Chapter 445 101.5 - Dakota Hellen

'Let's see.'

As Dakota settled into her stance, her presence exuded a powerful and predatory aura. Her body was coiled like a spring, ready to unleash explosive force at a moment's notice.

This was one of the stances that she used against beginners like the kid before him. It was to test their explosiveness and the reaction time.

Many people would not know this, but most of the time, people's attention range was lower right at the start.

It would reach its peak after the fight had started for a while.

This phenomenon is often referred to in neuroscience as the "warm-up decrement." The warm-up decrement is the initial period during which performance is lower due to a lack of immediate readiness or focus before reaching an optimal level of performance as one becomes fully engaged.

'This is going to be challenging,' Astron thought, feeling the thrill of anticipation.

The moment she gave the command, "Begin," they both launched forward simultaneously.


Dakota moved while moving her limited body to utmost precision. Even if she had limited her strength to some point, the power that she could exert was much higher than any type of trainee.

–THUD! Therefore, while she was parrying and exchanging blows, she was able to continue with her observation.

'His reflexes are sharp, but his form still needs refinement,' Dakota noted. 'He's relying on instincts and agility, but there's a lack of flow in his movements.'


Her blows were relentless; each strike aimed to exploit any weakness in his defense. She felt the impact reverberate through his arms as he blocked her punches, his muscles straining against the force.

'He's strong, but he hasn't yet mastered the integration of mana with his physical movements,' she observed. 'He's treating them as separate entities rather than a cohesive force.'


A swift kick to his side sent Astron staggering back, but he quickly regained his balance.

'He's resilient. That's good,' she thought, observing his tenacity. 'But resilience alone won't be enough. Maybe he can show the same thing in this one as well.'

And it happened just as he thought it would.

When they continued, Dakota noticed Astron's efforts to synchronize his movements with the flow of mana within his body. She recognized the struggle in his eyes, the difficulty of managing the intricate dance of mana and muscle.

Just as she expected. He was learning how to do it while he was fighting. It was the same when he did it with the sword and the spear or other weapons.

'He's trying to adapt, but it's a complex process,' she mused. 'Circulating mana while controlling your body requires a heightened level of awareness. He needs to learn to synchronize his internal and external movements.'

Every movement, every breath, had to be synchronized with the flow of mana within. Dakota watched as Astron adjusted, trying to find that balance.

'He's learning, but it's still rough. His strikes are becoming more precise, but he needs to control the flow better,' she analyzed. 'Each punch, each kick... it's like recalibrating his entire combat style.'

Of course, just as she thought that, he stopped for a split second, his eyes widening slightly. Something had changed, as it seemed, and he came to a realization.

'That is good, but discipline needs to be installed.'

She didn't know what kind of student life he had when he was in the academy, but she wanted to make sure that things like these would not be tolerated here and he would know about it.


"It seems you are finally getting onto something. But, you must never forget your opponent is right here." Dakota moved in again, her body blurring with speed and precision.


She felt her strike connect, and Astron raised his hand rapidly to block it.


The shockwave from her attack rang out, and she saw Astron momentarily lose his balance and fall to the ground.

"Or things like this may happen."

As Astron lay on the ground, Dakota prepared for another attack. She noticed the slight glow in his eyes, a sign of his ability activating.

'Indeed, he has one of those eyes.'

Being in this organization for more than a decade, she was now familiar with the concept of special eyes.

Since her rank was not as high as some certain people, she was not a core member or a [Chosen]. Thus, she did not have access to the information regarding Eyes.

But she still knew they existed, and she even trained two of [Holder]s before.

As the fight continued, Dakota's keen observation skills picked up on a unique trait in Astron. Beyond his quick reflexes and adaptability, there was something more profound at play.

His ability to internalize the things he observed and rapidly integrate them into his fighting style was exceptional.

'He's not just observing; he's assimilating,' she realized. 'This goes beyond simple mimicry. He's using a form of "observational learning," but at an accelerated rate.'

In psychology, this ability to rapidly learn and internalize observed behaviors is often referred to as "modeling" or "observational learning," concepts popularized by the researchers. (You may refer to Alber Bandura for this case)

However, Astron's proficiency seemed to transcend ordinary observational learning. His brain was not only absorbing the information but also adapting his neural pathways to incorporate these new skills almost instantaneously.

'It's as if he has a heightened form of neuroplasticity,' Dakota thought, watching him closely. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.

In Astron's case, this ability appeared to be extraordinarily advanced, allowing him to adapt and integrate new combat techniques at a rapid pace.

The more they sparred, the more Dakota saw Astron's potential. He was like a sponge, soaking up the nuances of her movements, the flow of mana, and the precision of her strikes. Each time he stumbled or made a mistake, he quickly adjusted, refining his approach with every exchange.

'He's not just learning; he's evolving in real-time,' Dakota mused, impressed. 'With proper guidance, he could become a formidable fighter, perhaps even surpassing many of his peers.'

As the sparring session continued, Dakota pushed Astron harder, testing the limits of his adaptability and resilience. She could see the strain in his eyes, the fatigue in his movements, but he never gave up. He kept pushing, kept adapting, and kept learning.

By the end of their session, Dakota was thoroughly impressed. Astron's ability to internalize and adapt was unlike anything she had seen before.

And that was the perfect ability to have for a [Weapon Master] class.

'Indeed. If it is him, then it might be possible.'

She remembered her certain friend who had lost his life on the battlefield.

"Man…..I wish I was at least able to see the advancement of my class….Damn….."

Those were his last words. fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

The source of this is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

'Elias….Maybe he can do it?' Thinking that, she decided what she needed to do.

"You did well, Trainee Astron. How about becoming my disciple?"

The offer was made, and Dakota could see the recognition in Astron's eyes. She knew he had the potential to rise to greatness, and she was willing to guide him on that path.

'He has a long road ahead,' she thought as she observed Astron's reaction. 'But with dedication and hard work, he'll get there. I'll make sure of it.'

Just like that, she waited for him to reply. However, of course, even if he had refused, it was not like he had a choice. She could easily take him under her with her authority.

'That woman, Reina, can cause some problems, but it is fine.'

Though it seemed she did not need to have such speculations as the young man before him nodded his head.

Though he was breathless and tired, with blood flowing down from his nose and his arms bent in some sort of weird way, he still showed his resolve.

'He's got a nice pain tolerance as well,' Dakota noted. 'He didn't even make any noise at all, and his eyes are still clear even in these conditions.'

She realized that her last attack had been a bit excessive. Even though she had limited herself to the maximum, that attack she had used landed perfectly, and once it had landed, such injuries were inevitable.

'Indeed.....We have found a gem here,' she thought while tossing him a potion.

"Drink this," she instructed her tone firm yet with a hint of approval.

Astron caught the potion and quickly drank it, the healing properties working to mend his injuries.

As he drank, Dakota observed him closely. 'He's resilient, adaptable, and has an extraordinary ability to learn and internalize. With proper guidance, he could become a true master of his class.'

She saw the determination in his eyes as he finished the potion. Despite the pain and exhaustion, there was a fire burning within him—a drive to improve, to succeed.

'He's going to go far,' she thought. 'And I'm going to make sure he gets there.'

Dakota smiled slightly, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility. She had found a worthy disciple, someone who could potentially surpass even the greatest ones.

"Rest up, Disciple," she said. She checked her smartwatch. "It is now 7 A.M. You will have your examination at 9. Get something to eat and refresh yourself. You will need to put on a good show there if you don't want to embarrass Reina and me."


Dakota raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a playful smirk. "That's not quite right, you know."

Astron paused, confused. "What do you mean?"

She crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly. "You're missing something."

He blinked but did not realize.

"…..Are you that clueless, or are you doing this on purpose…..Disciple?"

As she asked this question, he seemed to understand finally.

"Ah..." he said, nodding his head. "I understand...Master."

Dakota's smirk widened. "There it is. Much better."

Astron nodded, a faint smile appearing on his face despite his exhaustion. "Yes, Master."

"Good. You may leave," she said with a satisfied nod.

As Astron turned to leave, Dakota watched him go, a sense of satisfaction settling over her. She had found a promising student, one who would push boundaries and strive for greatness. She would ensure he had the training and guidance needed to unlock his full potential.

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