now he had the opportunity to try.

Deducting a thousand general experience points, from level 20 to 21, the physical fitness increased from 7.05 to 10.05, and mental power from 21.7 to 24.7.

A threefold improvement in overall qualities compared to an average person. Although the experience points cost had increased tenfold, the enhancement in physical fitness had also increased by the same factor, maintaining the overall ratio.

Lynn secretly thought to himself, feeling quite satisfied. He might not have gained, but at least he hadn’t incurred any losses.

Moreover, with another level-up, Lynn attempted meditation and found a noticeable improvement in efficiency. This apparent boost reminded him of the gains he experienced when he first obtained the panel.


Level: Level 21 (0/1000)

Physical Fitness: 10.05

Mental Strength: 24.7


—Earth Ring Meditation (Mastered)

—Hellfire Meditation (8%)

Life Occupation:

—Level 2 Mutation Studies (8.4%) (0/100)

—Level 1 Bloodline Studies (25%) (0/10)

—Level 1 Alchemical Studies (43%) (0/10)

—Level 1 Undead Studies (75%) (0/10)

General Experience Points: 2970′

In terms of mental strength, he had already reached the standard of a third-level wizard apprentice, and the mastered spells met the requirements.

According to Harin, Lynn’s proficiency in mutation studies was no less than many veteran third-level wizard apprentices in the academy.

Lynn felt quite emotional hearing this. Only when he reached the level of a level 2 mutation studies did he truly understand what it represented. To be considered not inferior to many veteran third-level wizard apprentices in the academy at this level was surprising. Were the requirements for apprenticeships so high now? Wizards were indeed a group of ambitious individuals.

In addition, during this period, Lynn mastered all the spells he knew. Previously, in Bangor Port, he had learned most of the necessary spells, leaving out a few zero-ring spells due to functional redundancy.

With a lot of free time on his hands, Lynn took the opportunity to master all the zero-ring spells and learned the one-ring spell, ‘Terror’.

The ship gradually docked along the shoreline.

Many wizard apprentices stood along the edge of the ship’s deck, gazing at the distant horizon where the land extended infinitely.

From the deck, the mountain range on the land ahead was faintly visible, towering into the sky. Thick clouds obscured the upper half of the mountains. Unknown bird-beasts circled above the island, and the lush primal forest emanated a wild aroma.

“You will survive on this island for one month, and within that time, you must reach the mountain’s summit,” Wizard Harin emerged from the cabin, his wizard robe billowing in the sea breeze.

This proclamation stirred a commotion among the wizard apprentices. While some were already aware of the “exam question,” many were not. The apprentices on the ship were a mix of nobles and commoners, roughly split in half.

Unlike Bangor Port, where the majority of those boarding the ship were noble wizards, here, there were quite a few commoner wizards embarking on the journey.

Shielding his eyes from the somewhat glaring sunlight with his right hand, Lynn gazed at the endless stretch of land. Was this an island or a continent? He mused, noting the vastness.

The challenge now was how to locate the noble wizard apprentices who had boarded from Bangor Port on this expansive land. Missing even a few of them could jeopardize the entire transaction.

The sound of whistling ropes filled the air as they soared through the wind, automatically released from the mast, behaving like agile snakes before landing on a prominent rock by the shore, spinning twice before fastening securely.

The large ship tilted slowly, then gently docked along the shore. An open area lay ahead, adorned with a continuous row of houses.

Each structure exhibited a different architectural style, some exuding a rich, distinct flavor. Some buildings were adorned with many bone decorations, while others displayed animal heads. Some structures resembled dungeons, while others were surrounded by a profusion of flowers and plants.

In the midst of these structures lay a street resembling a market. Occasionally, a few silhouettes could be seen strolling along the streets.

The ship’s ladder slid down perfectly onto the shore, and Harin was the first to descend from the deck. The wizard apprentices followed suit, disembarking from the ship.

“Today, you’ll rest here for the night. Gather in the open space outside early tomorrow morning, and I’ll announce the rules. Each of these buildings represents a wizard faction. Essentially, the wizard factions from the entire East Archipelago region are present. The styles and specialties of each faction differ, and you can acquaint yourselves with them. However, keep in mind that the choice is mutual. Even if you have a preferred faction, it doesn’t guarantee that the faction will choose you,” Harin let out a low, sinister laugh.

The wizard apprentices dispersed. For these young wizards, anything related to wizards can easily draw their attention.

As Lynn approached, he noticed plaques resembling self-introductions in front of many buildings in the open space.

Curiosity guiding him, Lynn walked through, discovering that most factions here had a suffix indicating a wizard academy.

Examples included Greenwood Wizard Academy, Bone Tower Wizard Academy, and Nature’s Heart Wizard Academy. However, a few factions opted for a wizard tower suffix instead of an academy.

Each wizard faction had an introduction displayed behind them. Lynn quickly gathered some insights.

Factions with a wizard academy suffix mainly focused on apprentice training. They housed numerous mentors, with most wizard academies boasting a long history. These factions highly valued innate talent, and students graduating from wizard academies either paid a considerable tuition fee or worked for the academy for a set period.

Because much of the knowledge in wizard academies was discounted, obtaining the opportunity to learn so much outside was nearly impossible with just a few magic stones.

Factions with a wizard tower suffix seemed more like merit-based or point-based guilds, excelling in practical experience. After brief training, apprentices gained rich combat experience to aid their growth.

However, this was just a broad distinction. Each wizard faction had many detailed sub-divisions.

Some specialized in undead research, others in dark magic, and some excelled in nature-based spells…

Curiously, Lynn couldn’t find the Abyss Wizard Academy among them. Was this region not within the domain of the Abyss Wizard Academy, or did they disdain recruiting apprentices here?

Mulling it over, Lynn acknowledged the vastness of the wizarding world. There were undoubtedly more ways for wizards to recruit apprentices than just the ship he boarded.

“Hey, kid, hand over all the benefits you received from Wizard Harin. Now, there’s no one here to protect you.” Lynn found himself surrounded by a large group of wizard apprentices, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

Their gazes were unfriendly, and some held magic staffs aimed at Lynn. Among them, Lynn recognized several familiar faces.

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