Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 440 100.5 - Watchers of Arcane

Chapter 440 100.5 - Watchers of Arcane

The soft, ambient light of the room slowly increased in intensity, simulating the break of dawn. My eyes flickered open, instantly alert. The room's clock read 4:00 A.M., the perfect time to start my day.

I had always preferred the early hours for training, finding the solitude and silence ideal for focusing my mind and honing my skills.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood, stretching out the stiffness from the night's rest. My muscles responded with a familiar ache, a reminder of the previous day's activities.

After a quick shower, I dressed in my training gear: a simple, dark-colored outfit designed for ease of movement and durability.

It was the outfit that was really similar to the one that the academy gave and was also the reason why I was training here before the

Stepping out into the common area, I noticed the doors to Kael's and Lyra's rooms were still closed. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

They were likely still asleep, as most people didn't share my habit of waking before dawn. I moved quietly without giving any sign. from freewēbnoveℓ.com.

The corridors were empty, and the facility was enveloped in a tranquil stillness.

The soft hum of machinery was the only sound, creating a rhythmic backdrop to my thoughts. I navigated my way to the training area, using the map on my watch to guide me.

Upon arriving, I found the expansive training hall deserted, just as I expected. Various sections were designated for different types of training: combat, strategy, magic, and more. I made my way to the combat section, where a variety of weapons and training dummies awaited.

'Time to get to work.'

I started with a series of stretches and warm-up exercises, loosening my muscles and preparing my body for the intense session ahead. Then, I walked to the combat place.

The machine was pretty much the same.

'It is sad that PhantomGlide Dummy is not here, but that is fine.'

One of the finest enemies that I had faced so far was that dummy, as it basically stat-checked me every time.

Whenever I did something, it did it faster and stronger, and it was always a challenge.

After finishing my warm-up exercises, I walked to the combat simulation room. The sleek, futuristic door slid open with a soft hiss, revealing a spacious area filled with advanced training equipment. The room was lined with various sensors and devices designed to analyze and respond to the user's abilities.

'Time to see what this place has to offer.'

I stepped inside, approaching the central console. A holographic display flickered to life, greeting me with a series of options and instructions. Normally, I would be hesitant to reveal my stats, but given my decision to use this opportunity to its fullest, I decided to let the system analyze me.

The console's voice, smooth and mechanical, echoed in the room. "Please stand still for a full analysis."

I positioned myself on the marked spot, feeling a slight hum as the sensors activated. A series of lights scanned my body, and I could sense the technology working, gathering data on my physical and magical capabilities.

After a few moments, the console beeped, signaling the completion of the scan. "Analysis complete. Strength of the user recorded."

The holographic display now showed a detailed breakdown of my stats, though it didn't specify the exact numbers publicly. It was a thorough evaluation, assessing my physical strength, agility, magical capacity, and combat proficiency.

"Please select your desired difficulty level," the console prompted.

Since I didn't want to overexert myself before the evaluations, I opted for a moderate challenge. "Default difficulty."

Also, I had something to check.

"Default difficulty selected. Generating opponent."

The room shifted as holographic projectors activated, creating a lifelike opponent in the center. The opponent materialized, taking the form of a well-built warrior with a sword.

It was a standard combatant designed to test my skills without pushing me to the limit.

'This should be good enough.'

The opponent moved with fluid grace, its eyes locking onto mine. I readied myself, adopting a combat stance and gripping my sword.


The sword.

I decided to develop my sword a little bit before returning to the academy.

While I was training against Irina, I realized something.

While I had been trying to develop the weapons for my Celestalith and my strengths, I had overlooked one thing.

'My class is limitless. And, to be able to achieve higher strength, it will be crucial for me to know more and more weapons.'

This was important, as my [Lethal Arsenal Ascendancy] combat art's progress had been halted. That was why a different approach was needed, and I decided to test these.

Also, by the end of this break, I need to finish that. The opportunity for that will come soon.

At the end of the day, I need to prove my worth here so that I will not be confined here all the time under the guise of training.

Which is another reason why I will not hold back here.

SWOOSH! Just as I was thinking about myself, suddenly, the opponent before me moved at a fluid and fast pace.

The sword training had started.


A woman walked through the central district, her movements precise and deliberate. The tight bodysuit uniform clung to her form, accentuating her well-trained physique.

Her posture was cold and rigid, a testament to her disciplined nature and the authority she wielded.

Dakota Hellen.

She was the supervisor for the trainees, and today, she was here to oversee the examination location before the tests began.

As she moved, the ambient light of the early morning glinted off the sleek material of her uniform. Her hips swayed subtly with each step, a graceful yet powerful stride that spoke of her confidence and capability.

Her face was set in a stern expression, eyes sharp and vigilant, taking in every detail of her surroundings.

The corridors of the facility were empty, the silence broken only by the soft hum of the machinery.

This was something that she was accustomed to. After all those years of staying on the frontlines, protecting the border, she liked how calm it was.

Dakota appreciated this tranquility, knowing it would soon be replaced by the bustle of trainees preparing for their examinations.

She made her way to the training area, her senses keenly attuned to the environment.

Approaching the training hall, she paused. Her sharp intuition told her something was amiss. Focusing, she sensed a presence within the expansive room. Someone was already there, engaged in a rigorous training session.

'Interesting. Someone is here knowing that an examination would be happening today.'

Curious and slightly perturbed by the early intrusion, Dakota quickened her pace, her steps barely making a sound on the polished floor.

'Who would it be, this cheeky trainee?' She was amused. Not many bold trainees like these were here.

The doors to the training hall slid open silently at her approach, and she stepped inside. Her eyes quickly scanned the area, zeroing in on the combat section where a lone figure was engaged in a simulated battle.

Dakota hadn't recognized the trainee. The face was unfamiliar. Even though the trainee was moving at a fast pace, she was still able to discern the facial features.

'Purple eyes, delicate nose with slightly revealed bone cheeks. Purple eyes, was there such a trainee?'

She thought, observing the fight.

The stance and the fluidity of his movements were impressive, but it was a bit lacking. From a trained eye like herself, she could easily see what he was lacking.

'A pretty impressive body control…..But, the sword movements are not on the same level.'

This could be observed by how the trainee had evaded the attacks of his opponent. Even though it is a hologram, with the special density of the data here, the enemies could all be mistaken for real people.

They acted as if they were organic, just like how they fought.

'Interesting,' she thought. 'That's the Federal Swordplay.'

The Federal Swordplay was a style used primarily by the military, known for its efficiency and practicality. It was rare to see it practiced outside of military academies and even rarer in a civilian context. This trainee's presence and skill suggested he might be from a Hunter Academy, a place where young, talented fighters were trained for various missions.

'Could he be the new trainee scheduled to arrive this week?' she pondered. Her curiosity piqued, Dakota reached into a pocket on her bodysuit and pulled out a small, sleek tablet. With a few taps, she accessed the file sent to her earlier.

The profile of the new trainee appeared on the screen, and Dakota's eyes narrowed as she compared the face in the file to the one before her.


Name: Astron Natusalune

Academy: Arcadia Hunter Academy

Rank: 1071

Weapons Specialization: Dagger and Bow

Potential: A


Dakota's eyes flicked between the trainee in the room and the details on the screen. His movements with the sword were rigid, a clear indication that it wasn't his primary weapon. This discrepancy made sense now. He was skilled with daggers and bows, not swords.

'So, it's him,' she thought, narrowing her eyes. 'He's already training hard before his official examination. That's dedication.'

She watched a few more moments as Astron continued his session, assessing his technique. Despite the rigidity, she could see the potential. His evasion skills were top-notch, likely honed through extensive training with more familiar weapons.

'He's adaptable,' Dakota mused. 'And willing to push himself out of his comfort zone.'

As the simulated opponent lunged at Astron, he parried the blow with a swift, precise movement, then followed up with a counterattack that, while not perfect, showed promise. Dakota decided it was time to introduce herself.

With measured steps, she approached the combat section, her presence commanding attention. The holographic opponent paused mid-strike, responding to her silent command to halt.

Astron turned to face her, his eyes alert and focused. He wiped the sweat from his brow, recognizing the authority in her stance.

"Good morning, trainee," Dakota said, her tone firm but not unkind. "You're up early."

"Good morning, ma'am," Astron replied, slightly out of breath. But then, his eyes seized her body at a quick speed.

'Quick eyes. Not bad.'

If not for her perceptiveness that she had honed after receiving such gazes countless times, she would have missed it.

'And it was not off of a desire but to check my identity.'

She could also see if a gaze contained carnal desire or not, as this was one of the goals of the suit. There was no need to hide it, as she liked getting such gazes.

It made her feel like a woman, but that is not the main topic right now.

"Astron Natusalune, correct?" Dakota asked, her eyes steady on him.

He nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

Dakota sized him up from top to bottom, taking in his stance, his build, and the determined look in his eyes. "You're the one Reina recommended, huh?"

Astron nodded again, "Yes, ma'am."

"You've got potential," she acknowledged. "But your main weapons seem to be daggers and bows. Why were you using a sword there?"

"My main weapons are indeed daggers and bows," Astron confirmed. "But the reason I was using a sword is because of my class."

"Your class?" Dakota asked, her interest piqued.

"It's because I am a [Weapon Master]," Astron explained.

Dakota's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly controlled her expression. Inwardly, she thought, 'This kid... is really interesting.'

She found a prospect she was interested in in a while…

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