I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 162: Grass ashes? Cement!

"Divine Child! Divine Child!"

Shouts rang out once again, filled with a hint of panic. It was the Third Senior Brother calling out.

This alarmed Han Cheng again, wondering if something had gone wrong again. Thinking so, he quickly turned to look and saw Third Senior Brother rushing towards him, holding a stick in his hand.

While running, he shouted.

His shouting alarmed those spreading manure in the rapeseed field and those clearing firewood to prepare for cultivation. Everyone, dropping their tasks, grabbed their tools and hurried towards Third Senior Brother.

Around Han Cheng, three or four people armed with various ‘weapons' had already gathered, moving towards Third Senior Brother's shouts.

This was a plan devised by the shaman and Eldest Senior Brother. The entire Green Sparrow Tribe was now committed to prioritizing the safety of the Divine Child.

As soon as this rule was established, it received enthusiastic responses from everyone. For the Divine Child, they held genuine respect and admiration from the bottom of their hearts. The Divine Child had rescued them from dire situations and led them step by step towards prosperity.

Without the Divine Child, many of them might have starved to death in the harsh winter. Not to mention the unimaginable days they were currently experiencing.

Now, with the Third Senior Brother's sudden cry, the strong youths around Han Cheng and even the underage helpers like Xing and Chen abandoned their work, each picking up a tree branch and hurrying towards Han Cheng. They formed a protective circle around the Divine Child, their young faces showing a mix of nervousness and determination, scanning the surroundings.

Even Fire One and Fire Two, who were not responsible for tending the flames all day, slowly approached Han Cheng, wanting to ensure the Divine Child's safety.

While Han Cheng found this amusing and bemusing, he was deeply moved. Compared to some people in the future who were ungrateful and tended to repay kindness with malice, the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe were genuinely adorable and simple. One couldn't bear to harm them.

"No enemies! No enemies!"

Seeing the commotion he caused, Third Senior Brother realized the situation. He hurriedly shouted, calming the tense crowd.

"Divine Child, over there…"

Gasping for breath, Third Senior Brother arrived, intermittently explaining while occasionally pointing towards the eastern side of the courtyard. He raised the bone shovel in his hand for everyone to see.

Only then did Han Cheng notice that the object in Third Senior Brother's hand was a bone shovel, with the lower part of the bone broken off, leaving less than half. Due to just handling manure, the lower part of the bone shovel still had some residual material.

"Something like this happened?"

Understanding what Third Senior Brother was trying to convey after his somewhat scattered words, Han Cheng appeared surprised. He then led the group quickly toward the eastern side of the courtyard, eager to see what had happened.


Arriving at the eastern side of the courtyard, Third Senior Brother pointed to the manure pile that had nearly half of its content missing and loudly informed Han Cheng.

He dared not approach the manure pile too closely, looking somewhat frightened. The fact that the thing could break the bone shovel still made him feel a bit frightened.

This primitive man, unafraid of enemies or wild beasts, held an inexplicable awe and fear for certain strange things.

Following his pointing finger, Han Cheng looked over and saw something resembling stones exposed in the manure pile.

Upon closer inspection, he found that these stone-like objects were indeed the grass and wood ash previously used for soaking hides in water, left here for fertilizing the fields.

Next to this ash was a broken half of a bone shovel, the same one Third Senior Brother had been holding.

To break a bone shovel indicated how solid these stone-like grass and wood ash formations were.

Han Cheng was surprised, and he approached.

When Eldest Senior Brother and others tried to stop him, concerned that it might be dangerous for the Divine Child to approach, Han Cheng shook his head with a smile, assuring them there was no need to worry. Eldest Senior Brother and the others remained vigilant, accompanying him.

Han Cheng picked up a tree branch from someone nearby and then struck the stone-like grass and wood ash. The resulting touch was extremely hard, making a "thud, thud" sound.

How did the well-prepared grass and wood ash turn into stone?

Realizing that the Divine Child was fearlessly approaching and striking this mysterious stone-like substance, others began testing it with the tools in their hands. Puzzled and intrigued by this magical transformation, they found it inexplicable and fascinating.

After a brief period of confusion, some more thoughtful individuals soon felt uncomfortable. For example, Tie Tou, who enjoyed cutting grass and rapeseed, and Eldest Senior Brother, who had recently been happily shoveling manure into the fields, suddenly remembered that the Divine Child had once said that grass and wood ash were excellent fertilizers.

Now, with these grass and wood ash clumped together like stones, they could no longer spread them over the fields.

They felt distressed about wasting so much fertilizer, especially those who wanted the rapeseed to grow vigorously and hoped to acquire more things for the Green Sparrow Tribe.

"Hahaha…! Heaven helps me!"

Just as they felt upset about wasting a large amount of fertilizer, the Divine Child, holding a stick, suddenly burst into laughter.

This unexpected burst of unrestrained laughter surprised everyone, who then looked at their Divine Child in confusion.

Han Cheng suddenly stopped laughing, squatted down, and, with gleaming eyes, carefully examined the clumped grass and wood ash.

If it weren't for the fact that it had been buried in the manure pile for a long time and still had some unclean substances on top, making it unsuitable for consumption, Han Cheng had the impulse to pick it up and give it a few kisses.

After struggling with this problem for so long and deciding to temporarily give up, it was unexpectedly resolved in this very unexpected way. How could he not be excited?

This wasn't just grass and wood ash; it was cement!

Turning his head to look at the puzzled crowd, Han Cheng appeared excited as he said, "This is a good thing! We are about to possess a very important material!"

After that, he instructed others to continue with their previous tasks. Meanwhile, he couldn't wait to return to the tribe, gathered half a basin of grass and wood ash, added water, and began the process based on the previous method of soaking hides.

While others were working and speculating on what good thing the Divine Child had discovered again, some impatient ones kept turning their heads to glance at the tribe, eager to go back and look.

Shaman, with his elevated status, naturally didn't experience the same torment as others. At this moment, he stood on the side, watching the Divine Child at work.

He was familiar with what the Divine Child was doing now because it was similar to the process used for tanning hides.

However, precisely because of this, he became even more confused.

After all, although these clumped grass and wood ash looked like stones, they were not as good as real stones. They couldn't be used for building houses or making stone tools. Yet, the Divine Child was so excited…

The thoughts of the Divine Child were indeed something he couldn't fathom.

This was not the first time the shaman had said this to himself.

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