Chapter 194? Finding out how to use the printing press (4)

“If you want to learn music, go to Welkenryung if you want to learn painting, go to Pracheryeong?”

“I say so. Come to think of it, the teacher who taught me violin when I was young was also active in Welken.”

Hmm, the sudden drop in reliability?

I just stared at Asha, who was happy to recall memories of the past.

Anyway, if you want to find a painter, it is most certain to go to Pracheryeong rather than other cities.

But there is one annoying thing.

“If I go to Bonama or Pratsehyeong, he'll be very attached to me.”

“…Is that why you were in trouble?”

Is that why it's important to me?

“It's just disgusting to try to be kind to a subject you were hostile to before.”

The fact that you, an old man who has grown to his age, clings to you annoyingly while trembling with flattery is more humiliating than any kind of torture.

It's really annoying.

“Still, if you want to find a painter, there’s no other place to go, so there’s no way you can’t stop going there.”

“Let’s inform Pracheryeong of our visit schedule in advance.”

This time, due to the schedule, Asha was to follow as an escort, so she was directing all preparations.

Go through the process of formally notifying the visit.

I called the woman who was going to give instructions.

“Wait a minute.”


“No matter what, I don’t want to listen to that old man’s flattery.”

No matter what he says, I have the confidence to kick and spit on him.

However, I have no desire to have a friendly conversation with an old man who is just black inside.

It was obvious that what I ate would not be digested.

“Then are you going somewhere else?”

Painters are not necessarily only in Pracheryeong.

There are also small cooperatives in other cities.

For reference, there is no union of painters in Fahilia.

It is originally a barren land, and the city itself is now a commercial district, so the power of the business is great.

“No, I am not going. That is, ”

I proposed with a smile to Asha, who was listening blankly.

“I want to go secretly.”

“…Are you serious?”

A little, but the light disappeared from Asha's eyes.

It seemed that he had already begun to have forebodings about the annoyances he was about to experience.

“huh. I'm serious.”

Now that I'm used to my behavior, if I pretend, I pretend.

It's just a matter of predicting the future.

Why are you doing this now?

It's not once or twice that I've done this.

It's infiltration...

Come to think of it, there was a time when I had an accident and a wanted order fell, so I secretly hid from city to city.

Of course, it was something I had experienced in my previous life.

Back then, I didn't have enough knowledge to master the powers I have now, so I had to risk my life and hide in the city.

When I think about it, it's a very longing memory.

If you want to go back, that's not it either.

Now, if you are in the same situation, it's just a guard and a castle wall, and you'll break through or blow it up and rush in.

Certainly, when you gain strength, your behavior deserves to be radical.

Because punching is a hundred times more comfortable than rolling hair.

Still, it's not that I can't do anything cumbersome.

Rather, I am overflowing with confidence to do better!

Just like this!!

“Kehill Harald. Is it Sharon Harald?”

“That's right.”

“What is the purpose of your visit?”

“This is the way to bring goods from Pahilia in the north. The product is what you see.”

I pointed to the carriage being inspected from behind.

“A merchant…? You are young... Is there a married couple there...?”

As if unexpected, the soldier looked at me and at the woman sitting in the driver's seat alternately.

They didn't specifically mention that they were a couple, but they must have guessed that because the surnames written on the ID they presented were the same.

Originally, human beings are creatures that make their own conclusions in their heads if given appropriate grounds.

He was looking at me with curious eyes.

Well, it's rare to see a young married couple.

“Because my wife hates to stay in her hometown alone, leaving me behind.

Wouldn't it be better than traveling there alone?”

“It is true. On the one hand, I envy you.”

While chatting a little, the soldier's gaze softened.

This is evidence that your vigilance has weakened somewhat.

Above all, the ID card and product warranty I presented are perfect, so what is there to doubt?

He concluded by simply writing a few characters in the ledger.

“good night. pass.”

The soldier guarding the gate immediately shouted “Pass” without much doubt after I checked my national pass and ID one last time.

I secretly smiled evilly as I put the ID card and the stamped pass back into my arms.

“Wow, I didn’t even manage to catch it. stupid children. Huhuhuhuhu...

“...I don't want to do it twice. I was nervous because I thought I would be caught.”

Asha, who had been sitting in the coachman's seat without showing anything until just now, sighed while sweeping her chest.

Asha and I, who just passed the checkpoint, were making opposite expressions.

Unlike me, who was happy with her passing safely and her perfect performance, Asha seemed to have a complicated feeling.

First of all, he's a fallen nobleman, and now he's an escort knight for the three princes.

This is because they are casually hiding in the city with fake IDs.

I guess I feel incredibly weird.

“It’s okay, Asha. It's okay if you don't get caught.”

“…is that a problem?”

“But actually, it doesn’t matter if I get caught.”

Even if they get caught, as long as I am the reason, everyone will say, ‘Aha, that's right.' I'm sure it will pass.

After all, for me, it's nothing more than a little prank.

“Originally, if caught doing something like this, it would be the death penalty.”

“If someone else does it, it's an affair. If I do it, it's romance.”


Asha didn't understand what I said and looked blankly at me.

Come to think of it, there were no such words in Ernesia Kingdom.

“It means everything will be fine if I do it.”

“…is that so?”

I believe in that again.

“And never take it.”

I smirked as I took out my forged ID and rolled it in the palm of my hand.

My acting is perfect, but the biggest reason is the ID I showed them and the certificate of the product.

“To be precise, it is not forgery.”

Counterfeiting refers to when something is faked using organizations or equipment not recognized by the state.

However, this ID card I presented was officially issued under the permission of the lord of Fahilia.

Even experts can't figure this out.

It's real in the first place!

Only the facts stated so far are false.

Cahill and Sharon.

I just wrote a false fact about the identity of only two people who do not exist.

“But didn’t you make it too soon?”

It is natural for Asha to have doubts.

No matter how much I, the lord, planned it, there was no way that the status of a non-existent person would be created overnight.

“Of course, it wasn’t made in one day.”

I giggled and taught him the truth.

“They told me to prepare this only since I was appointed as the lord of Fahilia.”

“???? yes?”

“I've been making it since I took over as lord.”

I said one more time to Asha who responded in disbelief.

Check the population again and check what the previous lord had left out.

In the process of organizing the paperwork once again, I secretly created a fake identity that did not exist.

“In addition, the warranty of the product is also genuine issued by the Arnil Chamber of Commerce.”

This is also not a forgery, but a genuine certificate issued by ordering Uncle Lichen.

In addition, even now, the two of us are registered as full-fledged merchants in the Chamber of Commerce.

There is even a fabricated transaction history.

Everything was prepared so that no one would ever dig into this contradiction, no matter who doubted it.

There are over 1,000 people working at Arnil Trading Company alone.

It is also based on the head office.

In addition, there are now more peddlers registered with the Chamber of Commerce to do business with them.

Three or four fake identities can easily be inserted.

“The most convenient way to get in and out of any city is as a peddler.”

They are the ones who go everywhere to sell products.

Of course, the inspection is as difficult as that, but if you're like me who makes certificates that are no different from the real thing, it's absolutely fine.

Asha exploded in admiration as I laid out the reasons we would never get caught.

It seemed that half of his heartfelt admiration was half of his feeling that this human being had to go this far.

“wait a minute? But you created a fake identity from then on, did you expect this to happen?”

“huh. Even if it wasn’t necessary, I was assuming that there might be a time when I might need it.”

Humans go through all sorts of things in their lives.

In the early days of Fahilia's appointment, I prepared for various things and made all sorts of minor preparations.

This ID was also part of that.

To be precise, it was to escape in case of emergency.

I don't have to write it for that reason now, so I can write it half playfully like this.

“But… there…

” “Huh? why? Asha, do you think there is something wrong?”

If so, that's a big deal.

Since I am a human being, there is always the possibility of missing something.

“But that couple

… isn’t it a bit excessive?”

“huh? Do you only care about that?”

oh i did something

Asha seemed to be quite concerned with the conversation I had with the soldier and the fake names of the two of us written on our ID cards.

Um is it?

In fact, even though a virgin who has not yet married is a false identity, is it worth worrying about being treated as a married woman? If you don't, you might get caught up in a scandal.

“I couldn't help it. Because this is the relationship that will not be the most suspicious.”

Even when a young man and a woman accompany each other, this is the only relationship that raises the least suspicion.

this is the best

Of course, I look younger on my side, but now I can justify it as baby face.

And Asha... I can't say this to myself, but she looks a lot younger than her actual age.

That's why this behavior works.

In fact, no one doubted.

“Or do you hate it? Well… if that’s the case, then I have nothing to say.”

“ Not like that.”

Asha murmured softly as if her feelings were somewhat complicated.

“By the way, Mr. Arell? If Seina and the others come here, what kind of relationship do you pretend to have?”



“They are all married couples.”

In the Kingdom of Ernesia, polygamy is allowed according to ability.

Of course, there must be a guarantor.

That's why, just in case, I made up fake identities for all of our women's staff.

and.... I put them all the same way.

Actually, this was the simplest.

And I'm afraid to misunderstand, but in the case of Darmon, it's my brother.

Aken is my adopted older brother.

There's no misunderstanding in the first place, but...

When I proudly explained it, Asha opened her mouth small and couldn't bear to speak.

He must have been surprised by my meticulous spirit of preparation.

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