Chapter 234. Yes, I am the Elementalist. (3)

“I want to gain courage and claim here with the help of Arell. Seongguk, please stop oppressing the indiscreet elementals.

We are condemned as evil because of our qualities, and there is no reason for us to be afraid. For that, I will make a strong request and, just in case, entrust my safety to Arel Ernesia to guarantee my safety. The Ernesian royal family also sympathized with my situation and promised to help.”

And now she has the final word.

“The Holy Kingdom

will have to revoke the heresy designation of elemental magic….. that may arise in the future!”


....I nodded my head in satisfaction.

What effect does this revelation have?

Actually, it doesn't mean much.

At best, it's all about telling Pena's sad life.

However, there will be people who question the ethics of the holy kingdom.

“I don’t know… but isn’t the Holy Kingdom severe?”

“Is it necessary to treat me like that just because I only learned one elemental skill?”

Little by little, questionable tone begins to emerge.

It may have started from the wind catcher planted in advance, but gradually I began to question one by one.

In particular, the relationship between the kingdom of Ernesia and the holy kingdom is delicate.

Therefore, it is easy for public sentiment to naturally flow into questions about the Seongguk. The incidents that led to the suppression of the Elementalists are a long time ago.

Even if they were suppressed as a result of that incident, how many people would truly have doubts about the spirits?

I don't know if you're a devout believer, but to people who aren't, it will sound like a stranger.

In other countries, the situation is similar. Rumors will spread quickly there.

Due to Pena's revelations today, she is purely with the strange doctrines of the Holy Kingdom.

And you will get the title of a victim created by an empire that notices them.

There is a victim here.

The victim is complaining.

If so, what will you do?

Will the Seongguk really ignore it?

Are you still going to threaten her with outdated and obscure doctrines?

If it's normal, it will be.

Because the Seongguk can never recognize the Spiritual Commander.

If so, they must admit their guilt.

But this time, they can't easily talk nonsense.

I am behind Pena.

I took advantage of the invisible gap and laughed sinisterly.

Now it's my turn.

I pretended to encourage Pena and took turns.

Pretending to be more skilled than her, he touched the magic tool for amplification and started his first words.

“This is Arell Ernesia. After that, let me speak for you.”

Feeling everyone's gaze, I continued to speak more fluently than Pena.

“After I learned about Pena’s circumstances, I personally researched spiritism.”

As evidence, I presented a thesis summarizing research and theories on spiritism.

Please note that everything written here is true only.

This thesis will soon be formally published to the public.

“After research, I was convinced. Elemental magic itself is an extremely ordinary power. It's no different than a wizard using magic. However, in Seongguk, spiritism was eradicated by ruthless designation as a heresy, citing only examples from the past. I don't understand why they treat you like this.”

I pretended to shake my head.

“I can only say that I do not understand it as a scholar or as a human being.”

I, none other than myself, raised questions about their ideology.

“There must have been many people who have received help from Pena's spiritism. So don't you know Did spiritism really seem evil in your eyes?”

I politely asked everyone.

who listens here.

And let's hear through someone.

“Is spiritism really evil in your eyes?”

Dealing with thieves, chasing monsters, sometimes fixing broken roads or bridges.

“Spiritual magic is such a helpful power. Depending on how you use it, even magic can be used wickedly enough. It is not a force that must be eradicated.”

When I insisted on a very obvious reason, I heard a voice that carefully agreed.

“The prince is right.”

“Certainly, there have been times when I have been greatly helped by the princess's spirit magic.”

Of course, those who have memories of being helped have no choice but to agree one by one.

I smiled and nodded and continued talking.

“That's why I can't help but feel sympathy for Pena's situation as a human being, not sympathy. And instead of her, I will question the Holy Kingdom and demand an answer. I think that is the way.”

I finished it resolutely without a smile on my lips.

I shouted so decisively that they would deliberately think that I was angry.

“About your unjust designation as a heresy, I will ask questions on your behalf and get answers.”

This is my position.

“If anyone has any doubts about my claim, I hope that anyone can raise an objection.

I am willing to discuss anyone's opinion directly.”

He proudly declared it as if he was throwing a letter of challenge to anyone.

“And if there are still elemental spirits besides Princess Pena, ask me for help regardless of whoever you are. I will be happy to help this Areel Ernesia.”

* * *

After the speech.

We immediately returned to Fahilia.

After telling the servants to give Pena a rest, I returned to my office.

I just want to rest like a chimney, but sadly, there is still work to do.

The time has come when love calls are pouring in about what happened a while ago, so you have to deal with it.

I told you to do it, so of course I have to do it myself.

Fortunately, the result of releasing a person to check the reaction.

The public tends to respond favorably to the Spiritual Commander.

There, public opinion was formed that felt sorry for Pena's situation.

That's right, since you've revealed everything while lamenting your situation, you should buy at least some sympathy. That is also the purpose in the first place.

The reason why the public accepted Pena's situation relatively easily was because of Pena's hardships while wandering around for a month.

If the person who helped them in a small way appeals, they will pretend to listen.

Sometimes people believe in good deeds they have seen more than vague rumors or malice.

On the other hand, the reaction of nobles and powerful people was subtle.

So far, are you trying to figure out which side is better for you?

So far, as expected.

And now, slowly, they will respond.

When I thought that far, Asha came in to see if there was something to report.

“Arel-nim continues to send letters from all over the place. It doesn't stop.”

Asha said in trouble.

Indeed, continually the servants are busy fetching the letters that arrive.

There are letters that arrive by teleport, and even when I look out the window, the letters are constantly coming and going.

It looks like it's full of feathers and bird droppings.

Looking under the window, I see 5 griffon siblings jumping around as if they were excited to see the birds coming and going.

If I hadn't sealed the wings, I would have been in big trouble.

“What should I do?”

“Just bring them all. I will read and respond to each one.”


Asha replied.

But I have a feeling that something is not clear.


“Oh no.”

“I know it doesn’t bother you, so just tell me.”

As I pressed for an answer, Asha sighed and asked.

“Arel-sama, why did you want to help Princess Pena?”

“Then it would have been better if I hadn’t helped?

Asha, you also speak surprisingly calm words, don't you? Of course, I thought you were sympathetic to Pena.”

Normally, Asha, who would have been taken aback by saying this, said, “Yes.” he answered, nodding firmly.

“She is a foreigner to the last. If you don't, there could be problems with Arell-nim's safety.”

she answered coldly.

I guess so. As an escort, that was the natural answer.

I admit it too.

“I know, but… um? What would you say if asked why you helped?”

“Have you calculated anything?

If not...

“No, absolutely not.”

I smiled bitterly and shook my head.

Of course, I might have rolled my head at the point of making a plan.

My attempt to help Pena is different from that.

“I didn’t think of this because I felt sorry for Pena. In the first place, the plague case alone is enough to condemn the Seongguk. .... I didn't have to do this.”

“What do you mean?”



“I don’t think a person’s talent should be buried by malice.”

I said exactly what I am thinking right now.

“I don't know what the intent is, but I feel someone's malice regarding the perception of the elemental lord here.”

That's the kind of thing that annoys me the most right now.

It was quite unpleasant.

The reason I reached out to Pena before the epidemic was because I felt the malice and was irritated.

“Someone's life shouldn't be interrupted because of someone's malice or ill feelings. at least i think so So I just helped.”

It's true that what the saintess does is outrageous.

It is also true that the distorted malice towards the elemental lord is annoying.

If it overlaps and thinks this time, correct what needs to be corrected.

“is that so....? Then, the only thing that helped Princess that the only thing?”


hmm? For some reason, Asha seemed to harbor a sense of disappointment that the answer was slightly different from what she expected.

what? I think I said something pretty good.

“Um… Sir Arell?”


“Is there any other reason?

Pity Princess Pena... Or think of her a little differently...

What does Asha want to say?

....well, it's not that I don't know at all.

I deliberately pretended not to know, and only pretended to blink my eyes.

“why? Then do you need another reason?”

“No no!”

Asha shook her head and hurriedly retreated.

Didn't I say something nice?

It's been a while since I said something that seemed like a proper human being.

isn't it?

Puzzled, I looked toward the closed door.

Then, as if in a hurry, he sighed as he checked the signs of moving away.

What was he doing...

Of course, there was no choice but to be upset.

Of course, the time Arel and Pena gave their speeches was right before the Empire and the Holy Nation signed a treaty.

Naturally, the emperor and nobles of the empire were perplexed.

In particular, the nobles who did not know about Pena's talent had no choice but to make faces that had been struck by lightning in the dry sky.

“His Majesty Eylan... How the hell did this happen? To think that Princess

Pena was a psychic.

“Your Majesty, did you know?”

“Didn’t you say it was sudden! I will answer that later. Rather, I should ask Ernesia Kingdom! Hurry up and send the letter!”

Even the emperor couldn't answer right away and had to be embarrassed.

The same was true of the personnel on the Seongguk side.

Rather, they were more confused.

The saintess, who received information from the spy at the same time, barely managed to keep her composure and replied, “That's right.”

As soon as the priests heard it, they went wild.

“This is the deceit of the imperial bastards!”

“Uh, first of all, we are facing a treaty with the Empire. First... after dealing with the matter...

Even if Nelvania tried to calm down and proceed with the matter, the priests were furious and argued.

“Does it make sense to sign a treaty with an imperial family that has dirty elemental blood mixed in it!”

“Even God will be angry!”

“We must destroy all plans immediately. No, at least we have to review it again.”

In particular, the priests who were deeply religious in the church were even more angry and trembled.

They blindly follow the doctrine.

For them, only what is written in the scriptures is justice.

It is said that their god whispered to them.

Only human beings are worthy of God's love, and all things must be eradicated.

Whether it be demons, spirits, or different races, there are no exceptions.

They were all the more excited.

As this happened, naturally, it was a treaty and it was not a situation to proceed.

“Ernesia Kingdom is shameless too!

What the hell did you teach the princess!”

In the end, it reached the point where he was even talking badly about the Kingdom of Ernesia, which was not here.

“First, let’s send an inquiry to Ernesia Kingdom. We need to figure out the situation.”

He hurriedly postponed the treaty and tried to think about how to check and deal with whether Princess Pena was a spirit sage.

Then, in an instant, a letter arrived in the name of Arell with the timing as if he was aiming for it.

The emperor and the saintess each arrived in front of the two at the same time.

[I think there will be misunderstandings between each other about this incident, so I want to share a serious story.

Would you please set up a place to talk in detail?]

- by Arell Ernesia

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