Chapter 227. Situation in each country (4)

“Aren’t you making me suffer too much?”

“yes? Is the amount of training lighter than when Arel-nim instructed us to train in the past?”

“Is that so?”

That's right. At the time, I was so absorbed in teaching that I didn't really care what it looked like.

Well, Asha and Seina had qualities even back then.

That's why I was able to endure even my outgoing training menu.

At the time, did you just care about growing quickly?

“But where is Seina? Didn't you see?”

“Seina… Oh, she’s coming back over there.”

Asha, who was looking around, pointed to one place with her eyes.

Then, Seina led the soldiers, slowly walking back to the training ground.

“Arel-nim, what the hell is going on?”

Similarly, Seina also sent back the exhausted soldiers.

The soldiers are full of expressions of joy as if they were alive.

Isn't it usually stained with despair when a high-ranking person comes to inspect it?

I think I ate something terrible with this too?

“...Where have you been? hmm? Are your clothes wet?”

Seeing that the soldiers' clothes were wet, he wondered.

“It’s nothing. I just ordered him to go canter outside the castle as usual.”

“....huh? You cantered down an ordinary mountain over there, right?”

You mean the one with nothing but rocks and snow?

You mean the place where the snow falls down to the waist?

So it's a common mountain in Fahilia, right?

If you roll, you mean that snowball that rolls all the way to the bottom of the mountain?

The only reason Seina is fine is because her eyes were blown out with an aura.

It's not mean.

It's also training, so even though it looks convenient, it's secretly tiring.

....No, are you really saying that I rolled them harder than that? Is it true?

While looking back on what I was like in the past, the two knights tidied up their outfits and stood in front of me.

“'s okay. Let’s not look back at the past.”


“What do you mean?”

“not a big deal. So, training goes well’?”

“Yes, so far it is going as we reported before.”

By the way, the training isn't usually this hard.

Recently, the intensity of training has increased dramatically.

There is only one reason.

“There were a few soldiers who looked promising, even among those I was in charge of.”

“The same goes for us. It looks pretty budding.”

What possibilities are they talking about?

It refers to the possibility of blooming aura.

Talent is always in short supply.

In particular, the knights tend to have a particularly severe shortage of talent.

If you want to be called at least a low-level knight without a title here.

Setting aside everything else, there is one absolute condition.

Awakening the aura right away.

Even if it's not a high level like the girls, it should be at least a level where the aura dwells in the sword.

And that's pretty damn hard.

Even if I organize and theorize the awakening system of the Aura and reflect it in training, the current situation is that it is reflected only in the existing knights.

Even though the quality of the articles increased considerably, the number of Aura users did not increase.

After all, talent shortages are always the same.

“Training to select talented people who can wake up in Aura... It's good that it's going smoothly.”

“Because it's about training selected soldiers. Wouldn’t it be rather troublesome if I couldn’t follow?”

If you don't have talent, you can create it.

The purpose of this training is to create usable talent.

This is training to train Auror users.

‘...Actually, I can just skim through it.'

But I can't interview every time.

And, like Kania noona's case, you can't awaken them by going through the veins one by one.

don't be honest I'm sick of it.

So, now is the time to gradually hand over the level of talent development to the girls.

“But does the sword really open its eyes in this way?”

“There is another method, but that is a bit difficult… And even though it looks ignorant, is this a venerable and traditional method?”

The method is extremely simple.

It is literally rolled to the limit to the extent that it does not die, and it makes the body and mind exhausted.

Then, without realizing it, you fall into a trance, and a guy with qualities emits an aura.

To put it bluntly, it's the logic that if you're about to die, even the power you don't have will bloom.

Although it seems ignorant, it is a method that has been used frequently since ancient times.

A guy who doesn't die after rolling off a cliff has a chance.

It made it a little more kind.

To that end, they now gather potential soldiers and roll them up.

Until the aura blooms.

It is training to forcefully give an opportunity.

Do not call it inhumane.

Even if this training looks like this, only those who wish are accepted.

If you want to be strong, apply.

But human rights are not guaranteed.

In case you didn't know, I even accepted the pledge.

“Once it blooms, the next time... If I teach it according to my existing theory, no matter how talented I am, I will rise to the beginning of the Aura Prevention.”


The two were amazed.

A plan to turn the whole battalion-level troops into comers and users.

Fortunately, it seemed to go smoothly.

Besides that, even if the aura is not awakened, the level of the soldiers is raised through hard training and support.

Arm them with quality weapons supplied by our territory.

Unlike the previous Three Kingdoms War, you can prepare more thoroughly as you have more time to prepare.

“If the level rises to a certain level thereafter, we plan to greatly support it.”

For that purpose, a large quantity of elixirs and other methods were prepared.

just wake up

I'll give you medicine, and I'll pickle you again.

How to make a strong army?


It's good equipment and it's a drug!

A drugged army.

It's cool just to hear it.

It's not even about making first-class articles.

So this way is much better.


“Ahahaha…. I hope there are no deaths.”

“...why are you worried about the elixir?”

Well, these days, my special elixir has been improved even more after a while, and it has reached a higher level of tastelessness.

The result shocked me too.

No, but I don't know why this special elixir loses its taste the more you improve it.

“Oh, come to think of it, I also developed a new elixir. Are the effects amazing?”

The complexion of both of them turned pale.

“Ah, I’m glad that Arell-nim is considerate, but since we’re busy too…

“Ahahaha…. Thank you, but I’ll decline.”

Even the two people who are accustomed to the existing elixir shake their heads.

The tooth effect is good.

I contacted them directly and asked the wizards for what they needed.

He had already mentioned the possibility of war, asking him to keep it confidential.

“Looking at Arel-nim talking so far, it seems that the war with the Holy Kingdom is a fait accompli.”

“It won’t be as large-scale as before, but… to the point where we have to be prepared.”

“...Are you saying this at a time like this?”

A bitter note emanated from his voice.

Even if it's not, the Mage Tower is in the middle of the warlock rescue operation.

In such a yard, war rumors are popping up, so it must be quite a headache.

“don't worry. This time, it won't be to the level where you guys can join the battle.”

In the contract the Mage Tower made with the kingdom, it is written that they will participate in war when it breaks out.

However, the duty to participate in the war is limited only to critical battles in which the survival of the kingdom is contested.

Otherwise, you'll be called out for even the slightest dispute.

“However, the premise is that we sort things out quickly.”

“Hmm… I see.”

Helmin accepted my request.

Even if it wasn't because of the war, there was a plan to supply equipment on a large scale for the exclusive magicians who resided and studied on our side sooner or later.

That's why he accepted it so easily because he had said something he wanted to ask for before.

“We will prepare the requested items without delay.”

“Yes, work hard. Depending on your sincerity, it might make me feel better.”

Gold coins might spill out of my pockets when I feel better.

At such a joke, Helmin let out a laugh.

If money comes, he will not hesitate.

“I'll try my best.”

I don't think there's anything else to say. When I'm about to disconnect.

“...Come to think of it, Mr. Arell. About what you asked me personally last time.”

Helmin carefully tried to say something.

I stopped and listened again.

“Did you find out?”

“It wasn't difficult to investigate. At best, it was to peruse the remaining materials.”

“…Okay, listen. Tell me everything you know.”

I listened to the communication phrase as it was and urged him to answer in a slightly lower tone than before.

It seemed that the conversation with him would have been a little longer.

A small farming village located at the southwestern tip of the Merman Empire.

Most of the residents who live here are people who have lived here by farming for generations.

Although the financial situation of the village was not affluent, it is such a simple place where the villagers work together every year to earn money by farming each year.

It was only a little while ago that something catastrophic happened to those residents.

“....oh my god?”

“What happened?”

The villagers were huddled together with fear-stricken faces and were talking among themselves.

There is not one among them who does not tremble with anxiety.

Even during a drought without a single drop of rain throughout the year, he would not have looked so desperate.

What broke their trivial peace was the ridiculous declaration of an official dispatched from the imperial palace.

“I am Nari! What are you talking about? Please think again!”

An old man was lying face down on the floor, wailing as if pleading, not daring to raise his head.

He is the mayor of this village.

“Have you not heard? Eh... that's why lowly things are like that. It's okay to be rude because you don't know the language.”

A low-ranking nobleman who had been dispatched according to the will of the lord of this place clicked his tongue and read the official document again.

“You guys haven't been able to properly cover the set taxes for three years.”

With that said, he told me the amount of unpaid taxes.

Not only the village headman, but everyone else was shocked.

The amount was not an amount that a single rural village could afford.

It was such an enormous amount that even a large city could not collect it.

“That… that can’t be…

“What are you saying, you dare not believe my words for a lowly fellow? Look at it.”

Saying so, the official threw a copy of the official document to the village chief.

He barely read it with trembling eyes.

The amount really written down was right on the absurd.

“This… wasn’t this heavy before!”

“It was raised to the imperial honor.”

Can you tell me really concisely why the tax went up?

From a listening point of view, I have nothing to say.

“Or what? Do you dare to disobey His Majesty's will?”

It was an unusual atmosphere to put a hand on the sword at the waist while threatening him.

Here, it was clear that if he further refused, he would probably be killed directly.

Even knowing that, the village chief has no choice but to plead with the determination to die.

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