Three tinted black jeeps zoom into vulture city without reducing their speed. Every traffic light was green when they arrive at any junction. They care not about the people of the city. They pass every street with their constant speed while overtaking any car that may obstruct their way. Dangerous or not. Who cares? After a couple of minutes, the three jeeps stop in front of a magnificent villa.

The villa was situated in a serene environment with lush bushes and tall trees everywhere. The clattering of dry leaves, the squeaking of mouse and the singing of birds echoed in the surroundings while the pure, gentle breeze add to the calming and peaceful effect of the atmosphere. Different from the polluted center area of Vulture. 

Two hefty guards came of the villa and inspect the jeep with a stern look, holding their weapon, tightly ready to shoot. It was barely 3 seconds before arriving at the driver's seat of the first jeep when they scramble off, sweating profusely while their eye reached their jaw. Instantly, the gate was wide while all the guards in the villa looked at the jeep with widened eyes. 

In front of the villa, an elderly man scrambled out of the door, trembling slightly. He looked at the incoming jeep, adjusting his suit, whipping the invisible sweats off his forehead. All the guards around the elderly man looked at their boss, not understanding what's wrong with their boss. Their boss was fearless. What can make him behave like this? They thought. 

Still, in their thought, the three jeeps arrive in front of the villa. The elderly tried to hide his nervousness, putting on a serious look, waiting patiently for the visitors to come down from the car. After a minute, the door of the first jeep opened at once, and three men in a black suit came out. They looked at everything with no expression on their face. On their chest was insigma of a mace.

Seeing this, the ignorant guards widened their eyes, trembling. While they looked at the men with trepidation. The door of the third jeep after a couple of after the first jeep. The same men in black came out with mace insigma on their chest. Now, the people in the villa already guess what type of visitor they have. The air became heavy, ceasing to flow correctly. The beautiful was not so beautiful, sweats gathered on the heads of the guards while they dare not let out their breath. 

Finally, the door of the middle jeep opened. A long leg stretched out from the back, displaying a glittering black lace shoe with a lavender smell escaping from the jeep. However, the people were not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful smell or the glittering shoe. All their eyes were fixed and anticipating the person that was about to reveal himself. A handsome young man with trimmed hair cut, deep blue eyes, came out of the jeep in a black fitted suit.

The young man looked at the surrounding with disdain before his eyes set on the elderly man that was waiting for him. Seeing the condescending gaze of the young man. The elderly didn't get annoyed or have any thought to do so. His eyes dart to the left chest of the young man, seeing the brown mace. The elderly man gulped, and a dropped of sweats dripped from his forehead. '1 star!!' he shouted in his mind.   

"Are you the leader of this city?" The young man asked coldly. 

"Y-Yes." The elderly man nodded before taking a deep breath. "I'm Vulture, sir. Please follow me into my humble abode."


The young man and two other men in black follow Vulture into the villa. While every guard that saw them had a wary expression. Inside a luxury room, Vulture sat opposite the young man while the other two men stood behind him. Though they are like guards to the young man, the arrogance in their eyes couldn't be hidden. 

"We receive some notice about your city."

"Y-yes. Sir…."

"Wilson." Wilson interrupted. 

"Yes, sir Wilson. Many unknown interferences are disrupting the peaceful existence of Vulture. This unknown power spun out of nowhere a month ago. We tried many ways to quench this devil's seed. Unfortunately, we're still trying our best to eradicate it." 

"Do I look I care about what power surge from your puny city? I'm here for the recent death of your citizen. Get to the point. I don't have all day. I want to leave this forsaken place as soon as possible." Wilson berated. 

"Yes… Yes…" Vulture wipes the sweats from his head under the fully air-conditioned room. "But please wait, my other two colleagues have arrived. They can add more light to this issue."

"Oh, I see. You don't have total control of your city." Wilson smirked.

"It not—"

"Don't explain. I don't care" Wilson waves his hand.

Vulture sighed and rest on his chair, rubbing his temple with various thoughts running in his mind. After 5 minutes, and indistinct footsteps echoed from afar, but every second, it got closer and louder. From the footstep, those in the room could infer that more than one person is coming. Creak! The door open, two people came inside. An elderly man and a middle-aged woman. The new arrival paused on their footsteps and looked at the surroundings and saw Vulture with beads of sweat on his forehead.

Without telling, they looked at each other and continue their footstep. Meanwhile, Wilson didn't bother to raise his head from the device in his hand. Seeing this, the new arrival could only plaster a welcoming smile on their face. Vulture exhaled when he saw the two. 'I'll not be the only one to bear the brunt of the matter. Now, we can share the bunt.'

Noticing the quietness of the room. Wilson raised his head and looked directly at the two arrivals, while his condescending gaze never disappeared. "What took you so long for you to arrive. Do you think you can behave anyhow you like in my presence? Hmm?"


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