Hubby, Your Fox Fairy Wants Everything

Chapter 166 The East Market Was in Danger

Chapter 166 The East Market Was in Danger

“Old man, be careful of the people around you.” Wuyou reminded him before leaving, because she hoped the old man lived happily.

“You are right, miracle-working doctor.” Lin Feiyang’s father knew well in his heart that the poisoner must be found out and disposed of. The old man thought that the governor of this city must be his elder son, and no one could have a finger in the pie.

Wuyou was moved by the generosity of Lin Feiyang’s father, and the old man even asked his younger son to protect Wuyou all the way.

The cattle and sheep were gathered together. Lin Feiyang was born in North Desert, so he was good at driving livestock. In order to make the cattle obedient, Lin Feiyang selected an ox as the leader, while the sheep were loaded to the carriage. When they came to a deserted place, Wuyou used her sorcery to lift up the cattle and sheep. It was just at dawn when they arrived in the Jin City. Lin Feiyang did not leave for the north until things were settled down.

“Your Majesty, great news!”

“What is it?”

“Madam has brought some cattle and sheep, ans she is in the East Market now. Your Majesty, will you want to have a look?” The little palace servant smiled from ear to ear. Zhan Ming was awakened by the noise. Seeing the Majesty about to leave the palace, Zhan Ming came up hurriedly.

“Commander, go to the East Market?”

“Is there any good in East Market?” Zhan Ming knotted his eyebrows more tightly when thinking about the embarrassment that no food was available there. Xu Linghe was rather curious. “Since when did the woman begin selling cattle and sheep. I have to see it.” Xu Linghe jumped into the carriage. The horses let out a neigh and galloped to the East Market.

“Who burnt the grain storage?” A person came to Zhan Ming’s mind. “Will he be the fire-raiser?” If the Master died, Yan Bo was most likely to become the Emperor of the Jin Kingdom.

“The one who hates the person on the throne.” Xu Linghe had already had the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to confirm it. “It turned out that the little palace servant had been bought over, and he framed a case against Lin Feiyang just for misleading us. So will Yan Bo be the one who burnt the grain storage? No one would do that except him.”

“Your Majesty, you have had the answer. What is true cannot become false, and what is false cannot become true.”

It was enough that some things were clear in the heart. After all, wall had ears. It was better to investigate secretly in case of beating the grass and scaring the snake. When they arrived the east market, the streets had been crammed with people. Who would miss the day to distribute food? Xu Linghe jumped off the carriage and found a quite place to tie up the horse. The road was absolutely packed solid with people. Zhan Ming carved out a way ahead, and they made great efforts to squeeze in the crowds. If Xu Linghe used the shape-shifting, he would not have to endure the hardships. But Xu Linghe knew that the one who wanted to kill him might conceal himself in the crowds. As the Emperor of the Jin City, he should behave discreetly. A power was needed to pass through the human walls, and Xu Linghe followed tightly. The muttony odour got thickened. Xu Linghe knew that they were getting closer to the east market. Xu Linghe passed through the crowds and became more curious when seeing the people carrying meat in their hands. “Why did the little woman get the cattle and sheep?” Zhan Ming was struck dumb with astonishment. The whole east market was covered with white color. Sheep kept bleating shrewdly. Blood filled the market. The butcher was quick with his hands. Only using the time it took to drink half a cup of tea could the butcher cut the mutton well on the chopping block. It was a super delicious food for the people in the Jin City. The crowds surged, and those who got the mutton left happily.

Wuyou did not care about it, and just recorded carefully the messages of the people who came to take the meat. The man walked to to woman and thought that the little woman did have the ability to solve the urgent issue.

“In such a cold day, why not use a warming handbag?” Xu Linghe warmed the little hands and did not expect that his woman had a good handwriting. Reminded by the Majesty, the little palace servant thought about the warming handbag, as he followed the Madam to the market early and totally had no time to prepare it.

“Husband, am I amazing?” The woman raised her face like a child asking for candy. Her face was red in the cold, with several cuts on her lips. The man’s heart became soft and thought that the woman looked so slight, but she shouldered the burden willingly and engaged herself in risks for him.

“Woman...” Xu Linghe felt grieved in his heart, because he thought he could not do anything for his woman in return.

“See, you are moved, right?” Wuyou wiped the tears in her eyes, when the man did not notice. The woman in the sunshine smiled merrily.

“You’re just giggling all the time...”

A little maidservant sent a warming handbag, as well as some food. Wuyou found a quiet place to enjoy a moment of tranquility. From yesterday to the present, Wuyou had not even taken a drip of water, so her stomach had cried out for food. Wuyou picked a piece of short bread, her favorite osmanthus one with crispy sesame pastry and sweet fragrance. Seeing Wuyou eating the pastry so joyfully, the little maidservant selected a boiled cake for her.

“They are the delicious food in my hometown. I made this.” Although she had not returned to her hometown for years, she did not forget the taste of the home.

“You are not a local here?” The girl’s answer surprised Wuyou. The girl was forced to leave her hometown and make a living at her young age.

“I came here to visit my relatives, but out of my expectation, things changed utterly overnight.” The girl looked helpless. It was life that would always make you unexpected. Now, the integral human realm was divided into two. In the girl’s mind, where her parents lived could be called “home”.

“When the war is over, I will go back the Qi Kingdom.”

The girl looked firm. Wuyou felt words were blocked in her throat. The war was cruel. Wuyou hoped the girl would reunite with her family as early as possible.

“Is there any war in Madam’s hometown?”

“Where there are people, there are wars.” Before the voices faded away, a black figure popped up. The girl screamed with fright. The man was masked with a spiritual whip in his hand. Wuyou held the girl to retreat several meters away. The man waved the whip. The girl crumpled to the ground, as it was first time that the girl had seen such a horrible scene. Wuyou gave a blow to the man. “How dare the man was to stir up trouble in the Jin City and pick a fight with her husband?”

Under the man’s command “Go”, all the black-clothed men rushd to Wuyou, but she did not fear these underlings at all. She thrust out a palm, and flocks of them were slapped to the ground. The man took the opportunity to attack Wuyou sneakily from the back. But his spirit power was blocked by the defensive cover. A dark mass of men appeared in the sky and dashed toward the east market. Xu Linghe used the Ninth-level sound transmission, while Wuyou was holding the girl and running back. The man chased after her. Tens of thousands of black-clothed men rushed down from the sky. Wuyou set a defensive cover for the girl. Obviously, it would be another hard fight today.

The Ninth-level sound transmission did not reply. Xu Linghe could not wait for one more second and prayed that his little woman would not get into any trouble. Zhan Ming led the troops and mingled into the crowds by disguising themselves in plain clothes. They would kill anyone who dared to stir up trouble. In the crowds, a man in black held a saber. Zhan Ming killed the black-clothed man quickly. Then, soldiers rushed up to cover up the corpse. Common people did not care about it at all, but just wanted to receive more mutton, totally paying no heed to the risks around. Zhan Ming shuttled back and forth in the crowd and kept his eyes on the movements around. People received the meat in order in East Market.

The man came to East Market just to stir up trouble and would not let Xu Linghe feel satisfied. So the man ignited firecrackers and threw them into the crowd. It was too late for Wuyou to stop him. The black figure pressed hard upon her, so Wuyou found it hard to get out of the trouble at that moment. The explosion caused disorder, and people began fleeing in all directions. An old man was unable to stand the crowd, and was trampled by the crowd. Xu Linghe flew up to save the old man. But the black figure spotted the target and rushed to the crowd quickly. Wuyou gave a blow to clear up the roadblock for her husband. She stood back to back with her husband, even the cold in December could not block the warmth between them. Xu Linghe jumped on the high platform. The butcher could not figure out the coming person’s purpose at that moment.

“Beef and mutton are in abundant supply. Everyone has a share. Don’t get panic. Someone wants to make trouble in the Jin City. I, Xu Linghe, will protect everyone even at the cost of my life.”

The butcher held the knife shakily because he did not expect that the city governor would come there, and the butcher got nervous. No one ever predicted that His Majesty would come to the market. Then, the crowds that had scattered just now could set their minds at ease and lined up again. But the man was not resigned to it, and he attacked again. Wuyou set a defensive cover for fear that any innocent people might get hurt. As the common people had not seen the sorcery before, their fingers touched the cover, showing great curiosity to the glowing thing.

The market returned to normal, and the trouble was concealed by the crowds. Zhan Ming always paid attention to the movements around, because if someone died in the market, it would be unfavorable to Xu Linghe. The black figure gave an order, and then blood-thirsty monsters rushed down. Destroy the leader and the gang would collapse. Wuyou blocked the black figure’s way. The man was masked. It seemed that he did not want to show his true face. Wuyou was more curious about his identity, as she guessed the man who came to make trouble in the market must gang with the one who burnt the grain storage. Wuyou swept out her spirit power, but the man ducked it easily. Wuyou strengthened her spirit power, and then, the man avoided again. Wuyou leaped to the air and attacked the man from the back, as her spirit power unveiled the man’s mask. When seeing the man’s true face, Wuyou felt surprised.

“How could it be you?” Wuyou asked. Xiao Qi sneered, which sounded creepy.

“This City should belong to Hongjun...” Xiao Qi flipped his spiritual fingers, and a bomb exploded in the market. People fled in all directions in panic. Butchers had totally forgotten the mutton and hid under the chopping board when hearing the explosion. Xiao Qi gathered his spirit power and swept toward the crowds. Wuyou flew up to block the offensive.

“Get your life.” Wuyou opened the bones of her eyebrows. The spinel swirled in the mid-air. Xiao Qi shifted into his true body and rushed to the crowd. The common people knelt on the ground with scare, since they had never seen such a huge monster with the lion’s body. Yan Bo just hid himself in the crowd, and his only purpose was to kill Xu Linghe. In order to be strong, Yan Bo traded his souls with Hongjun, so he became more sensitive than ever that he could distinguish the different smells in 5 kilometers away. Xu Linghe was nearby. As long as Yan Bo could kill Xu Linghe, Yan Bo would receive a more powerful soul Hongjun had promised him. Then, Yan Bo approached Xu Linghe step by step.

Xiao Pui shook his body to reveal the true body. The lion stepped on spiritual fire and ran in the Spirit Power. Spiritual fire burnt more furiously in the watery thorns. Smokes sprang up, and water was shackled in the fire. The boiling water mist dispersed in all directions. Wuyou avoided the lion’s attack, but the sudden flame followed her closely. Xiao Qi released flockes of lions. Then, the lions ran to the market straight. The tearing sounds, screams, and whines filled the market, and the people were all struck by terror. The lions were the symbol of the king of the Fairy Kingdom. Only the royal family could control them. Xiao Qi was the real king. Of course, the king of the beasts would be at his disposal. Wuyou set up a spiritual net to protect the crowds. But the lions still ran wildly to the spitual net. Xu Linghe held the Flowing Light sword in his hand, and swept out Sword Qi. Xiao Qi gathered spirit power and set a formation. Then, a heavy gale came to blow, and clouds were torn apart by the spirit power. Hongjun’s army rushed out of the clouds. Hongjun’s wild ambition and his thirst for the Heavenly Book was completely revealed there and then. He wanted to take the opportunity that Yan Bo created through a disturbance to fish in the troubled water. The entire marked fell into a war.

Wuyou released her spirit power. A series of light rings rippled away. Each wave shook the market. With waves upon waves, private houses could not bear the severe vibration and then collapsed. The crowds in the streets fell into a panic, and even Xiao Qi did not have the power to fight back, but he could not shrink back either. The only method was to hold someone as hostage. Wuyou pried Xiao Qi’s thought. Many years ago, Jiefei once taught Wuyou about thought-reading technique. Wuyou knew that it was a must to evacuate people there before the East Market collapsed, and no more accidents could happen to her husband. A burst of flowing spirit power charged at the crowds. Wuyou waved her spiritual finger lightly, and then a defensive cover enclosed the crowd closely, which looked transparent but was as hard as black iron. The entire market became a furious battlefield. The flowing spirit light illuminated the whole market. Since the common people had never seen it before, they all scattered in all directons. The rubbles flew over heads, and the Sacred Beasts which were used to exorcise evil spirits were released eventually. Today was supposed to be the day to distribute food. No one had expected the results. Xiao Qi could do nothing but helplessly look at his flocks of lions being destroyed. This was the price that he had to pay for provoking the woman. On the clouds, the Impure Essence troops were being slaughtered by the Flowing Light Sword, as it gleamed dazzlingly everywhere it went.

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